Ye Qing went to the spring water to wash up, and when he went back, breakfast had been prepared.

During the meal, he told the two women about today’s plan.

In fact, there is no good plan, that is, I plan to start building the power grid today, but Ye Qing on the generator side has not thought of any better way to move the generator over for the time being, so he still plans to pull up the barbed wire first, and then worry about the generator.

When washing just now, Ye Qing reviewed the situation he had previously looked around in order to find the location to build a toilet, and found that the place where he and others were located, said that it was not big, said that it was not small, the entire flat place was the size of a football field, and the total length of a circle around the perimeter was about five hundred meters, so if you calculate it, the three bundles of iron wire brought back yesterday are estimated to be able to make a circle each, so that three bundles of iron wire are not a problem to make three turns.

Then use some scattered things such as iron wires and pieces removed from the previous shrimp fishing boat to link up and down, and it is not a problem to build a defensive line.

However, to pull the wire to fence this place, it is indispensable to be a wooden stake, and there are a lot of wood left when the house was built before, but the wooden stake of this iron net is not a fence, so it is better to plant it deeper.

That is, myself and others are going to dig a hole again.

Of course, it is not necessary to be as deep as the pillars of the planting house, just dig twenty or thirty centimeters, but this is also a lot of work, after all, this stake requires much more than the pillars.

So Ye Qing’s plan is to dig out these deep pits today, strive to complete this work in the morning, and then start pulling iron wire and iron mesh in the afternoon.

After these preparations are done, think about the generator, and it is also good to pull the iron net first, that is, even if there is no electricity, these iron nets can also act as a fence, and beware of some small animals running to the side of the wooden house.

For such a plan, of course, the two women had no opinion, they both said that everything was good to listen to Ye Qing.

After eating, the three of them set to action.

First of all, Ye Qing drew a line with bamboo strips on the edge of this flat flat land, and then made a mark every ten meters or so, that is, where the pit was dug and planted with wooden stakes.

After a lap, Ye Qing calculated that the workload of the three of them this morning was not small, enough to dig forty or fifty deep pits, and then they had to plant the stakes and tamp the soil.

Of course, now they have a lot of time, and they don’t necessarily have to finish these tasks in the morning, the reason for this plan is mainly to give Zhao Ling and them a goal to work and improve their enthusiasm for work.

When Ye Qing finished circling, Zhao Ling and their side had already begun to dig up one by one marked point, and the tools were still sharpened bamboo, and there were no better tools at present.

Looking at it, the progress of the two is good, so after a while, they are almost finished digging, and the speed is much faster than when they planted the pillars of the house before.

Ye Qing did not dare to delay, and when he reached the third mark, he began to bury his head in hard work.

But this side had just dug down a little, and then he heard an exclamation from Zhao Ling’s side.

What’s wrong!

Ye Qing’s heart clicked, Gu Duo, quickly put down the tools in his hand, and quickly ran over.

The two were about twenty meters apart, and it didn’t take much to run over, and Funi who was closer was already by Zhao Ling’s side.

However, what made Ye Qing strange was that Furni didn’t seem to boo Zhao Ling, but followed Zhao Ling, staring at the hole that had just been dug in front of Zhao Ling.

“What happened?”

Ye Qing asked with concern, his tone could not be described as nervous.

The two women heard his voice, as if they had just come to their senses, and looked at him in unison, and then Zhao Ling pointed to the perimeter of the hole he had dug and said, “Look at this.” ”

What to see?

Ye Qing was puzzled in his heart, looked over curiously, and did not see any clues at first glance, grass or grass, dirt or dirt.

Just as he was about to ask a question, he suddenly glanced at a place a meter away from the entrance of the cave, and the ground seemed to be a little wrong.

Looking closely, it turned out that a thin crack had been created in that place, and the crack separated a large piece of the surrounding soil from the surrounding soil, and the range was at least two or three square meters.

“What is it?” Ye Qing frowned and asked.

“Look again.” Zhao Ling didn’t explain much, but squatted down and poked her hand into the deep pit that had just been dug, and then saw that she seemed to grab something inside, and then her shoulders bulged, and the small area that was circled by the crack before trembled violently, and then a large stone rose up and was “pulled” out by Zhao Ling from under the ground.


Ye Qing was so shocked that he couldn’t speak, although he had already guessed that this was probably yesterday’s potion that had changed Zhao Ling’s body and greatly improved his strength, but when he saw the actual effect, he was still taken aback.

Because the system did not tell him how much this potion improved people, and Ye Qing himself only had half the effect because his body was strengthened, and he didn’t feel much improvement this morning, so he didn’t say it on the surface, but he thought that this potion actually improved not much.

Therefore, seeing Zhao Ling’s sudden force, the impact on him was really big.

You know, the stone may not be able to be hugged by two people, the initial estimate must be five or six hundred pounds of weight, and this is only according to the density of normal stones, if the density is higher, it will be heavier.

In addition, this stone is buried under the ground, and it is also subject to the pressure exerted by the surrounding soil, and in such a situation, even three or five big men with special tools may not be able to pry it.

But Zhao Ling actually pulled out like a radish?

It can be seen from this that how much power Zhao Ling needs at this moment,

Ye Qing himself knew very well that he could do it, but the problem was that Zhao Ling was just an ordinary person who struggled to carry even dozens of pounds of things yesterday.

He now knows why Zhao Ling screamed before, but if it was himself, he suddenly found that he had so much power, and he had to cry out.

Looking at it, although Zhao Ling pried the stone up, it didn’t seem to be able to pull the stone out of the ground, thinking that this should already be her limit.

After comparing it in his heart, Ye Qing quickly came to the conclusion that although the enhancement effect of this potion was significant, it was still a little worse than the improvement brought by the talent enhancement he had obtained at the beginning. _

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