It's not easy!

Many viewers are also feeling uncomfortable for the hippo rider Batu.

After so many twists and turns, he finally completed a move.

But this is only the first time, there will be many more to come.

"I'm exhausted!"

Back in the wooden house, Batu lay on the ground on his back, panting.

After a long while, he had the strength to reach out and wipe the sweat from his forehead.

At the same time, he also felt that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, this wouldn't make him so tired. He owns his body and knows it well.

So what exactly went wrong?

Batu frowned, a little worried in his heart.

Long before the game started, he knew that the biggest fear on the island was getting sick.

Once sick, in terms of the conditions on the island, it is basically necessary to retire.

Are you saying you are sick?

Batu quickly shook his head.

"Daddy is stronger than a hippo, how can he get sick!"

Batu gritted his teeth fiercely.

He didn't accept that he would get sick.

After resting for a while, he got up to eat the hippo meat, rested a little, and then hit the road again.

It takes almost a day to come and go, and you can only bring three bags of hippo meat at a time.

When is this going to be moved?

Along the way, he has also been wondering if there is any better way.

After thinking about it, he really thought of a way.

That is to make a simple tool, the kind that can be dragged around.

In the jungle, it is not realistic to use props such as carts.

And he didn't have the skills to make a small cart.

So his idea is to make a box that can be dragged and pulled by himself.

In this case, you can carry more hippo meat in one trip.

He did what he said, and when he returned to the area by the river, he immediately began to collect materials.

"What is Batu doing?"

"He must have thought it was too difficult to carry it like this, so he thought of other ways and wanted to make some kind of tool."

"Yeah, I said it long ago, you still need to make a tool."

"Brothers, I always feel that Batu's situation is not normal. I suspect that he is ill."

"Why didn't I see it, don't talk nonsense, I'm sure that Batu won't have an accident, and if there is an accident, it would be stupid to have an accident first. I bet 20,000 yuan!"

"Refuse to gamble, betting on dogs will not end well!"


A large number of audiences are constantly discussing.

But whether people want to admit it or not, live streaming bracelets don’t lie.

The sky has gradually dimmed, and Batu is busy making moving tools, ignoring his own physical condition.

At this time, an alarm sounded from his live broadcast bracelet.

"Drip drip!"

For a time, Batu almost thought he was dead.

But if he is dead, how can he hear the alarm sound of the live bracelet?

He quickly checked the data on the live broadcast bracelet.

According to these data, his body temperature is now too high, and all the indexes of his body are out of balance!

The live bracelet suggested that he take a rest, and if the situation still does not improve, he should retire immediately.

"how is this possible!"

"Is this broken bracelet broken?"

Batu frowned and cursed.

Then he wanted to get up and go to the stream to wash his face, but when he stood up, he felt black and dizzy.

He quickly reached out to support a tree trunk next to him, and then slowly squatted down.


"What's wrong with me?" Batu panicked.

It's like I'm really sick!

If this were the case before, this would never have happened!

He knows that some people have been squatting for a long time, sitting for a long time, and suddenly stand up, and their eyes will turn black.

And there are definitely many such people, and there are more and more.

Batu looked down on such people, and felt that such people were too weak and weak.

But I didn't expect that now he himself has become such a person!

"Fuck, Batu is done!"

"No, no, Batu!"

"Get up and take a good rest, Batu!"

"I bet you 100,000 yuan, Batu, you must not fall!"

"Yes, if you persist, you will definitely have to persist longer than Bileg, or I will have to jump off the building!"

"I feel that the situation is not good. Fortunately, I only invested 10,000 yuan. Even if I lose, I can still afford it. It is more cost-effective than buying a fund."


Since the Hippo Knights group split, there has been a lot of discussion about who will retire first between Batu and Bileg.

There are many more people who open bets and gamble.

So now they are so nervous.

But now it seems that the situation in Batu is really not that good.

Although Bileg has not found a suitable place to live and lacks food, at least the family is not sick!

But on Batu's side, the live broadcast bracelet has issued an alarm!

After struggling to wash his face, Batu felt better, and he lay down by the campfire and began to rest.

"Go to sleep, just go to sleep."

"Hippo died in my hands, how could I retire due to illness, that's impossible."

Batu muttered, and gradually fell asleep.

On the other side, there is another player, who is also suffering at this time.

That is Hillman of the new generation earthworm team.

He suffered from constipation before, which attracted the attention of many viewers.

There is really no good way to do it on the island. Even if you want to buy a Kaiselu, there is no place to buy it.

Just drink plenty of water.

In the past two days, Hillman drank a lot of water and kept urinating, but he never had a tuba!

He tried to squat a few times, but couldn't get out at all.

This made Hillman's face even more difficult to look at.

"Hillman, come on!"

"You're the best, you can do it, hold your breath, push hard!"

At this point Dibbs is encouraging his own teammates.

Hillman squatted in the shadow of the trees, with a constipated expression on his face.

He is really constipated.

"Can you shut up!"

Hillman cursed.

"I just wanted to cheer you on."

Dibbs said.

"I see, please be quiet now, I feel a little bit of a sign."

Hillman said.

Hearing this, Dibbs quickly closed his mouth and secretly looked forward to it.

Many viewers couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

It's a pity that after a long while, the sky was completely dark, but Hillman still failed.

"No, still no!"

"Dibbs, I feel like I'm done, my stomach is about to explode!"

Hillman said almost with a cry.

Hearing this, Dibbs' heart was also very complicated.

If this continues, then his teammate may retire from the game.

And he knew very well in his heart that if Hillman retire, he would be left alone and alone, how long could he last on the island?

From this point of view, my team is probably already on the brink of retirement, and has taken a step forward!

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