Building a roof is not just about just putting thatch on it.

Before that, it was necessary to build a grid-like frame with bamboo on top of the herringbone frame made yesterday, which was about ten centimeters long and wide, and then fixed with hemp rope.

The main reason why the bamboo needs to be split in half here is: the bamboo is a hollow structure, and because of the existence of bamboo joints, each compartment space inside is completely sealed, so that if it is put on the roof, it will be easily cracked by thermal expansion and contraction in the future, and it may break the hemp rope, causing hidden dangers.

And the round bamboo is not easy to fix, but it can be tied more firmly after splitting.

The bamboo that Zhao Ling and they cut down before was not much in Ye Qing’s opinion, but it was enough to build these grid frameworks.

Zhao Ling used a machete to split the bamboo in half underneath, while Ye Qing and Funi climbed onto the roof, and Zhao Ling split it and handed it to them directly, and they fixed it on the spot.

It took about an hour or so to touch the roof, and with the cooperation of the three people, the frame of the roof was completely completed.

Next is thatching.

Because these thatches have been woven into pieces by Ye Qing, it will be much more convenient, directly take them one by one, cover them from the edges, and use hemp rope to fix the thatch with the grid frame that was set up before.

As for why it is covered from the bottom up instead of from the top down, it is because the tail of the thatch is relatively loose, if it rains, it does not play a good role in blocking rainwater, so it is necessary to stack these thatch layer after layer to form the shape of a bird’s feathers, in this demand, obviously from the bottom up to cover a lot of trouble.

After the roof is covered, the cover of the walls and the floor are laid, which requires a lot of bamboo.

Because there were still some left, Ye Qing asked Zhao Ling and them to continue to cut bamboo, while he began to seal the walls of the house.

Splitting the bamboo into bamboo strips, and then sealing it side by side around the house, Zhao Ling and their side are making good progress, and there has always been enough bamboo supply, so this work Ye Qing directly completed in one go.

Now if you don’t look inside, just look at it from the outside, a hut is already complete.

And, of course, the floor, because the floor is suspended and needs to be supported by wooden strips underneath.

Moreover, the laid bamboo can no longer be split, and it is directly used as a whole, otherwise it is easy to break.

The space in the house is not small, this workload is very large, Zhao Ling and they also came to help after cutting bamboo, and it was not completed until the evening.

After that, Ye Qing made another door, and at the same time made a platform at the door, and two steps were made of bamboo strips on both sides of the platform to facilitate going up and down.

At this point, except for the fact that no room was allocated inside, a hut was completely completed.

Because it was already dark, Ye Qing could only make a room tomorrow, anyway, the general work had been completed, and he could finally catch his breath after being busy for several days.

Back in the cave, in order to celebrate the completion of the hut, Zhao Ling specially made a big meal, and the three of them ate with a bulging stomach.

While resting on the bamboo chair, the three of them were chatting idly, and Furni suddenly said, “What are we going to do after the house is built?” ”

This was a serious question, Zhao Ling and Ye Qing suddenly became serious, Ye Qing said: “Tomorrow, first partition the room, and then if you want to live in, take some time to move things over, and then open up a field around it to grow potatoes, let’s finish these first.” ”

“And after that?” Furney asked again.

Ye Qing frowned slightly, this matter was a little far away, although he occasionally thought about going out to explore the island, but he had never had a detailed plan, and now Funi asked, he really didn’t know how to answer for a while.

After thinking about it, he asked the two women: “What do you think?” ”

Zhao Ling said at this time: “I think after the house is built, we may try to go out and explore, at least to know the whole picture of this island, otherwise we know too little about this island, which is very detrimental to our future development.” ”

Ye Qing was a little surprised, surprised that Zhao Ling was actually able to say these words.

You know, when I first met before, this girl spent all day thinking about how to go outside.

As if knowing what Ye Qing was thinking at this time, Zhao Ling smiled indifferently, and then continued: “Obviously, there seem to be some time problems between us here and outside, which means that we still have to live here for a long time, and in this case, we only have a certain understanding of the surrounding environment, so that we will not be at a loss when any more accidents occur.” ”

“Well said.”

Ye Qing praised, what Zhao Ling said was exactly what he had in mind.

For a long time, he instilled in Zhao Ling the concept of: Mr. Survive, and then develop.

Now that their survival is no longer a problem, it’s time to expand outward.

Of course, expansion here does not mean aggression, but to master the surrounding environment.

Only by seeing more and knowing more can they know what kind of place they are in.

And Ye Qing suddenly thought at this time that since he could have some special connection with Xiaolan and could see everything Xiaolan saw, then his understanding of the surrounding environment could be completely changed.

For example, let Xiaolan fly high in the air to see the whole island clearly.

Ye Qing didn’t think of this before, mainly because there was no such mentality as now, at that time it was mainly for survival, and now, it is for development, the two are completely different mentalities, and the direction of thinking about problems is naturally different.

You know, he has always relied on the map of the system in his mind to understand the topography of the island, but the map is too pitted, only the places he has been to are lit up, which means that to know the whole picture of the island, he has to walk the entire island, with this method, it is really unrealistic.

But it was already night, and although Xiaolan, as an owl, preferred to act at night, Ye Qing still planned to let it go out tomorrow.

After chatting with Zhao Ling and them a few more times, the three of them went to sleep separately.

Early the next morning, after getting up, Ye Qing gave instructions to Xiaolan to fly as high and fast as possible, and it was best to show the entire island to himself.

Xiao Lan happily finished eating the food Ye Qing specially prepared for it and set off, Ye Qing watched its figure disappear from the field of vision in the back, and his mood was inexplicably a little excited.

It wasn’t until there was a sound behind him that Zhao Ling asked him to eat, that he came back to his senses.

Seeing that his mood was a little abnormal, Zhao Ling casually asked, “What’s wrong with you?” ”

“It’s okay, let’s eat first, there is still a lot of work to be done today.” Ye Qing said with a smile.

Xiaolan couldn’t tell them about this for the time being, it involved the existence of the system, so even if he really knew the whole picture of this island, only Ye Qing knew it alone.

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