Taking Xiaolan and Blackie, the two came to the beach.

Ye Qing had to sigh that this system would do things, and he encountered something just when he came out.

A package lies quietly on the beach.

“Ye Qing, look, there seems to be something over there.” Zhao Ling shouted excitedly, and the person had already run over.

Ye Qing wanted this effect, snickering in his heart, but his face showed a very excited look and ran over with Zhao Ling.

“Wow… Many, many…”

Zhao Ling was already incoherent, and when Ye Qing arrived, he found that she was unpacking, and a bag of rice appeared in front of the two.

The bag of rice is at least 50 kilograms, and it seems that the system is indeed generous with what is eaten.

“Hehe, it seems that you have to be lucky, just came out and picked up something.” Ye Qing “complimented” in the back.

“Uh-huh, yes, yes, yes…”

As he was talking, Ye Qing found that there was another package on the beach not far away, and immediately pointed out: “Eh, look over there, is there still something?” ”

“Where, where?”

Zhao Ling shouted and quickly ran over, and after a while, he excitedly recruited Ye Qing.

In the end, under Zhao Ling’s “efforts”, the items that Ye Qing exchanged at night were finally gathered on the edge of the beach and piled up like a hill.

Zhao Ling jumped and shouted at this hill, like a child who found a candy house, so happy that he couldn’t find the edge, dancing on the beach.

Ye Qing also had a smile on her face when she looked at the back, it seems that this girl is indeed too depressed during this time, maybe this is her essence.

After a while, Zhao Ling’s excitement finally subsided, and he suddenly frowned again: “Ye Qing, do you say that these things will be floating over from the plane?” Is it possible that the wreckage of the plane is near here? ”

For this problem, in fact, Ye Qing can’t say clearly, because the dog system in his mind is the same as this island, it is very mysterious, and he doesn’t know if these things are picked up by the system from the plane.

After thinking about it, he tentatively said: “Maybe, then do you want us to find a time to search nearby?” ”

“Uh-huh.” Zhao Ling nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, and said, “Maybe you can find others.” ”

Ye Qing smiled, he was happy to see such a result, after all, there was still a reward for exploration, even if there was no such thing, he had to find a reason to explore the surroundings.

The two chatted for a while, both talking about some things and not, and finally called Xiao Hei, and the helper moved the things back.

Exploring that was a later matter, and the two of them had more important things to do right now.

Back in the cave, Zhao Ling had already begun to make breakfast eagerly.

After having rice, both of them said that they didn’t want to eat only green crabs, saying that Zhao Ling began to tinker with the big pot to cook rice, and then took advantage of this gap to pick up a few live seafood on the beach, cooking soup and stir-frying, and was busy and happy.

Of course, Ye Qing was not idle, he was digging here and there near the cave, and after some tossing, he finally appeared in front of Zhao Ling holding a few stones.

Without exception, these stones are all plate-like and similar in size, only the size of a palm.

This was discussed last night, and Ye Qing was going to start making stone gongs.

Although this thing is the most primitive and simple tool for human beings, there are still many things that need to be paid attention to when making it.

The first is the selection of materials.

It’s not just a matter of finding a stone, the stone you are looking for is best to have a certain shape, which can save a lot of polishing steps.

Next, pay attention to the material and grain of the stone.

Of course, the material must be selected with a relatively high hardness, otherwise it is simply a waste of time to fall apart when touched casually.

The grain of the stone is also very important, Ye Qing remembers that a philosopher proposed a concept of “textured marble” before, this concept is very interesting, roughly means that the stone that can be carved actually has the appearance of a statue, and the carver just shows the original appearance of the stone according to a little processing according to this pattern.

This may seem like a joke now, but in fact, the grain of a stone plays a key role in what a stone can become.

Because the stones are the crystallization formed by the accumulation of rock layers over countless years, the grain needs to be particularly tight to make the stone gong, and the blade surface must follow the direction of the grain, so that it is not easy to break when stressed.

Among the stones brought back, only three met Ye Qing’s standards after selection.

The next step is polishing.

Of course, ordinary stones could not reach the standard of Shi Gong, and what Ye Qing had to do was sharpen one of them.

And if you want to make a stone axe, you also need to make the stone into a specific shape.

This is another meticulous task and time-consuming.

Zhao Ling came over and called him to eat, and Ye Qing had to put down his work and return to the cave.

I have to say that Zhao Ling’s craftsmanship is really too good to say, the fragrant rice has been wrapped in leaves by Zhao Ling and placed on the ground, in addition, there are three different dishes, all color and aroma.

There is also a pot of soup in the big iron pot next to it, which is three dishes and one soup in the true sense.

In fact, Ye Qing felt that there was no need to make such trouble, just eat a little casually.

But Zhao Ling said that sometimes life must have a sense of ritual, and in order to celebrate the fact that you have picked up so many things today, you must eat well.

Ye Qing was speechless to refute this, and besides, these meals increased their appetite when they looked at it, and he would not be unable to live with his stomach.

But look at the mineral water next to it has gone down more than half, the heart began to tighten again, this time the mall update does not have mineral water, which shows that the things in this are completely random, although these water can save a little and can last until the next mall refresh, but no one knows if there will be the next time.

It seems that finding a long-term source of fresh water is really imminent.

Of course, it’s also important to get things done at hand.

After a full meal, Ye Qing returned to the outside of the cave and began to polish his stone gong.

Fortunately, the stones he chose were relatively thin, and the shape was relatively close to the finished product he wanted, so the original time-consuming step he only took less than two hours to find three satisfactory stone gongs, one of which was polished by him into the shape of an axe, which was used to make stone axes.

After the stone axe is made, the next step is to try the power, and the handle of the stone axe also needs wood to craft, just to complete it together.

Picking a small log of just the right size near the cave, Ye Qing began to work.

This tree is only half the size of a forearm, not too thick, although the stone gong is the simplest tool, but it is also very easy to cut down, Ye Qing is still very satisfied with the results of his work, much faster than directly using a saber to slowly sharpen.

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