Hippo rider Batu, his character is very tenacious.

This can be seen from his insistence on dealing with hippos.

In fact, the wisest choice at that time was indeed to give up continuing to deal with this hippo, but to find a new home.

It's very stable, and in the long run, it's the best choice.

After all, even if you kill this hippo, what about the future?

Gotta think about it for the future.

Not that the hippo was enough for them to eat until the day the race was over.

But Batu doesn't care about this, he looks for it, he must kill the hippo.

So now, it is impossible for him to give up carrying these hippo meat.

No matter how difficult it is, he will continue to carry and bring all these harvests back!

Early in the morning, Batu ate some hippo meat and packed up and was ready to go.

This time he made some preparations.

For example, for the meat bag, he thickened the handle a little bit so that it wouldn't be so restrictive.

The same principle applies to the straps of the backpack.

And he reduced the weight, carrying only three packages, one on his back and one in each hand.

Then he embarked on the journey and began to walk back at a constant speed.

After walking for half an hour, take a break, very regular.

This scene was seen by the audience, and everyone thought it was good.

"Yes, yes, the hippo knight has learned to be smart."

"It's just that the efficiency will be lower, but it can be transported anyway. It will take about three days, right?"

"Three days might not be enough, I feel like five days are needed."

"Anyway, don't be in a hurry, move it slowly, but the stupid Bileg has not found a place to live, and his food is almost gone. I feel that Bileg is dying."


The audience was constantly discussing and sending barrage.

Today, no bigwigs will come to the live broadcast room as guests.

According to the arrangement of the program team, the next big shot is Si Xuan, but the time has not yet been set.

Many viewers are still immersed in the madness of yesterday, unable to extricate themselves.

And now, viewers have begun to receive prizes one after another!

Some are tablets, some are desktops, some are vr game consoles.

Of course, there is also the title deed...

The ten lucky ones who got the house have now become the object of everyone's pursuit.

Jealousy envy hate ah!

Watching the live broadcast, earning a million, directly changed my life!

The screen came to Ye Han's side, he and Su Xiaoqi were packing up and preparing to leave.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Nine Heavens lead the way, let's find the gold mine!"

Ye Han gave an order, and Nine Heavens let out a cry, flapping its wings and flying.

Ye Han took the team and started to move in the direction of Nine Heavens' flight.

In this direction, I have never traveled before.

Ye Han vaguely felt that this was a bit like the direction that the beautiful country player came from.

What was that player's name? It seemed to be an Abishop.


Ye Han slapped his forehead and remembered.

This is the person who was killed by his headshot, and the name will never be forgotten.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Su Xiaoqi on the side saw this scene and asked.

"Oh, nothing."

"It's kind of like the direction that Abigail came from."

Ye Han said.

Hearing Ye Han's words, the audience also thought of Abigail.

In the past, he was also dubbed the pen cover by the audience. But who would have thought that he actually wanted to assassinate Ye Han, it was unforgivable.

"Dead memories suddenly start attacking me!"

"Has Abigail's grave started to grow grass?"

"A headshot kill is so cool, I want to try it too."

"This kind of thinking is very dangerous. I suggest you go to the stall to play balloons."

"Congratulations again on the annihilation of the beautiful country, hehehe!"

"Grab the bamboo shoots! But I like it, hahaha!"


Ye Han mentioned Abigail, and the audience chatted by the way.

Many people just remembered that the beautiful country had not been wiped out for so long.

Looking up, there is no opponent to see.

The master is lonely, this champion has long been in the pocket of China!

Next, Ye Han continued to move forward, and under the guidance of Nine Heavens, headed towards the location of the gold mine.

"It's basically going down this river."

"Xiao Qi, be careful, there's a snake here!"

Ye Han said and found a snake in front of him.

Dude, I can't tell if I don't look closely, this snake is clinging to the trunk of a tree, it's brown, and it looks like it's integrated with the tree.

In fact, this is not uncommon in this tropical rainforest.

Many creatures camouflage themselves and blend into their surroundings to facilitate hunting or conceal themselves.

The most famous example is probably the dead leaf butterfly, which everyone learned about in textbooks as children.

But the dead leaf butterfly is absolutely unexpected, because it looks like a withered leaf, attracting many people to collect specimens, causing its number to plummet.

There is no doubt that this hapless snake was beheaded by Ye Han for public display.

The body was left behind, so it could be cooked or eaten at noon.

Continuing along the river, the two chatted from time to time.

"This is the river that forms after the waterfall continues to flow."

"If there are other players in this river, as well as the river basin in the future, they are all drinking the water we wash our feet, hahaha!"

Ye Han laughed unkindly.

Don't say it, he really got it right.

The Buddhist and Taoist groups lived not far ahead before.

It's just that the current Buddhist and Taoist group has moved.

Attentive audiences are also discussing this issue.

"If I remember correctly, according to Abigail's route, the front of the river is the hometown of the Buddhist and Taoist groups."

"At the time, the Buddhist and Taoist group suddenly moved. I still remember that incident. I can only say that Lay Wuchen is too good."

"Yeah, he said that he was going to move, and I felt that something had gone wrong with their original house."

"You'll know when Ye Han walks over and takes a look."

"Hasn't Master Lu Zhishen found out that he has been streaming live?"

"Yes, he didn't find out, hahahaha!"

A large number of barrages surged, and the audience kept chatting.

Time passed, but Ye Han never reached his destination.

Nine Heavens has not stopped to say hello, which proves that they still need to move on.

"Nine Heavens is still comfortable, and the family can fly."

Ye Han has already expressed his envy to Nine Heavens more than once.

Nine Heavens soared in the sky, very comfortable, and occasionally flew back to see Ye Han, and then continued to lead the way.

Rhubarb was also very excited along the way. After all, this is a new place and I have never been there before.

Several times it almost went into the water and wanted to play in the river, but was stopped by Ye Han.

Because the water flow in some places is relatively turbulent, if the small body of Rhubarb is washed away, it will not be good.

In this way, the time came to noon, and Nine Heavens stopped.

It looks like it should have arrived at the destination, but to the disappointment of the audience, it is obviously still a long way from the hometown of the Buddhist and Taoist groups.

At least there are no traces of it.

If this is where the gold mine is, then Ye Han will definitely not be able to move forward in a short time, and there will be no way to find the hometown of the Buddhist and Taoist group.

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