Seeing the miserable appearance of the two women, Ye Qing smiled again, and then said: “In this way, I have more strength, I am responsible for pulling the dead wood out, Zhao Ling, you and Xiao Hei, together with Xiao Hei, cut the snow for me in front, and then Furni is responsible for sorting out the dead wood I took out into a pile in the back, it’s all right?” ”

“No problem.” Zhao Ling and Furney said in unison.

Ye Qing can have such a proposal, for them, it is simply gospel, then there can be problems.

After reaching an agreement, Ye Qing stopped talking nonsense and directly handed the machete to Furni, asking her to use it to clean the branches and cut the trunk to a suitable length.

Now the time is urgent, and forced by the environment, Ye Qing’s plan is to only use the main trunk, branches or something, and it is too troublesome to close it again, and it is not as resistant to burning as the main trunk, so they will be thrown away directly, or collect it back when the sky is clear in the future, and it is also a good choice to use it to ignite the fire.

Three people and one beast according to Ye Qing’s new method, the progress is really fast, Zhao Ling followed Xiao Hei, in front of the snow planing very fast, originally Ye Qing was afraid of frostbite before his hands came, and gave each person a small shovel made of bamboo, used to pick up snow, but Zhao Ling felt that the bamboo was too small, and he couldn’t shave much snow every time, so he learned Xiao Hei’s appearance and started directly.

This icy and snowy place, after a while, the hands were already frozen red and unconscious.

Ye Qing looked straight and frowned, and quickly stopped her behavior, why is this girl so unloving, this hand in case of freezing frostbite, it is enough for you to cry at night.

Zhao Ling was severely stopped by Ye Qing, so he had to pick up the bamboo shovel again and planed it little by little, and from time to time he turned back to make a face at Ye Qing, making Ye Qing cry and laugh.

But as long as Zhao Ling no longer uses that method of hurting herself, let her grimace smile and cry, she is happy.

Fortunately, no one came in this forest all year round, and the dead trees have been piled up below after they fell, and Zhao Ling and Xiao Hei can see a trunk every time they plan, which should be considered good news for today.

After working for a morning, Ye Qing counted, and the three of them took out a total of twenty-eight pieces of wood to clean up.

Don’t underestimate this number, each of these logs has the thickness of an arm, and one can probably be cut into two or three sections of logs about three meters long.

If you count it this way, it will be fifty or sixty logs, piled up, and there can be a large pile, and then split with a stone axe, which can fill one of the stone walls of the cave.

Now there are already a lot of things in the cave, the space is not very sufficient, plus these wood split into firewood, it should be enough to burn for ten days and a half month, counting the existing ones in the cave, it is not a problem to maintain for a month.

Just at this time, there was a hunger in the stomach, and when lunch time came, Ye Qing beckoned Zhao Ling and Xiao Hei in front not to shave snow, and went to the back to help Furni.

Among the three, Funi has the largest workload, after all, the two beasts in front only care of shaving snow and digging wood all the way, and she not only has to clean up the branches and cut the wood in the back, but also carry these broken logs to a unified place and pile them up, which is now far behind Ye Qing and them.

Zhao Ling and Xiao Hei listened to Ye Qing’s orders, and quickly went over to help, and Ye Qing’s side, still have to continue to take out wood, here Zhao Ling they carved out several places, anyway, these few more are not much, can not waste Zhao Ling and Xiao Hei’s work results, take out and calculate it together.

He took out seven or eight more, which was considered to take out all the wood that Zhao Ling and they dug up, and Ye Qing also casually held two dead logs to Zhao Ling’s side.

At this time, Furney’s side had just cleaned up half of what he had taken out, no way, doing this kind of work by himself, the progress was indeed very slow.

Beckoned them not to be busy first, and then go back to eat.

Of course, you can’t go back empty-handed, Zhao Ling and Funi each carry a log, and Ye Qing directly tied five or six logs with the hemp rope he brought in the morning, and resisted it on his shoulder.

As for Xiao Hei, of course, he can’t be idle, with three on the left and right sides of his back.

After moving the wood back, put it at the mouth of the cave first, and did not bring it inside, because after that, Ye Qing had to use a stone axe to split these woods, and the space inside was really inconvenient, and it was not good for wood chips to fly around at that time.

But this is a matter of the back, although I have been working outside, I still feel that my body is as cold as ice, and I have to quickly bake the fire to warm up, otherwise I will freeze out of sickness.

After eating, resting for a while, I started to get busy again.

Cleaning branches, cutting wood, and carrying logs are all manual tasks that take a lot of time.

For a whole afternoon, Ye Qing and they were repeating this process.

First, Funi took a machete to clean up the branches in front, Ye Qing cut it off in the back with a stone axe, and then Zhao Ling and Xiao Hei were carrying.

It wasn’t until late afternoon that all the logs were brought back.

Pied at the mouth of the cave, almost filling the cave, leaving only one entrance.

The next thing is to split the log, and now only Ye Qing is busy, after all, there is only one stone axe, and Zhao Ling and Funi are tired enough all day, Ye Qing asked them to go to rest and prepare dinner first.

In fact, this final firewood chopping work is the most laborious according to normal times, but because Ye Qing’s body has been systematically strengthened, under the blessing of strong strength and speed, it is extremely relaxed, and the work efficiency has increased exponentially.

A pile of logs was all chopped by him in less than two hours.

Of course, it is not too fine, just splitting each log into four petals, and if it is fine, it will take several times longer than it is now, and it is not resistant to burning, so there is no need at all.

At dinner, the radio was turned on as usual, mainly because he was contacted outside yesterday, so Ye Qing still wanted to try his luck again.

But tonight’s luck was not so good, even the entertainment channel could not receive it, and it kept making a moisturizing sound. After trying for a while, it was still like this, it seemed that the signal was completely wasted, and Ye Qing turned off the radio.

Clearing a large area by the fire, by the light of the fire, with the alcohol lamp, Ye Qing beckoned the two women to move the chopped firewood into the inside overnight.

However, these wet firewood leaf greens are not piled up at will like the dry firewood over there, but piled in a tic-tac-toe, which is convenient for baking.

But in this way, more space is taken up, and at the end of the day, they are left with a small area to move.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, the range of activity has become smaller, and Ye Qing actually feels as if it is warmer.

After a busy day, the three of them were tired a lot, and they had a rare hot supper.

When eating, halfway through eating, he found that the two women were looking at him, Ye Qing was a little puzzled, but quickly reacted, this is waiting for himself to speak.

Immediately said: “After today’s day’s activities, it seems that we still have no problem with activities outside, so let’s start hunting tomorrow.”

Zhao Ling and Furni waited for this final decision, after hearing Ye Qing’s words, they looked at each other and smiled, and then packed up, each leaning on Ye Qing’s side to sleep, after all, there are still things to do tomorrow.

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