Back in the cave, it was already completely dark.

After a simple dinner, tinkering with the radio for a while, and not getting in touch with the outside world again, the three of them were ready to sleep.

As the blizzard stopped abruptly, temperatures also recovered.

So this time, the three of them no longer had to huddle into a pile and nest around the fire, and they all lay down on bamboo mats.

Of course, this is the first day of sunshine, the temperature is still a little low, and it is still quite cold if you sleep directly on the bamboo mat.

So the bear skin was directly cut into three parts for the three to use as a quilt.

The bear skin is very large, even if it is divided into three, it is still very large, and when the quilt is more than enough.

After the night, it was another day.

It took a morning for Ye Qing and the three of them to finally briefly classify the existing materials.

In fact, they now seem to have a lot of materials, but they really have to be divided, there are really not many, after all, there is a lack of everything on the island, especially those that can be created by modern craftsmanship, for Ye Qing, they are simply scarce items.

But this kind of thing is sundries for them now.

It means that there is no fart for the time being.

For example, damaged painted wooden plates, and some steel plates that I don’t know what to use.

The reason for classifying these materials is naturally to move some things that cannot be used temporarily to the cave found yesterday.

This has been discussed before.

It’s never too late to do this kind of thing in advance.

Even if it can only be a busy job in the end, at least there is some comfort in the heart, otherwise when the day really comes to the end of the water, if nothing is done, it can only be tears.

In addition to these sundries, there is also a part of food to be moved.

But relatively speaking, food is actually not very lacking on this island, so Ye Qing and they did not plan to move too much in order to save time and trouble, so they moved some rice and canned food and the like, not much, it is enough for three people to live for about a week.

This is to avoid really encountering enemies that cannot be defeated in the future, and it is just that you will not starve to death when you hide.

As for a week later, Ye Qing believed that as long as he and the others did not die on this island, it would be easy to survive, but it was more difficult.

Besides, their reserves of rice and canned food are not much, and if they divide them out, their life here will be problematic in the future.

In fact, Ye Qing also thought that he seemed to have obtained a positioning map of what crops from the system reward before, although he did not look closely, but from the description at that time, it should be that there is food on this island, and this map is to let himself find these crops.

As long as it is found, there is no need to worry about the source of food in the future.

But this is a matter for later, and the priority is to move things to the cave yesterday.

I’ll talk about it later.

After lunch, the three of them got into action.

Because of the existence of Xiao Hei, a coolie, they didn’t have to spend time running a few more times, and the three of them carried out a huge relocation in a big bag, and they had been busy for many hours before finally putting everything in place.

After that, I carefully checked outside the cave entrance to make sure that no other animals would break into it before returning.

Of course, when I came back, I naturally dealt with the traces that I and others had moved.

When he came back, it was still in the afternoon, the three of them sat at the entrance of the cave to rest, and Ye Qing spoke: “Those things that moved over are our last means of saving our lives, so as not to go over there as a last resort, so as not to be discovered.” ”

The two women were slightly stunned when they heard this, but still nodded solemnly, and Zhao Ling continued: “Yes, now we are not short of food on the island, and we will not use the things over there for the time being, but even if our food reserves run out in the future, we can’t hit the idea of those things.” ”

“Well, you guys have a point, but we still have to go over regularly to check for traces of other animals or humans moving around there, and by the way, check the state of those foods, and if they are broken, we still have to replace them in time.” Furney said too.

After hearing this, Ye Qing nodded thoughtfully.

Furney is right, those debris naturally don’t need to be too concerned, but the lack of food must be paid attention to, can’t just move over, or have to check regularly to see if it is broken.

Although the past can be preserved for a long time, he has grown up in the countryside since he was a child, and he knows that if rice is left for a long time, it will grow insects, which will not eat too much rice, but will destroy a whole bag of rice.

And Furny’s proposal also made him realize a problem, that is, not only can you divide the food into some and reserve it now, but also prepare other food at any time in the future, and you must ensure that the food over there can cope with various situations at any time.

Otherwise, when there is a real emergency, the three people find that the food inside has become moldy and cannot be eaten, which will be sad.

The three discussed this issue for a while, Ye Qing looked up at the sky, and then said, “You guys are talking, I’ll take Xiao Hei out.” ”

“Why go?” Zhao Ling said casually.

“I’m going to surprise you.” Ye Qing smiled wickedly.

“What surprise?” Zhao Ling asked again.

Ye Qing didn’t say anything, just smiled mysteriously, so he was mysterious, and Zhao Ling, who was watching, wanted to rush up and scratch it.

Regardless of what Zhao Ling was thinking, Ye Qing had already taken the stone axe and Xiao Hei out.

He was actually going to chop wood, and he needed a lot of wood, but he didn’t call Zhao Ling and Funi to help, the main reason is that the wood Ye Qing needed this time was not small, and the strength of the two women was not as great as him, and they might not really be able to help.

And after moving things for a day today, they are all tired, Ye Qing should pity Xiang Xiang and cherish jade.

Taking Xiao Hei to the woods, Ye Qing turned around for a while and found his target – a large tree with a diameter of about thirty centimeters and a height of more than ten meters.

He can’t name this tree, but he has seen it on the island before, the toughness and hardness of this tree are very good, and it is not easy to rot, and the resin also has a special aroma, which smells nothing, but mosquitoes and the like are reluctant to approach.

I wanted to take out my navigation glasses to see what this tree was called, but after pulling it out for a while, I found that I didn’t bring it out, so I didn’t bother to care, and I started to do it directly.

After ten minutes of banging, because Ye Qing’s strength has now become very large, even the stone axe that is not very sharp is much more efficient than the iron axe in his hand, such a wood without a chainsaw is afraid that it will have to be cut for half an hour, and as a result, Ye Qing fell with a boom in only ten minutes.

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