The snow outside was thick.

Ye Qing and they didn’t dare to go too far, mainly because they didn’t know if the wolf skin draped over their bodies could guarantee their activities outside.

After walking around the perimeter of the cave, I felt good, the warmth of the wolf skin was very good, and if I was active, I didn’t feel too cold.

When they returned to the cave, it was already noon, and there was nothing to gain this morning, which made them feel a little depressed.

While eating, Zhao Ling suddenly said: “By the way, didn’t we just find a pine forest in the back mountain, I heard that pine leaves seem to have a good warmth effect, do you want to collect some?” ”

Ye Qing vetoed: “Now the outer area of snow is so thick, even if there are leaves, it is outside the snow, how difficult it is to collect enough, besides, the gouged from under the snow is all wet, what warmth effect can it have?” As for plucking directly from the tree, it’s a little unrealistic. ”

“So what do you say?” Zhao Ling’s expression became even more frustrated.

Ye Qing smiled and comforted: “But your idea has inspired me, maybe I know where to find something warm.” ”

“What is it? Say it! Zhao Ling’s eyes lit up, and Funi on the side was also shocked.

Ye Qing said, “Do you remember the thatched hut behind the cave where we lived before?” I remember there was a large field of thatch, when we went when the ears of grass were luxuriant, and now it has only been a few days, it should not be so quickly withered, if you can collect some, I believe the warmth effect will not be much worse than cotton wool. ”

“But it’s too far from here.” Zhao Ling frowned.

This is not right, when he and Ye Qing moved, but after walking for almost a whole day, walking such a long distance and picking grass spikes may not be able to turn back within a day.

Ye Qing’s face was also a little hesitant, the problem that Zhao Ling said was indeed a big problem.

Now the temperature outside is so low, when I went out before, although I didn’t feel unbearable, but such a long distance, in case something really happened, it was too far away from the cave to make timely countermeasures.

But the problem is that now they have only this only way, and if they do not take a risk, the system’s emergency protection measures will be over, and they will have to wait for death.

The only way is the best way!

Ye Qing finally convinced himself and spoke: “We don’t know how long this weather will last, whether the temperature will decrease, if nothing is done, these wolf skins will not last long, and when the weather becomes worse again, what awaits us is death.” ”

When he said this, his tone was very serious and his expression was also serious.

“Well, you’re right, we have to take this risk, but we have to be prepared, and if we can’t come back, we can go to the cave before.”

Zhao Ling was moved, and then looked at Furni.

Of the three, although Furney’s relationship with them is already good, this extremely risky decision, they can’t make a choice for Furney.

He simply told Furney about the matter and waited for her decision.

Furni did not hesitate for too long before she spoke: “I agree with Ye Qing in this matter, there are only two paths in front of us now, one is to bet on luck, either succeed or sit still, and the other, although it is a little risky, is our only choice, so we have no choice.” ”

This was agreed, and then both of them looked at Ye Qing, waiting to take him to give orders.

“Let’s get ready and go.” Ye Qing said lightly, and the two women answered and went to prepare.

Pistols, double-barreled shotguns, machetes, sabers, Furney’s sword, all of these things must be carried.

At the same time, there is food, and you should bring enough for two days, just in case.

And flints must of course also be brought, and now in this weather, although there is a wolf’s skin draped, it is definitely not possible to have no fire at night.

After that, Ye Qing found three slightly curved patches from the pile of debris, used the curved inner side of the stone axe bar to chisel one gap after another, and after sharpening, three simple scythes were formed, equipped with wooden handles, and only then gave Zhao Ling and Funi one to each other, and one was brought with him.

If you want to cut thatch, there is no sickle to pull out by hand alone.

After doing all this, the three men and two beasts set off.

Because of the sea washing, there was a place on the beach that was not covered by snow, so Ye Qing and they walked along this place.

Otherwise, if you go elsewhere, the snow will cover your ankles, which will be slower and harder to walk.

There were no accidents along the way, in the ice and snow, animals and beasts seemed to be hiding in the old nest and refusing to come out, and even if there were, they were all some corpses.

After all, Ye Qing and they hid in the cave, and there was a fire to keep warm, they almost didn’t survive, such a temperature is enough to kill a lot of lives cold.

After walking for about three hours, he had already arrived at the coconut grove before, which made Zhao Ling a little puzzled, and he felt that there was a problem with his memory.

Ye Qing explained with a smile: “In fact, the distance between the two caves is not as far as you think, the last time you felt far away, it was because you didn’t know the way, you didn’t know where the destination was, you will have a burning psychology, this time you come purposefully, of course, it will feel fast… And last time we moved, there were so many things, the speed was naturally slower, and we had to observe whether there was a suitable place to live along the road, which consumed more time. ”

“Okay, but this is also about three hours away, it seems that I can’t go back tonight.” Zhao Ling said.

Ye Qing nodded and said, “It’s okay, we are fully armed now, and there are still three people, plus there is such a strong combat power as Xiao Hei, ordinary beasts should be fine as long as they are careful, as for people, such cold weather, it is unlikely to be active outside.” ”

Zhao Ling and Funi were relieved to hear Ye Qing say this, and the three of them talked and laughed, and soon came to the side of the thatched house.

The situation here is similar to the cave side, and it is white in the eyes, but after Ye Qing and they approached, they found that although the thatch was overwhelmed by the snow, after all, they were extremely tenacious plants, and they were not completely buried under the snow.

And after looking at it, those ears of grass are really similar to what Ye Qing guessed, it is when it is luxuriant, as long as it is cut and loaded with something, the effect will not be much worse than cotton wool.

…… The dividing line…

Recommend “I am a literary hero in Hokage”

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