Rhubarb is afraid that his girlfriend will be hurt.

Nine Heavens expressed disdain for this, and ignored Rhubarb at all, flapped his wings, and flew to the side.

It is the overlord of the sky, so naturally he despises his introverted teammate.

Xiao Hanhan mooed twice, turned her head and returned to the big girl.

At this time, Rhubarb had already climbed up the tree to comfort his girlfriend.

"It's really coming."

"It seems that our rhubarb is handsome among monkeys."

Ye Han joked.

In fact, what he wanted to say was that his ability in that area should not be weak, but he was not too embarrassed to speak.

It doesn't matter, what he wants to say has already been said by the audience.

"Hahaha, otherwise, in order to enter a woman's heart, you need to enter her body first!"

"Yes, Rhubarb's powerful performance completely conquered this female monkey!"

"Bah, it's really vulgar!"

"For this female monkey, Ye Han's group is very dangerous. She is willing to follow and prove that she really likes rhubarb."

"Will it be pregnant with a rhubarb child, and does not want the child to be born without a father?"

"Is Rhubarb so powerful?

"To tell you the truth, brothers, sometimes it's just a matter of time. My wife and I went to open a house as soon as we met. She gave birth three months later. I had no choice but to get married."


A large number of barrages are constantly surging, and there are also a lot of rewards.

The audience's pistachio rhubarb found a girlfriend, this is a good thing, we have to celebrate!

It was really said by some people, it seems that Ye Han's team is going to grow again, and there is one more monkey.

And this time, on the tree.

With the company of Rhubarb, the mother monkey has recovered from the panic just now.

Now its attention is all on Rhubarb's mouth.

Because it smells the fragrance of rhubarb's mouth.

What does this smell like?




Two monkeys communicate.

This time, Ye Han acted as the royal translator.

Rhubarb's girlfriend: What's the taste in your mouth, why is it so fragrant?

Rhubarb: It's meat!

Rhubarb's girlfriend: No wonder you don't want me anymore, it turned out to be delicious!

Rhubarb: I didn't want you, I was just about to bring some meat for you to taste!

Rhubarb's girlfriend: Really, I don't believe it.

Rhubarb: I lied to you that I'm a dog!

Ye Han's translation made Su Xiaoqi giggle, and the audience couldn't help laughing.

Isn't Rhubarb Ye Han's lackey?

Next, Ye Han brought the rhubarb bowl, which was full of meat.

Then he took Su Xiaoqi and went back to sit by the bonfire, without disturbing the big yellow couple.

Of course, it's still worth watching.

Both of them had aunt smiles on their faces, watching Rhubarb take meat for his girlfriend to eat.

There is no doubt that the first bite, rhubarb's girlfriend was immediately conquered.

What kind of fairy food is this, how can it be so delicious!

The audience in the live broadcast room also shouted, this is done!

The dowry is meat, what can't it do?

A large bowl of meat all went into the stomachs of the two monkeys.

At this time, Da Huang's girlfriend had let down her guard against Ye Han's team.

In addition to being comforted by rhubarb, it can also feel that this group of people is not malicious.

Rhubarb: Just stay, sleep with me later, and eat meat!

Rhubarb's girlfriend: Good.

Then the next thing to do is to give it a name!

Without waiting for the audience to start thinking about this issue, our naming lover Su Xiaoqi can't wait.

"Boss, boss, name!"

"I think it's good to be called Mrs. Huang!" Su Xiaoqi said excitedly.

Good guy, now not only are the audience sleepless, she and Ye Han are not sleepy at all.

"Sister Huang?"

"What a stupid name, doesn't that mean that Rhubarb is our Dage?"

Ye Han directly rejected the name.

Su Xiaoqi thought about it too, she couldn't raise the seniority of Rhubarb!

"Little yellow?"

"How about this name, and Da Huang is directly a couple's name."

Su Xiaoqi thought of another name.

I have to say, this name suits Ye Han's taste very well.

"Xiao Huang is a good name, keep it as a backup, and think about a few more."

"I also thought of one, called Huang Po."

"It means Da Huang's wife."

Ye Han said seriously.

Su Xiaoqi rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you just call me Huanglian Po?"

"It's too ugly, don't!"

Su Xiaoqi rejected the name Huang Po.

The audience immediately followed suit, brainstorming, brainstorming, and naming Rhubarb's girlfriend.

"Have it, call it Tianhuang!"

"Damn mental retardation, don't say those nonsense, think of something nicer."

"Why does it have to be related to the word yellow?"

"Yes, although it is Rhubarb's girlfriend, there is no need to add a yellow character."

"Let's just call it a beautiful country. You can also insinuate the beautiful country and make them mad."

"Not bad, I think it's very beautiful!"

"Then the problem is, Ye Han and Xiao Qi didn't even think of the name, so we can't tell them!"


A large number of viewers feel that the name Dabei is very good.

It's a pity that there is no way to tell Ye Han this advice!

Some people were so anxious that they even started calling the show team, hoping that the show team could contact Ye Han and tell Ye Han the name.

This is of course impossible, and the operator of the program group said that he was also very helpless.

At this time, in the live broadcast, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were still thinking about the name.

But there is still no result, except for a little yellow, there is no other alternate name.

On the other hand, Da Huang had already brought his girlfriend to the vicinity of Ye Han and Xiao Qi.

Seeing the flames of the bonfire, Rhubarb's girlfriend was obviously still a little scared.

Has been close to Rhubarb's body.

Rhubarb is constantly appeasing it.

"Rhubarb, are you full?"

"I'll give you another bowl."

Ye Han got up, got another bowl of meat, and placed it in front of the two monkeys.

This move immediately had a great impact on Rhubarb's girlfriend.

Is this delicious food enough?

In the eyes it looked at Ye Han, the defensive mood gradually dissipated, and it was replaced by gratitude.

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi continued to think about names.

"The name Xiao Huang always feels too hasty to me."

"Can't we have a meaningful name?"

Ye Han sighed, this was the helplessness from the name waste.

"When I browsed the video online, I saw a lot of movie commentaries, and the names of the male and female protagonists were all named by the commentators as Damei, Xiaoshuai, Dabei and so on."

"It's all nameless!"

Su Xiaoqi also sighed, she really remembered a good name.

But unexpected.

But her words gave Ye Han inspiration!


"This name is quite good, Xiao Qi!"

Ye Han slapped his thigh, startling the two monkeys who were eating meat.

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