Furni didn’t understand the word “sofa”, but seeing Ye Qing’s look of enjoyment, she also sat up curiously.

Well, sure enough, soft and comfortable.

Lying down again, the whole body was almost sunk in, and although it was not wrapped in wolf skin, it felt warmer than wearing wolf skin.

“You’re so good at this sofa.” Furney praised.

Ye Qing smiled and didn’t say anything, just at this time Zhao Ling came over and asked them to eat, and the two reluctantly got up from the “sofa”.

Because it was too cold outside, the cooking place was moved back inside, which would be convenient, just hit the table directly from the pot.

Steamed fish, braised wolf meat, shredded potatoes… It was another full table, and Ye Qing’s three people, who had eaten cold rice for two consecutive days, immediately gobbled up.

After eating, the three of them lay side by side on the “sofa”, discussing what to do next.

“Now that we can’t do anything in this weather, we won’t just eat and wait for death.” It may be that he was too full, and Zhao Ling’s voice became lazy.

Ye Qing said lightly: “Of course not, in fact, I already have a general idea, but I need Furni’s help.” ”

“What?” Furney turned her head from 25.

Ye Qing said, “Last time I saw that you were very powerful when you fought with the green wolf, and I wanted to learn two tricks with you, I don’t know if it’s convenient or inconvenient.” ”

“If there is anything inconvenient, I can teach you now.” Furney said indifferently.

Ye Qing didn’t expect her to agree so quickly, he thought that the other party would find some excuse such as ancestral peerlessness and never passed on to refuse, after all, the two are not the kind of relationship that trusts life and death.

As if seeing his thoughts, Furney smiled and said, “You don’t have to be so surprised, the three of us are in the same boat now, if you can become stronger, then the next time we encounter danger, we will be stronger and safer overall, right?” ”

“Besides, your strength speed and reaction are far beyond me, if you want to disadvantage me, you have already started, there is no need to learn better moves from me before you think about dealing with me.”

Ye Qing was stunned, but he didn’t expect that this girl could see it, and he couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, it seemed that he thought too much.

As soon as Zhao Ling heard that he could learn kung fu, he immediately became excited: “Great, I’ve always wanted to exercise, when do we start?” ”

“Now?” Furney said.

Ye Qing said, “Anyway, there is nothing to do, just think of it as an after-dinner pastime.” ”

“Good.” Furni said, looked at Zhao Ling, and then at Ye Qing, and suddenly said, “Do you want to learn swordsmanship or combat skills?” ”

Ye Qing and Zhao Ling looked confused, is there a difference?

Furni explained: “Swordsmanship, focusing on the integration of attack and defense, gives the enemy the deadliest blow at the lowest cost, but it takes a long time to practice, it depends on your heart.” ”

Zhao Ling asked, “What about combat skills?” ”

Furney said: “Combat skills are about reasonably judging the enemy’s offensive intention in battle, and then truncating, in short, using the simplest method to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible.” ”

The other two looked dazed again, which seemed to make no difference.

Seeing their expressions, Furni immediately knew him, looked down and thought for a while, and then said to Ye Qing: “In this way, let’s start directly, you will understand soon.” ”

“Huh? Are you going to fight? Zhao Ling was taken aback.

“It’s not a fight, it’s a fight.” Furni stood up, explained, and said to Ye Qing again: “You come to attack me now, do your best.” ”


Ye Qing was stunned, he didn’t know what his strength was before, but now he knew, it wasn’t him blowing, his current strength could be described as killing a cow with a punch.

But Frey let herself attack her with all her might?

This is not okay.

Furney saw through his mind again and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, although I may not be able to fight you in a real life and death battle, it is no problem to fight.” ”

“Okay then.” Ye Qing was half-convinced and said, “Then I’m coming.” ”

Saying that, the others had already moved, and under their feet, the person had already shot out like a bullet, and his fists were clenched, and he hit Fri Ni’s head.

But halfway through, he changed direction and hit Furney on the shoulder instead.

Just kidding, wouldn’t it be a sin if Furney misjudged and she couldn’t stop it?

Zhao Ling didn’t see this small action of his, but Funi who was directly opposite saw it, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her calm.

Immediately, his eyes froze, his arm was raised quickly, and he didn’t know when there was already an extra branch in his hand.

Just when Ye Qing’s fist was about to hit her shoulder, Furni did not retreat, and the branch in her hand poked Ye Qing’s arm obliquely at a tricky angle.

Ye Qing was in pain, his brows furrowed, and his fist was also a little off, and he slipped over Funi’s shoulder and did not hit.

“This is swordsmanship, with constant adaptation, no matter how strong the enemy is, as long as it finally hits the flaws in the opponent’s body, you can achieve victory.”

Furni looked at Ye Qing and said lightly.

Ye Qing rubbed the red spot that was poked out on the crook of his arm and nodded thoughtfully.

At the moment before, he was very sure that he was much stronger than Furney in terms of speed and strength, but the branch that appeared out of thin air was indeed unexpected to him, and when he found it, it was too late to stop.

“You’re pushing too hard.”

Furney said at this time: “Your 467 power is indeed very large, and the speed is also very fast, this is your advantage, but you don’t know how to use it, and you attack with all your strength at the beginning, although your reaction speed is fast, it cannot be denied that many times, even if you have formed a complete idea in your mind, the body cannot execute it.” ”

Ye Qing nodded and said, “Yes, this is the feeling, when your branch stretches out, I want to stop, but I can’t do it at all, the inertia is too great.” ”

After thinking about it, he said: “Great strength and speed, which will be the decisive key factor in battle, but it also changes according to the change of the battle situation, which is why many masters like to let the opponent make the first move in the duel with people?” ”

Furney commented: “There are reasons for this, but letting the other party strike first can also give the opponent a certain psychological pressure. ”

“But isn’t getting the lead the most important thing in battle?” Ye Qing didn’t understand again.

According to his thoughts, if two people fight, one of them strikes first, and the other strikes later, then shouldn’t it be the one who strikes first and hits others first?

“Then you were obviously the first to strike just now, why did you get hit by me first?” Furney asked with a smile.

Ye Qing was dumbfounded.

…… The dividing line…

Push another wave of “I am a literary hero in Hokage”_

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