good guy!

Seeing this scene, the audience couldn't help but laugh.

As long as this last breath is let out, she will surely die!

Its claws are very sharp, and it actually scratches the cowhide faintly!


Tang Hong was anxious and suddenly exerted her strength. At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the arena and had to lift an impossible weight in front of the whole world!

Don't come here to die!

At a critical moment, a cry came from Yang Qingqing's shoulder.

Her archery is very accurate, which has never been questioned.

This arrow cut through the air and hit the tiny wound scratched by the rust-spotted leopard cat with precision!


Yang Qingqing's face changed.

But just as the arrow was about to hit the buffalo chrysanthemum, the buffalo's tail swayed and hit the arrow. The arrow was shot and fell to the ground!

It turned out to be an unmatched opponent!

The impact of this is definitely strong, Tang Hong immediately made a decision to hide first!

Tang Hong's feet had already stepped into the dirt, but the bison would be unable to fight back.

In the end, she was pushed to the front of a big tree, and her back was leaning against the trunk, which gave her a support point.

She is also very clear about her position, she is not good at frontal combat, she is a mage with long-range attacks.

The momentum is heavy, and the ground seems to be shaking!


Tang Hong shouted.

But none of the arrows could hurt the bison.

Yang Qingqing shot another arrow, this time, it hit the tail of the bison.

The eyes, mouth, etc. are now too close to Tang Hong, and Yang Qingqing can't take the risk.

No wonder the rust-spotted leopard cat ran back and hid on Yang Qingqing.

All the birds in the nearby jungle flew up in fright, and bursts of birdsong were heard.


It's no joke to see a poisoned arrow with blood on its throat. "Not in front, then behind!"


But that wasn't enough. The rust-spotted leopard cat had drawn more wounds on the back of the bison. Yang Qingqing continued to aim and shoot.

The skin is too thick!

The target is the chrysanthemum of the bison!

She had no strength to follow, and was once again arched into the tree by the bison, struggling to struggle.

"Hahaha, Fatty was slapped in the face. He said just now that there is no large prey here, but a large prey appeared immediately."


Yang Qingqing gritted her teeth and kept looking for opportunities to shoot arrows.

Yang Qingqing immediately retreated, hiding behind a big tree, secretly looking for an opportunity to shoot arrows.

The situation is very critical!

On the other side, the cold wind who was chopping meat sneezed.

Tang Hong said in a deep voice.

Tang Hong struggled to speak.

If she continues to delay, Tang Hong will have no strength, and she will be killed by the bison!

Next, Tang Hong may have to wrestle with this big bison!

And start scratching the back of the bison with claws!

Immediately afterwards, the big bison had already charged in front of Tang Hong!

Because it feels that Yang Qingqing is not a threat, and Tang Hong is undoubtedly a strong enemy.

"Qingqing, you step back and look for opportunities."

But this big bison is obviously very powerful, and it is not easy to deal with.

Many viewers are inevitably worried.

It seems that these arrows only make it more angry, but they failed to cause much damage to it!

Now that the bison continued to arch her, it was a good opportunity to shoot arrows.

Before the bison had time to turn his head, Tang Hong had already rushed in front of him!

Back then, Leng Feng simply taught other players some fighting skills and melee combat skills.

"Miss Hong!"

This is agility that doesn't match his body shape, and it's also learned from the special training he received before the game.

"The cold wind is awesome!"

It jumped off Yang Qingqing's shoulder and rushed towards the bison!

Even the tail is covered with fur, so it is hard to hurt it!

She bent over, rolled on the ground, and quickly got up.

The bison roared furiously, and the huge force poured out, and kept retreating against Tang Hong!

Now that Tang Hong's life is hanging by a thread, who else would care what kind of bison this is?


The next moment, Tang Hong directly held the horns with both hands!

What is this little guy doing, it can't be the opponent of the bison!

The poison arrow was shot!

After the seed explosion just now, she was extremely weak and her limbs were shaking. Now she is completely holding on with a will.

This big guy stared at Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, his nostrils snorted, like a bull demon.

"This wave is a reverse milk sip, and the effect is very good. Fatty is in the atmosphere."

This bison's butt is actually white, and its hooves are also white. What breed is this?

"Little Mimi!"

Yang Qingqing couldn't think about it so much, she bent her bow and shot an arrow.

Simple and effective.

She also knew very well that this battle was not easy to fight.


But it didn't hurt the bison!

At this time, Tang Hong's face began to turn purple!

Tang Hong roared loudly.

In the end, it locked the target on Tang Hong.

"Yes, yes, I saw it rush out just now, and I thought it was going to catch a bird, a mouse or something, but it turned out to be a bull!"

If you really want to go back to the source, this is still taught by Lengfeng!

Yang Qingqing's eyes were fixed on the buttocks of the bison.

A large number of spectators also sank in their hearts.

It's a rust-spotted ocelot!

Yang Qingqing's arrows don't have this ability, but the rust-spotted leopard cat did it!


Next, Tang Hong stood up, arched his back slightly, and looked at the bison who was shot down.

In a short period of time, she fired a full ten arrows!

However, the opportunity to kill with one hit has never been found.

The audience sent a large number of barrages to start discussions.

"Good guy, this cow is not small, it doesn't seem to be easy to deal with."

Before the start of the competition, players from all over the world gathered together to start training.

"It's hard to deal with, this guy is rough and thick, and the bow and arrow may not be able to shoot into the flesh."

The next moment, the big buffalo let out a roar, ran straight over, and slammed into Tang Hong!

Tang Hong muttered silently in his heart.

At this time, on the side of the gold medal team, the battle was already on the verge of breaking out.

Arrow after arrow!

Even Xiao Liang is not in the mood to explain the popular science knowledge about this bison to everyone.


Mainly because the skin of this thing is too thick!

Melee also depends on Tang Hong.


Tang Hong's strength is indeed great, after all, she is a gold medalist in weightlifting.

Yang Qingqing narrowed her eyes, she took a deep breath, adjusted her breathing, and shot an arrow again.

Tang Hong shouted angrily and pushed the horns of the bison with both hands, causing the bison's footsteps to retreat!

The tiger beside him was startled by him.

The tails of bovine creatures are basically wagging from time to time, which can effectively repel mosquitoes.

At this time, the rust-spotted leopard cat finally rushed over. The little guy was extremely agile and climbed to the back of the bison in three or two times.



Yang Qingqing's forehead was sweating anxiously, and now Tang Hong was obviously unable to get out of this situation.

But it continues to bear Tang Hong!

She shot all the arrows, and the bison's back was full of arrows!

"Little Mimi is too cute!"

In fact, Tang Hong didn't need to speak, Yang Qingqing was always looking for opportunities to shoot the bison.

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