The audience must admit that many times the word "welfare" can't bear to look directly at it.

"Alanoyi? You still owe a tractor to eat. When are you going to be a guest and feed us live!"

"Isn't Fushengju not tempted? As a partner, he is the first to get the moon!"

Audiences who have obtained a quota can go to the store to eat Bawang meal.

Then get up for breakfast, drink tea, and play with the animals at home.

After digging back, sweet potato planting is also carried out.

"The little pigs have to get a pigpen and raise them."

There are some signs of boiling on the whole network, and the audience is gearing up.

Prostitution is a joy that human beings cannot refuse.

"Do you still remember, I already guessed the truth!"

But Ye Han's live broadcast room still has the largest audience.

In such an atmosphere, the live broadcast of the day came to an end.

Even if it exceeds, it will not exceed how much money.

And the Shenzhouguo program group also gave a notice.

If someone eats too much, they will have to pay for the extra portion.

And she then announced the matter, which caused even greater repercussions.

Li Guang is obviously hilarious, but he is actually quite tired now.

Of course, it doesn't allow you to order unlimited meals.

Wearing a pair of jeans on the lower body and a white shirt on the upper body, it looks very clean and pure.

There is nothing to do, just take an early rest before going to the Bisheng Mountain Waterfall to build a house.


Because they didn't go out today, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi slept a little longer.

"Pig Ju, I love you!" "Don't do this, at least don't call people's names. Hey!"

Tian Ai Incense Candle is constantly conducting lottery draws.

At this time, Abigail is trying to find the poison that can poison Ye Han!

"I don't care about anything else, but I beg Zhuju to give me a place to eat Bawang's meal. I dream of going to Hanqi Hotpot Restaurant to have a meal. That's a far-fetched dream."

Either lose money, lose friends, or lose money and friends.

"Hey, what I owe is to a friend. I won't pay it back. It's a big deal."

"Hahaha, it's finally here!"

"To be honest, the price of a meal at Hanqi Hotpot Restaurant is not expensive, but my monthly salary is only 13,000. I really don't want to. It would be great if I could get this opportunity."

Then the limit is less than two hundred dollars.

Everyone was still chatting about what happened to him, and there were a lot of comments in the live broadcast room, all saying that he must have forgotten to turn on the live broadcast after going to the toilet.

Eating Bawang meal, of course, also belongs to one of them.

Her partner today is Duan Xiaomei, and the two beauties in the live broadcast room made the audience even more excited.

In fact, Leng Feng and Li Guang are also psychologically prepared for this.

As long as it does not exceed 200 yuan, you can order whatever you want.

As it turns out, don't lend money to friends.

In the live broadcast room, there are all kinds of rude words, one by one show.

Entertainment activities include kicking shuttlecock, playing chess, and Ye Han chatting and bragging, and the two flirting with each other.

Not to mention, Hanqi Hotpot Restaurant has a very good reputation, both in terms of taste and service, are impeccable.

"Pig Ju, you are my god!"

Because Tian Ai Incense Candle is here, she is giving everyone benefits.

The audience is also speculating, what will happen to the fourth base now?

After a night of silence, the time came to the 204th day.

Adjust your state, and when you start, do your best.

"It's fine for me to build another house on the spot."

In the end, more and more people won awards, and they swiped directly in the live broadcast room.

In the end, most viewers believed that Abigail forgot to turn on the live broadcast after going to the toilet.

After the live broadcast is closed, it will not start again.

There must be all kinds of insects in the house.


"Guang, I'm afraid it will be a little harder today."

The method she uses is also very simple, that is, take a random screenshot, and then the audience who appears in the screenshot can get a place to eat Bawang meal once.

But in fact, the benefits that Tian Ai Xiangzhu said are very simple, in fact, they are the places to eat Bawang meal.

Early in the morning, Abigail wakes up and starts the broadcast, and then he talks to himself about going to the bathroom.

Carrying so much weight and walking such a long way, it is a lie to say that you are not tired.

These people were obviously the navy soldiers that Hoth had found, and they successfully led the conversation.

On the other side, the audience discovered one thing.

"Hey, what is this."

Not only to build a house, but also to work on the production of rubber.

Today, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi still plan to stay in their hometown and take a rest.

"Hurry up and say goodbye to Ye Han, and try to get a chance to eat Bawang's meal tomorrow!"

As the two moved forward, the cold wind said.

In the end, everyone agreed that the fourth base should have begun to grow mushrooms.

After all, when you start building a house in the past, it will be tiring.

Leng Feng laughed when he heard the words, Li Guang glanced at him, and laughed along with him, without saying anything.

Today, when she came to the live broadcast room, she also dressed up, but not too deliberately.

And she also wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which gave her an air of being a scholar.

"Hey, I still owe 30,000 yuan in online loans, and I'm reluctant to go to a big meal, so I haven't been able to check in at the Hanqi Hotpot Restaurant."

She had already thought about giving away a large number of Hanqi Hotpot Restaurant's Overlord Meal quota.

On the other side, in the live broadcast room of the scenery CP group.

If there is no accident, the scenery cp group can rush back to their fourth base tonight.

Of course, this statement cannot summarize the whole situation, but there are definitely not a few friends or relatives who have turned against each other because of borrowing money.

If you really meet someone who takes the whole family to eat, orders all the dishes, and can eat you thousands of dollars, what will you do?

One place, you can bring a companion to eat together.

Let many people suddenly dream back to their student days.

Regarding this point, Tianai Incense Candle has naturally thought about it for a long time.

Look, this kind of speech has come out.

With the screenshots of Tian Ai Xiangzhu again and again, a large number of places were sent out.

It's all over the screen.

In fact, the price of Hanqi Hotpot Restaurant is not expensive, and it is still very close to the people. Two hundred yuan to order food is enough for two people to eat.

"After going back in a hurry, I have to clean up the house."

Tian Ai Xiangzhu is also dumbfounded, and the whole life depends on the netizens.

And don't forget, there are still some resources to be collected on Bisheng Mountain. If nothing else, there are still a lot of sweet potatoes left, and we have to dig them back.

"I've seen a real person in a hot pot restaurant. Sister Xiangzhu is so beautiful!"

So just relax before you start.

In the process, the audience naturally ate a lot of dog food.

"Three-year start warning, don't forget, Miss Xiangzhu is still underage!"

If you can go to eat for free, then you must be hungry for two days?

The shadow giant was not enough yesterday, and he is here again today, and he is talking about it.

"You only owe thirty thousand? I owe the bank more than two million!"

There is nothing to do here in my hometown, but there are indeed a lot of things on the side of Bisheng Mountain.

"It's the type I like, I love it!"

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