The reason is very simple.

Behind this incident, Hoth has always been planning, and Abigail is just a pawn.

And just now, Abigail actually made a fatal mistake.

Not to mention the fact that he was caught stealing meat, it can only be blamed on his bad luck.

It belongs to the kind of unlucky people who drink cold water and get stuck between their teeth.

But there is one thing that cannot be ignored.

That is, when Abigail was beaten, neither side started the live broadcast!

So at this time, there is a very strong operability.

Abigail can completely say that he did steal meat, but after seeing Master Wuchen, he has already identified himself and apologized.

But Master Wuchen still shot and beat him fiercely!

Add another fire, then just lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead!

With just a few simple words and simple operations, Master Wuchen can be disqualified from continuing the competition!

But Abigail hadn't thought of doing that at all. .

He was even the one who spoke first, stating what happened, and clearing up Master Wu Chen's illegal operations.

This belongs to helping the enemy speak!

That was the real reason for Hoth's rage.

He failed to steal meat and was beaten, which in Hoth's view was nothing.

He was not the one who couldn't eat meat and was beaten!

However, such a good opportunity, you did not seize it? !

Hoth, though very bad, belongs to the wicked of the wicked and the beast of the beasts.

But he is very smart.

As far as this matter is concerned, Abigail can completely make Master Wuchen retire!

Even if you don't say anything, that's fine, he can make a fuss too.

It is completely possible to report Master Wuchen for beating someone and violating the rules of the game.

But now, Abigail has already spoken to death, and there is no room for action at all.

Hoth felt like he was going to explode.

On the side of the curtain-up boss, he laughed extremely happily, and his thighs were numb from the shot.

The cat detective is similar here. The cat detective's laughter can be heard from the study.

The next moment, he ran to the room next to Xuan Ling.

"Xuanling, let me tell you something fun."

"Abigail in Pretty Country is so stupid, hahahaha..."

The cat detective said while laughing.

At the same time, more and more people are also aware of this and continue to discuss it online.

"I just realized that this Abigail is really stupid!"

"How? I just feel that he was beaten badly, how stupid?"

"Can't you see that, then you're an idiot too."

"Cough, don't curse, be civilized."

"Let me explain, in fact, in this wave, Abigail can completely say that Master Wuchen hit him on purpose, so Master Wuchen will retire."

"Yeah, he was knocked out of his teeth. No one was broadcasting live at that time. He can say whatever he wants!"

"Yes, yes, no matter how bad it is, you can pour a pot of dirty water down, even if the two sides disagree, it will be a hassle!"

"As a result, Abigail took the initiative to say that the fight just now doesn't count, hahahaha!"


The whole internet is laughing at Abigail.

On the other hand, the audience in the beautiful country was as uncomfortable as eating a dead fly.

There are people who are furious like Howth, and some even shoot straight into the street!

Some people took advantage of the fire and smashed the glass of the luxury store, and a wave of zero yuan purchases came directly.

The air is so sweet and free.

On the island, Lay Wuchen glanced at Master Wuchen.

"After you eat the meat, just sleep in the cave and don't disturb my sleep."

After speaking, he stepped back to the wooden house and started to sleep.

Master Wu Chen touched his head, but he still felt that it was not enough.

"Who cares about sleeping with you!"

Then he stepped to the side of the cave and started to make a fire and roast the meat.

It's a pity that neither of them started the live broadcast, and Abigail also left. The audience couldn't hear this wonderful conversation. In the end, it was Abigail's side, who moved forward while weeping and wiping blood.

The mouth was full of blood, and the lips were swollen, numb and painful.

He never imagined that this time stealing meat would turn out to be like this.

The script is wrong!

Hoth didn't tell him that the big monk would come to the cave!

Yes, what did he do in the cave in the middle of the night, eat supper?

Abigail's heart collapsed. The big monk just now caused a huge psychological shadow on him.

How could someone be so cruel?

It feels like a team of villains, and it's not so scary!

He could feel just now that the big monk really wanted to beat him to death!

Isn't it just eating a few mouthfuls of meat and killing people?

Don't the monks of the Shenzhou Kingdom pay attention to compassion, and they can't kill or eat meat!

This is a fake monk!

Abigail's heart has already started to withdraw.

But he thought of the terrible horse-faced man Hoth again.

If the great monk just now could give him a happy way to die, then Hoss could make him unable to survive or die.

Now he really dare not retire.

Once retired, Hawes will never let him go.

"what should I do now?"

"If you keep going, you have to eat earthworms."

"And I have to deal with the man who has a gun in his hand and a group of animals. How to fight?"

Abigail was desperate, he knelt on the ground, covered his face and cried.

No way to heaven, no way to earth!

This is the true portrayal of him now.

Enter, Abigail dies.

Back off, Abigail is dead.

Extreme pressure shrouded his heart.

But in his live broadcast room, almost no one cared about him.

Almost half of the people were calling him stupid, and the other half were laughing at his stupidity.

There are only a handful of people who truly feel sympathy for him.

Eventually, Abigail turned off the livestream and curled up under a tree.

Poor and helpless.

Huoth wanted to contact him, but considering the risk of exposure, he had to endure it.

And Hoth also knew that if he contacted Abigail now, he could not help but scold him, thus wasting precious contact time.

Get rid of the anger first, and talk about it tomorrow.

Things on the island were temporarily over, but the audience was so excited that they couldn't sleep.

All kinds of news reports emerge in an endless stream, and the discussion on the Internet is overwhelming.

Especially on the Buddhist and Taoist side, the live broadcast room with a black screen received a lot of rewards!

In the past, their live broadcast room had no content, few people watched it, and there was no reward.

But it's different now.

Master Wu Chen beat Abigail, everyone was very cool.

Naturally, you will not be stingy with rewards.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was bright, and the time came to the two hundred and second day.

Today Ye Han is going back to his hometown. He ate breakfast early in the morning, packed his things, and set off.

Lengfeng also began to return to the fourth base.

Both groups of players are on their way.

Then there is Abigail, who everyone pays special attention to, but he has not started the live broadcast. He should be hiding in a corner and licking his wounds.

It's all like this, but he hasn't retired yet, he's really tenacious!

Some viewers feel that Abigail is very tenacious.

But some people feel that something is wrong. Why is Abigail still insisting?

What's the point?

Did he know that he would die if he retire?

Or, what is the reason why he is still on the island?

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