Ye Qing was a little surprised to be able to solve the opponent so quickly, but thinking about it, it was actually reasonable.

The green wolf itself was injured, and although the speed was still agile, it still had some impact, so in terms of speed, Ye Qing was faster than it.

Moreover, the machete that Ye Qing threw out earlier did not intend to use this to kill the green wolf, but it was just to attract the attention of the other party, so that the green wolf had to change its posture to continue to run in order to avoid the machete, which also bought Ye Qing a lot of time.

In the end, this green wolf is too smart, and being smart makes it think and make it suspicious, so when it saw that the machete was thrown out by Ye Qing, it hesitated, and then died.

Whoosh… Whoosh… Whoosh…

Suddenly, the remaining three green wolves suddenly howled, crying mournfully, straight into the sky!

Ye Qing and the others were all shaken by this cry, and they were a little puzzled.

This is not the first green wolf to die, but when the first green wolf died, these green wolves did not seem to care at all, and they were still fighting their own battles.

Why did the death of this second head make them so different?

Ye Qing thought for a while, then stunned, and then dumbfounded.

Could it be that the one he killed turned out to be the Wolf King?

Thinking back to the beginning so far, this wolf’s actions are too anthropomorphic, to be honest, if it weren’t for the wolf king, he would have thought that this green wolf would have become a master.

Of course, this was just a small thing that happened in the middle of the battle, even if it was howling, those green wolves did not stop attacking, and the attack was even more fierce.

Funi was okay, although she hadn’t been able to kill the green wolf for a while, but the green wolf couldn’t help her, Ye Qing believed that if there was enough time, she would definitely be able to defeat the green wolf.

Xiao Hei’s side is more miserable, the two green wolves besieged together, originally let it stretched, barely supported, now because Ye Qing killed the wolf king, these green wolves are like crazy into a violent state, only in the blink of an eye, Xiao Hei has a lot of scars on his body.

Although they are all skin trauma, they are still shocking to look at.

The saber in Ye Qing’s hand waved, and he quickly joined the battle.

The saber in his hand was still stained with the blood of the wolf king, and the two green wolves saw him as if they had seen their father-killers, and they all turned from Xiao Hei’s side to deal with him.

Xiao Hei could let them get their wish, one of them pounced on Ye Qing, and the other one was about to pounce, but was cut off by Xiao Hei in mid-air, biting the opponent’s hind legs, dragging it violently, and directly slammed the green wolf to the ground, and then pounced on it is a tearing bite.

Although it was difficult to fight one against two before, after all, it was able to support for so long, Xiao Hei’s strength was still very strong, and now Ye Qing divided an enemy, and it quickly dominated the battle, and the green wolf directly laid his own defeat because of the move that pounced on Ye Qing.

The battle on Ye Qing’s side also seemed very easy, and with the experience of fighting with a wolf, he could also be regarded as having discovered that although these green wolves were extremely fast, their claws and teeth were very sharp, there were not many attack methods they could use.

Turning over and over, it is also scratching and biting these kinds, as long as the eyes are good enough, the speed is fast enough, it is still very easy to dodge.

Moreover, the speed of this wolf now is not as fast as the previous one suspected of being the wolf king, and Ye Qing is simply not too easy to deal with.

As if it had been given life in his hand, the saber flipped quickly at an incredible speed and angle, and with each stroke, it could cause a lot of damage to the green wolf.

However, what surprised Ye Qing was that whether it was his own side or the two ends on Xiao Hei and Funi’s side, even if they were scarred and about to die, they did not have the slightest intention of retreating, but became more and more courageous.

How are these green wolves not afraid of death?

Ye Qing couldn’t help but wonder, he had heard that wolves were extremely intelligent animals before, couldn’t they fight and run?

In fact, if it was before, these green wolves would definitely run away after finding out that they couldn’t fight, but now they won’t.

Because the second green wolf that Ye Qing killed, that is, the one that had been entangled with him from the beginning, was the head wolf of these five green wolves as he guessed.

All their actions were decided by the green wolf, and now, the wolf was dead, and its last order was to kill the enemy in front of it and then occupy the cave in front.

The reason why these green wolves did not retreat was because of this order.

Of course, Ye Qing didn’t know this, and he didn’t care, these green wolves didn’t retreat, just as he wanted, after all, if the three wolves fled in different directions together, he really might not be able to stay all.

And I have always heard that wolves are animals that move in groups, if one of them runs away, the devil knows if more green wolves will come tomorrow?

The best thing to do is to kill them directly.

Recently, I have been tired of eating seafood, and I don’t know if wolf meat is good or not.

Ye Qing thought with drool.

The speed in his hand did not slow down in the slightest, he turned around to avoid another blow from the green wolf, flipped his wrist, and instantly left a bloodstain on the green wolf’s claws.

As time passed, the green wolf who fought with Ye Qing was already full of wounds, although it didn’t look deep, but the number of victories was terrifying, and the entire wolf body was almost intact, and there were traces left by Ye Qing’s saber everywhere.

This was why Ye Qing threw the machete out without hesitation before, in addition to attracting the attention of the Wolf King, there was also the fact that he used it uneasily.

And this saber has been with him from the beginning, and it is not used less on weekdays, and over time, it seems to grow with his hand, and it is convenient to use.


With a soft sound, Ye Qing knelt on the ground, leaned back, almost parallel to the ground, and the green wolf pounced right above him.

Ye Qing’s right hand was slightly raised, and the saber in his hand was held extremely tightly, and there were a lot of wolf hair stained on it at the moment, but more hot blood.

Ye Qing’s body and face were also full of blood, which was left after the green wolf pounced before.

Because Ye Qing slashed at its belly when it pounced.

A deep knife.

After the green wolf pounced, it snapped and fell to the ground, his body didn’t even twitch, he was directly lifeless, and his intestines and intestines dragged on the ground.

The battle here was solved, Ye Qing looked towards Xiao Hei’s side, and found that the green wolf that was fighting against it had been completely suppressed by it with its claws, and had no ability to fight back at all, so he could only let it tear and bite on his body.

Then he looked at Furney again, and was immediately shocked again.

At the same time that Ye Qing looked over, Furni was also looking to this side, and at her feet, there was already a corpse of a green wolf, her slender white and tender hands were holding the hilt of the sword, slowly pulling the sword out of the green wolf’s neck.

The process is slow and ritualistic, as if falling to the ground, not an animal, but a respectable enemy.

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