Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1304: The Ba Tie Player Withdraws From The Competition

The two players of Ba Tieguo are called Babar and Maha.

Maha nodded weakly, and now he only felt that the world was spinning and the stars were shining.

The specific symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain.

"Fake! This horse, goddamn horse face, I really want to smash his horse face!"

In this way, until noon, Maha's condition still did not improve, and it became more and more serious.

"This should be acute gastroenteritis. It's good to take care of it for a few days."

After making this decision, he pressed the distress button of the live broadcast bracelet.

Hearing these two words, Maha must admit that he was very moved.

It's just that I can't tell what kind of disease he has.

He felt that according to this posture, Mahathir might not be able to continue the game.

Everyone felt that Maha was not optimistic.

But just quit the race?

Anyone who's been through that experience knows how painful it can be.

On the beautiful country side, in a laboratory full of technology, there is a horse-faced man in a blue suit standing here.

"I don't see how you can hold on."

To be honest, the proportion of people with good stomach and mouth is actually very small.

But in this case, I only dare to say it behind my back. If he is heard by Hoth, he will die miserably.

"If you can't do it by then, these research costs will not be given to you for nothing."

He can still remember to turn off the live broadcast, which is more considerate.

And Babar also knows that after his teammates retire, his life will be more difficult.

But it is also possible that these reactions are caused by some other diseases, such as dysentery, parasites, etc., which are more complicated.

During the game, they actually encountered wild boars and had a chance to catch them, but they gave up.

"Maha, are you okay?"

But he just felt a little sleepy when he felt a strong colic in his abdomen. He opened his eyes, gritted his teeth, got up again, and walked out of the wooden house.

"Would you like some water?"

This is completely different from the beautiful country.

"As the saying goes, disease comes from the mouth. I live in the city, and the last physical examination also found parasites. I really don't know what caused it."

He was lying in the wooden house, his face was pale, and he was sweating profusely, and it could be seen from his expression that he was in pain now.

Even the live bracelet is sending out alerts.

Many viewers feel the same way now.

Babar helped his teammates to lie down again and asked with concern.

In most cases, it is acute gastroenteritis.

Next, they threw themselves into the research at full speed, and they were only one step away from success. They were sure to meet Hoth's requirements!

At this time, things were not very good for Maha.

Even Babar chose to retire together.

"I'll give you three more days."

Because they can't eat pork.

"You should have heard my name."

Then when something goes wrong, it will explode once.

To retire.......

Maybe just get some sleep?

Therefore, some people who hate him directly call him horse behind their backs.

In fact, many people have experienced such a situation, and some players on the island have experienced this kind of thing.

The researcher scolded angrily.

He was so afraid that he would die like this!

"A lot of takeaways are unclean. I'm a takeaway delivery man. I've seen it with my own eyes, so I won't say more. I'm afraid you will get sick. In a word, eat less takeout."

Sometimes diarrhea, vomiting, etc., can rely on the body to adjust and recover on its own.

I have never done anything bad in my life, how could it be so painful?

That is retirement.

The two have a very good relationship, and they are advancing and retreating together. .

After drinking some water, Maha felt better temporarily, closed his eyes, and gradually fell asleep.

He also felt a wave of fear in his heart.

At this point, he was exchanging some details with a researcher.

Most people, more or less, have this problem.

This person is very sinister and vicious, and has a bad mind. He once killed a person who helped him with kindness.

This situation started in the middle of the night last night and has continued to this day.

So now no one can say for sure what happened to Maha.

In the end, Mahathir made a decision.

The main thing is that they have nothing to do with championships.

"If I grow up to be like him, I'd rather be hanged by the umbilical cord in my mother's womb!"

"Isn't this Ma Daha, what's wrong with him?"

Babar took a deep breath and finally made up his mind.

After he left, a researcher dared to speak.

You won't die on the island, will you?

He was the guy who proposed to arrange for Abigail to kill Ye Han last time.

But he still has parents to support. If he dies, what will happen to his parents?

Maha was caught in a war between heaven and man.

At this time, Maha made a painful sound, got up and ran out of the wooden house.

"There may also be parasites. I always feel that the players on the island should have parasites in their bodies."

At the same time, when the program team sent someone to pick up the two Ba Tieguo.

That means things have gotten bad enough for Maha.

Can't wait any longer...  

But you have to take some medicine.

Everyone is chatting in this live room.

The classic benevolence will be revenge, killing the brother to kill the father, deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestor.

His name is Hoss, which is homophonic horse, which is the English pronunciation of horse.

During the whole process, teammate Babar was also taking care of Maha.

Perhaps this trip to the wilderness will end here.

Seeing this scene, teammate Babar secretly sighed.

Originally, there was only one group of places to participate, and in the whole Pakistani country, not many people thought about winning the championship.

On the island, there are no such conditions at all, and the situation in Maha now is not light.

Babar spoke up.

They retire and no one will blame them.

In fact, at this moment, what Maha had vomited was yellow bile, and there was nothing in his stomach, but he still wanted to vomit.

Those countries in the beautiful country, if they withdraw from the competition, they have to kill people, terrible!


Because they are devout believers, many things are not edible.

I have to say that his will is indeed good, and he is still hesitating under such painful circumstances.

This time it was Maha.

Estimated to hang. In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye and De Ye also thought so.

Mainly because he is so uncomfortable now, his limbs are numb, his eyes are dizzy and black, and his stomach is constantly cramping.

Hoth threatened and intimidated, then left.

A word of moral corruption is far from enough to describe this horse-faced man, Hoss.

"Maha, if it doesn't work, let's retire."

As mentioned earlier, these two players were not doing well.

Babar ran out, patted him on the back, and helped him back.

I've been holding on for such a long time, and I just gave up, I'm really not reconciled!

"I understand the truth, but I'm terribly tired after a day's work, who has the time and energy to cook, alas!"

"It is said that he started vomiting and diarrhea in the middle of the night last night, and he also had a fever."

The program team immediately sent rescuers to their place of residence.

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