Eat breakfast and watch the rain outside get heavier again.

Ye Qing knew that he had to speed up the progress, and immediately called Zhao Ling and Furni, and even Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan went out and went towards the spring water.

The first is to make sure that there are enough fresh water resources, there is not much left, and before burning some to wipe your body, now there is only a small amount, and you must redraw water before the rain intensifies.

As for why don’t you take rainwater to drink, because the process of falling rainwater will dissolve a trace amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and become slightly acidic, and it will also be mixed with a lot of dust in the air…

Originally, two buckets of fresh water were enough for them to drink for a long time, but now that there is a large iron bucket exchanged from the system, Ye Qing will wash it by the way to fill the water, and reserve a little more, even if it is not used up for a while, it will be convenient in the future.

Xiao Hei followed Zhao Lin, and Funi followed Ye Qing, and the two sides divided up labor.

Zhao Ling’s side is mainly to take water, Ye Qing used hemp rope to weave a bucket sleeve on the two buckets, and then filled with water, and then used hemp rope to connect the two bucket sleeves, so that it can be directly put on Xiao Hei’s back, let him carry back, Zhao Ling does not have to work hard.

Her job was mainly to fill the big iron bucket, and it was estimated that she had to run more than a dozen times, which was not an easy job, and with the rain gradually increasing, she had to hurry.

Ye Qing’s words here are mainly to cut bamboo.

He used a stone axe to chop in front, and Furni was responsible for following behind with the machete, waiting until Ye Qing was chopped, cleaning up the branches on it, and then according to Ye Qing’s request, breaking the bamboo into a certain length, and then gathering it together.

If you really want to calculate it, Funi has a larger workload than Ye Qing, but because he needs to choose the right bamboo, plus the work efficiency of the stone axe is not very high, the two are basically equal.

After about half an hour or so of chopping, there was already a large pile of bamboo piled in the open space outside the bamboo forest, and Ye Qing looked at it should be almost the same, so he stopped.

At this time, Zhao Ling had just transported water three times, and according to her, so far, the water transported had not even reached one-third of the large iron bucket.

Ye Qing asked her to continue, and then left it alone.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to help, but there’s a lot of work to be done on his side.

Just moving the previous pile of bamboo back took nearly an hour.

This time, there was no help from Xiao Hei, only him and Furny, each time the transfer was really a little small, and it took four or five trips to move.

When I went back for the last time, I found that the iron bucket had been filled with about two-thirds of the water, and seeing that the rain outside was getting bigger and bigger, Ye Qing asked Zhao Ling not to go, anyway, now this water is enough for the three of them for half a month.

Let Furni and Zhao Ling go to the fire first and dry the clothes.

Ye Qing himself couldn’t take care of this, and ran to the woods to cut two calf-thick logs, and after bringing them back, he hurriedly carried out with two rusty small iron buckets that were originally used to hold shrimp that were taken from the boat before.

Half an hour later, when he returned, the two small iron buckets were stuffed and spiky.

There was nothing else in it, it was clay dug from the edge of the spring.

These clays are actually not very sticky, but now there is no better one, Ye Qing can only use it.

Next, it’s time to start building a door to the cave.

This cave is still a distance from the entrance of the cave to become wider, so there is no need to build a door directly at the entrance of the cave, so that it is easy to find traces of artificiality from the outside.

In order to keep it secret, Ye Qing planned to secure the door halfway through the entrance of the cave, so that the situation inside could not be easily seen from the outside, and the place outside the door could also be used for cooking in the future, just isolated from the sleeping place.

After all, if you leave the hole open, the light inside is definitely not enough, and it is not convenient to cook.

Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to act.

It took nearly two hours to chisel two holes about ten centimeters deep with a scrap iron rod at the foot of the rock walls on both sides of the cave, and it took nearly two hours, and it was only after Furney asked him what he was going to do.

No way, the bottom of this cave is full of stones, and if there are no tools at hand, it is good to be able to do this.

Widen the opening to fit the size of the previous two logs.

Then Ye Qing put the log in and shook it, and found that it was still firmly stopped, which was satisfactory.

Of course, the hole hewn out of the hole cannot fit perfectly with the log, so this is where the clay dug up earlier comes in.

Stuff clay into the gaps around the perimeter and tamp it to make sure that the logs don’t shake easily as if they had taken root here.

These two logs are the door frames.

After fixing the door frame, the next thing is the door panel, the two door panels have been pressed under the generator before, so Ye Qing has to make it himself.

The current conditions do not allow, and he cannot turn wood into wooden boards, so he can only use bamboo to make it.

Cut the bamboo cut back before to the desired length, about one meter and five meters.

Then split in the shape of a cross from the middle with a machete.

Here Ye Qing made a small cross-like thing with a tenon and tenon structure to form a cross pin, and then after crossing a hole with a machete at one end of the bamboo, he put the thing on it, and then hit it with the back of the knife, and it was easy to divide a bamboo into four petals.

This process did not require any technology, so Ye Qing made two more cross pins for Zhao Ling and Furni to beat, and he himself used a machete to cut the opening of the bamboo.

The three cooperated, and soon cut out a lot of bamboo pieces, which looked almost the same, Ye Qing let the two go to rest, and then began to make his own door panel.

The process of using bamboo to make the door panel is not complicated, he only needs to pick two bamboos and cut them to the length he wants, mainly based on the distance between the two logs previously set.

Cut in half from the middle.

Then take half of the cut bamboo and place it on the ground with the incision facing up. Try to keep the position parallel, between the two bamboos, shorter than the length of the previously cut bamboo sheet.

The distance between bamboo and bamboo is the length of the door panel, and the length of the bamboo becomes the width of the door panel.

Next, the previously cut pieces of bamboo are placed vertically with the two bamboos until the length of the bamboo is lined up below, and then the other half of the two pillars is taken, closed from above, fixed with hemp rope, and a simple door panel is ready.

Put the door panel up and place it between the two logs, the width is just right.

Ye Qing admired his work with satisfaction for a while, and then asked Zhao Ling and Furni to help him hold it so that the door panel would not fall, and then picked up the hemp rope on the ground, passed through the middle of the door panel, and then tied it to one of the logs.

In this way, as long as the hemp rope is strong enough, it can be turned into a movable ring buckle, which can be used as a hinge (hinge) while fixing the door panel.

After fixing, I pushed it left and right, and found that although the door panel sometimes scraped to the ground, this is also a matter of no way, after all, the ground is not smooth, and you can pay attention to it when opening and closing the door in the future.

However, the range of activity of this door is really large, almost three hundred and sixty degrees of rotation, although this is nothing, but obsessive-compulsive disorder, Ye Qing still found a bamboo from the inside between the two logs, and then bolted firmly, turning into a simple threshold.

In this way, the door can only be pushed outward and not inward when opened in the future.

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