No matter how stupid Hillman was, he had already reacted.

I was sold by that group of rescuers!

How about keeping a secret?

How can people be unbelievable?

Hillman was distraught, and he held the phone in his hand tightly, as if he wanted to crush it.

I saw his eyes were red, he was gnashing his teeth, and he was about to rush out of the ward on the spot!

"Player Hillman, what are you doing?"

"Please calm down, Hillman player!"

The staff guarding outside the ward quickly stopped Hillman.

And at the same time, a psychiatrist standing by the side also came up, trying to comfort Hillman.

"Don't stop me!"

"I'm going to kill those people!"

Hillman yelled.

His actions also attracted the attention of many people in the hospital corridor.

A series of discussions rang out.

"Hey, isn't this Hillman?"

"He's world-famous now, take a picture!"

"I want to take a photo with him, I don't know if he will agree."

"You said that if you want a signature, can you sell it for money?"

"Quickly record this scene and sell it to some news media!"

"Great idea, snap it!"


Hearing these voices, Hillman was furious and felt a flame burning in his chest.

What do these people think of him, the monkey in the zoo?

"Stop shooting!"

"Whoever shoots again, I'll kill him!"

Hillman went mad!

He punched the show staff in the face with one punch, then kicked the psychiatrist and rushed to the front of a patient.

The patient was pointing his phone at Hillman.


The camera function of his mobile phone did not turn off the sound, and even turned on the flash!

The dazzling lights came on, as if mocking Hillman.

Hillman grabbed the phone, slammed it to the ground, and stepped on it frantically.

But it doesn't help at all!

Because there were many other people present, all of them were shooting with their mobile phones, and his every move was filmed.

The worst thing is, these people also backed away while shooting to avoid Hillman's attack!

This scene made Hillman feel a burst of dizziness in front of him, and then the world was spinning like a whirlwind.

Soon, a high-definition video began to circulate on the entire network.

In the video, Hillman is wearing a hospital gown, shouting constantly, hitting people and throwing his phone!

In the end, he fainted and was carried away by paramedics, and the video ended.

"Fuck, is Hillman so fierce?"

"As expected of the Jet King!"

"Poor Hillman, he's completely dead."

"Well, everyone will forget it after a while, and it won't affect his life."

"Not necessarily, think about Zhu Chuanqi, there are still people playing his memes."

"Don't worry, Hillman's calamity isn't over yet. He should have just seen the discussion about him on the Internet, but he hasn't seen what a good life Ye Han is living!"


The whole Internet was discussing about Hillman.

Those rescuers and medical staff who broke the news now feel like they are playing big.

This time, don't ruin Hillman.

Someone proposed to go to the hospital to see Hillman, but it was rejected because they dared not, for fear that Hillman would go crazy and deal with them.

It's still quite possible. In the end, they decided to deal with it coldly, and pretended not to know about it, regardless of asking, and waited for the heat of the matter to pass.

On the other side, the other two retired players also woke up.

The first is Batu. He has been lying in bed until now after hanging water in the hospital. Batu is feeling much better now.

Opening his eyes and seeing the hippo meat placed in the ward, Batu was even happier.

"Although he retired, he brought back the hippo meat."

"I'm going to eat all this meat!"

Batu gritted his teeth and said.

He and this hippo fell in love with each other and killed each other, which is also a legend.

Now even if he has retired from the competition, this matter is still difficult, he must eat all the hippo meat to vent his hatred!

Next, he asked the staff of the show to get his mobile phone.

This was handed over to the program team for safekeeping before the game.

Some people will directly let the show team keep their belongings, and some people will give these things to their families for safekeeping.

Most of them are still handed over to the show crew, because they are afraid that their family members will look at their mobile phones...

Everyone knows the reason.

"That idiot Blegg hasn't retired yet?!"

"Humph, but he won't last long like this. If he hunted hippos with me at the time, he wouldn't be so unlucky."

"It's all his fault!"

Batu checked Bileg's situation for the first time.

After discovering that Bileg was all right, he immediately scolded.

Then he plans to see how the other players are doing.

But at this time, a lot of information began to pop up from his mobile phone.

"Batu, do you sell your hippopotamus meat? Can I buy a pack of one thousand yuan?"

"My good brother Batu, you are finally back. When you are free, I want to visit you."

"Old classmate! Remember me, I'm Agen! That's right, I have a friend here who wants to buy your hippo meat at a high price, waiting for your news!"

"Batu, although we have long since broken up, but one day husband and wife a hundred days, can you sell me some hippo meat?"


Information like this is innumerable.

Batu people are stupid.

Is this hippo meat so delicious?

At this time, he didn't even know that a large number of viewers wanted to get the things on the island, and wanted to eat the food produced on the island.

Batu just feels that things are very magical now, and he decides to reconsider it.

This hippo meat is so sought-after, it is too wasteful to eat it by yourself, why don't you exchange it for a lot of money!

Batu began to think about how to maximize the benefits.

Finally he decided to auction!

What a great idea!

Batu immediately contacted his family and friends to find a way to arrange this.

Hippo Meat Auction!

Finally, there is Khun Tai of Siam.

His situation was a bit lacklustre.

After Kuntai retired from the competition due to acute gastroenteritis, he was sent to the hospital for infusion treatment, and he has improved a lot since then.

Although he felt very weak, his intestines and stomach were aching, but he was much more comfortable than when he was on the island.

Then Kuntai began to check the situation online.

"Wen Song's body is gradually improving, and it should last for a while."

"Zhalunwang and Valariro have already retired from the competition, oh, they are so miserable!"

"What? The beautiful country has already been wiped out. This is the favorite to win the championship!"

"It's unbelievable, this cold wind in China has killed Thomas alive!"

"What the hell is going on, how can the players of Shenzhou Kingdom be so strong, especially this Ye Han, he is open, right? There is a shady scene in the game!"


On Kuntai's side, he fell into extreme shock.

Compared with the other two retired players, his side is indeed the most bland. .

After the calamity is over, it will be over, and there will be no other situations,

Simply pass the calamity.

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