After eating and resting for a while, Ye Qing was about to start working again.

Everything is ready to make a wooden bed.

There was no wooden bed made in the previous skill book, but for the things that were used to sleep all day, Ye Qing still knew a little about construction.

Generally speaking, the simple wooden bed structure is actually very simple, in the absence of nails and other fixtures, two eyes facing different faces on each end of the four pillars, and then take two groups of wood, a group of four, each group of the same length, both sides of the wood are cut mortise, and then embedded in the eyes of the pillars, forming a cuboid frame can be completed.

Of course, it is simple to say, but for Ye Qing, the workload is not small.

The so-called swastika is to punch holes in the wood, just like when he made a stone axe in the morning, but this time, each pillar had to make four eyes, and a bed required sixteen eyes, and he had to make two beds, and the workload was doubled.

But there is no way, to make a solid wooden bed, this is a necessary step.

But this time, Ye Qing didn’t need to drill directly with the saber like in the morning, and when he was chopping wood earlier, he accidentally found a stone.

To be precise, it was a stone strip, the size of a thumb, about ten centimeters in length, when it was first discovered, Ye Qing felt that this was not true, because such a stone shape was too strange.

But he was also very happy, because the shape of this stone bar was so suitable for polishing into a chisel.

With the help of Shi Gong, after half an hour’s effort, the ten-centimeter-long stone strip was partially interrupted by Ye Qing’s hand, and when it became a length of about six or seven centimeters, the stone chisel was finally completed.

It is very rudimentary and rough, but it is not a problem to use to cut holes in the wood.

It took nearly two more hours to finally chisel the required number of eyes on all eight pillars, and then it was much simpler.

The standard of the mortise does not need to be too strict, as long as it can be inserted into the eye, it is simply cut with a stone gong, and it is completed quickly.

The next is the splicing, this workload is not large, it is completed in ten minutes, but in some places the connection between the mortise and the eye is not tight, and a slight movement will produce a tilt.

This was also difficult for Ye Qing, and he used a stone gong to cut a few pieces of wood chips, filled them in and knocked them with stones, and the frame of the wooden bed was revealed.

After the frame is completed, it is immediately laid down, and there is currently a shortage of tools, and Ye Qing can only select some relatively thin and straight wood to put on it, these woods also need to be of similar size, otherwise it will be very difficult to sleep.

This is not a problem, Ye Qing has been paying attention to this problem when chopping wood, so it is completed quickly.

Jumped to the upper interview, although it was still a little shaky, but that was only because the ground in the cave was not flat, and the wood gap cut by the stone gong was not directly sawed out by a saw.

These are minor problems, just put some wood chips or stones underneath.

It took Ye Qing nearly an afternoon for the two wooden beds to finally be spliced.

In the face of his own work results, Ye Qing is still relatively satisfied, at least he does not have to sleep directly on the ground in the future, and the quality of sleep can also be greatly improved.

Zhao Ling was also very happy, after Ye Qing had just finished the wooden bed, she directly lay down and tried it, and then laid the leaves according to the comfort until she was satisfied.

In addition, there were a lot of unused clothes in the suitcase before, and after Zhao Ling tore these clothes into rags, he spread them on them, and at first glance, it really looked like a bed.

Ye Qing couldn’t care about her, and while it was still early, he still had to make a shelf out.

The shelves are not as strict as the requirements of the bed, and they only need to be simply fixed.

This time, Ye Qing did not plan to use the mortise technique, although the thing is good, it is too grinding.

He cut grooves directly on the selected wood, then buckled the wood with the grooves of the wood, and then fixed it with hemp rope made of rubbed bark, generally not deliberately shaken, when a simple shelf is no problem.

However, because it is a multi-layer shelf to be made, it takes some time to lay in the middle, and here it is necessary to break the wood into countless short pieces of wood of similar length, even with a stone axe, this process takes a lot of time.

These pieces of wood were all broken by Ye Qing into a length of about thirty centimeters, and then laid side by side on top of the shelves, and a three-layer shelf was completed.

After doing all this, Ye Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief, this day kept him busy, and he didn’t even care about drinking water.

In fact, the wooden bed leaf green can also be done better, for example, the leaves on it will become dry in a few days, and they will have to be replaced at that time.

The best way is to go to the perimeter and cut some thatch, and then weave it into a whole thick straw mat, which can be used for a long time.

The toughness of thatch is much better than that of leaves, and after weaving, it can be used as a roof for so long, and it will only last longer if it is used as a straw mat without wind and sun.

But that’s a matter for later, because it’s another extremely time-consuming thing, especially when there is no sickle and leaves are temporarily substituted.

Zhao Ling had already prepared dinner, and Ye Qing went to the beach to take a bath and wash off the sweat stains on his body before returning to eat.

After eating, it was already evening, and it was time to tinker with the radio every day.

I don’t know if it’s because of the weather, tonight’s sky is much clearer than last night, and the radio signal is much better, at least when receiving information from outside, there is no such feeling of stuttering.

They are still constantly trying to contact the outside world, and although they have not succeeded for so long, this has become a necessary habit for Ye Qing and Zhao Ling every day after dinner.

Two people one by one, sitting at the door of the cave, without any communication, all their attention was on the radio in their hands.

But in fact, Ye Qing’s radio station is much better than Zhao Ling’s, although Zhao Ling’s radio can also receive some outside information, but only a few fixed channels, and Ye Qing’s difference, as long as the signal is good, he can receive almost all the bands in the world.

“Hey, hey, hey… Can anyone hear me? ”

Suddenly, a soft female voice sounded on the radio in Ye Qing’s arms, and the two people at the door of the cave froze, and then they were ecstatic.

After trying for so long, I can finally contact the outside world again!

Before Ye Qing could speak, Zhao Ling’s side couldn’t wait to shout: “Can hear, can hear, can you hear us?” ”

“Can you … You are…… Zhao Ling?! Oh my God…”

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