Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1497 The Progress Of Making Rubber

After entering the ward, Christovsky saw his own teammate Tompkin.

At this point, Tompkin's arm was hung around his neck, covered with a thick cast and wrapped in gauze.

But the complexion is very good, leaving the island, returning to the city, receiving modern treatment, eating well, and sleeping soundly.

The environment in the hospital ward is much better than that on the island.

At some point, Tompkin even thought it was heaven.

Hearing the footsteps, Tompkin, who was looking at the scenery by the window, turned around and saw Christofsky with a declining face.

"Oh my friend!"

Tompkin came over with a smile on his face.

He wanted to give his teammates a hug, but only then did he realize that he had broken one of his arms.

At this time, Christovsky directly bent down and bowed deeply.


"Tompkin, I'm sorry!"


What followed was Christovsky crying and apologizing, and Tompkin comforting him and forgiving him.

But it is useless for Tompkin to forgive him, netizens all over the world will not forgive him.

"Don't cry, you didn't do those murders and set fires."

"I just broke an arm, and I'm not dead. There are players on the island who killed their own teammates!"

Tompkin patiently comforted him.

After living together for more than 200 days, he was very familiar with Christovsky.

He is very clear that this person is not bad in nature, but is a little neurotic and annoying, and keeps talking about bullshit aliens.

In contrast, he is a lot better than Father Vasily, the racist, Brown who killed his teammates by mistake, and Andre who killed his teammates by sleeping through the night!

Hearing these words of Tompkin, Christofsky also had a strong curiosity in his heart.

It seems that a lot of wonderful things are happening on the island!

"You'll know when you look at it. Don't worry about the scolding on the Internet."

"Trust me, no one will scold you in a few days."

Tompkin said.

With his comfort and persuasion, Christovsky's mentality has been much better.

He wiped away his tears and started watching what happened to the other players.

"Hey, so many people have died on the island?"

"A country as powerful as the Beautiful Country has actually been wiped out?"

"Hahaha, the Neon Country has also been wiped out, this is good, I especially despise the Neon Country!"

"The best I've had now is actually a group of Divine State players."

"This... how is this possible? This is fake, I don't believe it!"

Clearly, Kristowski is starting the Transcend Tribulation.

Tompkin on the side looked at the poor teammate with a kind smile.

Just been hit by the Internet all over the world, and now I want Transcend Tribulation again, tsk tsk.

This is also a small bad taste of Tompkin, just treat this guy as punishment for breaking his arm!

Meanwhile, the picture returns to the island.

On the hippo knight Batu side, there are still many spectators gathered.

At this time, Batu had already harvested a lot of hippo meat.

But still not fully dealt with.

"That damn hippopotamus has so much meat!"

"I won't be able to take it home!"

Batu frowned.

He is only one person, and his physical strength has not fully recovered yet, his ability is limited!

It would be great if Bileg was still there, two people, at least one more person.

Thinking of Bileg, Batu snorted again in disdain. "Stupid Beleg!"

"Maybe at this point he's already retired, went back home to find his mother, and then knelt down and watched me kill the hippo!"

Batu sneered and muttered to himself.

His remarks made the audience burst into laughter.

"Batu is obviously floating!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with him. He killed the hippo by himself. It's really amazing."

"Yes, yes, don't compare Batu to Ye Han or Leng Feng, he's already really good."

"That said, but in fact Bileger did nothing wrong. Bileger's choice is the safest."

"Speaking of Beleg, how is he now?"

"Let me report to you. Stupid Bileg is still marching in the jungle, looking for a suitable place to live, and last night he was very lucky, he caught a rabbit and ate the meat."


A lot of people started following Batu, calling Blegg the stupid Blegg.

A once wise man turned into an idiot overnight.

Next, the audience saw that Batu began to pack a lot of hippo meat.

He didn't have a backpack, because it was taken away by Bileg.

So he greeted the female relatives in the Blegg family while weaving bags out of vines.

The audience calculated, and it seems that during the whole day today, Batu probably won't be able to return to the place of residence with his own harvest.

Anyway, have to wait until tomorrow, even more time!

It is quite difficult for a person to carry a whole hippo meat.

At this time in the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei has returned, and he is explaining with Lord De.

It's just that the audience can see that Bei Ye is a little absent-minded and in a bad state.

"Master Bei, what's wrong?"

"Are you too tired and sick?"

"To be honest, explaining here every day is actually more tiring than surviving in the wilderness!"

"It really doesn't work, just rest for a while, everyone can understand."

"Looking at Master Bei's face, it seems that his condition is already very bad, and I don't know what happened."

"Keep holding on, the game is almost over!"


The audience didn't know that Bei Ye was worried about his apprentice. ..

So it's going to be bad.

During the two days he was away, he inquired and negotiated in many ways.

In the end, it was of no use at all, and there was no way to contact the apprentice Bill at all.

In the end he had no choice but to give up.

He wanted to take care of this, but he couldn't.

It's beyond the scope of ability.

While explaining, Pei Ye thought in his heart, not knowing where Bill is now, is he dead or alive?

Master De was also very clear about the situation of his partner.

But since Master Bei didn't take the initiative to tell him what the matter was, he didn't ask any more.

Instead, take the initiative to share the interpretation work and activate the atmosphere.

At the same time, he also had some guesses in his heart, and it could basically be determined that it was because of Lord Bei's apprentice, the unlucky Bill.

"Okay, now let's go back to Ye Han's live room to see how his rubber is made."

Master De explained, and at the same time switched the director screen to Ye Han's live broadcast room.

At this time, Ye Han was busy making rubber while Su Xiaoqi was cooking lunch.

There is still a long distance between the two, resulting in the direct split screen of the live broadcast, and the two are not in the same frame.

This was because there was some unpleasant smell when making rubber, so Ye Han went out for a while, fearing that it would affect the meal later.

As usual, Ye Han's live broadcast room was always overcrowded and the barrage continued.

And at this time, the production of rubber is also progressing quite well!

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