Are there basins on the island?

All the audience's eyes widened, watching this scene in the live broadcast.

Moreover, a large number of spectators are coming one after another, and they have all seen this basin.

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De also all looked at the scene of the basin.

"og! Are there any basins on the island?"

"No, before the start of the competition, the program team had recorded the topography of the island. There is no basin on the island!"

Bei Ye frowned.

But then, there was speculation in his heart.

Since it didn't exist before the game started, it must have been generated after the game started!

And what can affect the topography of the island is naturally the two previous earthquakes!

Maybe this is a key place!

In Master Bei's mind, a lot of thoughts immediately came to mind.

And what he can think of, can also be thought of by some research teams from all over the world.

At this time, in the research base in Shenzhou Kingdom, the first-year giant immediately became excited.

He stood up straight from the chair, his eyes fixed on him.

Immediately afterwards, he began to greet his subordinates and began to work!

He was sure that the appearance of this basin was definitely related to earthquakes!

He began to check with the data from the previous two earthquakes to conduct a more in-depth study.

High-level officials of various countries also attach great importance to it.

For the audience, although everyone was surprised, they didn't think too much.

Only a very small number of viewers, such as cat detectives and the like, can see some clues.

At this time, the cat detective was in the orphanage, staying with the children.

From time to time, he will come over.

Send some money, send some food.

"Dad, there is actually a basin on the island!"

Sunja sat next to Detective Cat and said while looking at the screen in front of her.

"Sunja, do you know what a basin is?"

the cat detective asked with a smile.

Sunja nodded first, then shook his head again, obviously unable to speak.

"Sunzi, you have to study hard and go to university in the future."

"How's your study going recently, I'll test you!"

Detective Cat said, and began to give questions to Sunja, and let Sunja do the questions.

Sunja suddenly burst into tears.

He doesn't like to study, he wants to play tennis and become the Prince of Tennis.

It turned out that I was obsessed with anime, so I didn't have the heart to study.

So, Detective Cat severely criticized Sunja until Sunja wiped away tears and promised to study hard.

Then Detective Cat coaxed Sunja again, and then left the orphanage.

"What kind of secrets are hidden on this island?"

"It's really exciting!"

Detective Cat drove home and went to talk to Xuanling again.


On the island, it was pouring rain.

Zhang Haoran's side, looking at the basin in front of him, also opened his mouth and eyes wide in surprise.

He can be said to be the player who has traveled the most places on the island.

But this is also the first time he has seen such a landform.

The rain screen blocked the line of sight, but it could also be seen that many trees were skewed, or even collapsed, and their roots were exposed on the surface.

At the edge, some rocks were still rolling down, washed away by the heavy rain.

This gave Zhang Haoran a feeling that it was as if the basin had suddenly collapsed!

So that's what causes this to happen.

"The depth is about five meters." Zhang Haoran made a visual inspection. This height was nothing to him and Sirius.

There is no good place to go now, so let's go and see if you can find any shelter from the rain.

And this basin also aroused Zhang Haoran's curiosity. He planned to wait for the rain to stop and explore it.

So, he took Sirius and went down to the interior of this basin smoothly.

"Zhang Haoran goes down, will there be some monsters or the like here?"

"It's not a monster, at most it's something like a green anaconda."

"Although Zhang Haoran is powerful, he can't beat the green anaconda. It's best not to encounter it!"

"I feel that there should be a place to hide from the rain in this basin."

"Actually, this basin is not too big. I feel it is about the size of an ordinary community."

"Why is there no water in the basin?"


Audiences from all over the network gathered in this live broadcast room to discuss.

Because the situation here is really attractive, and some people don't care that their boss Xuanju is still giving money, so they want to come and see.

After descending to the basin, Zhang Haoran continued to move forward with Sirius.

It really allowed him to find a suitable place to shelter from the wind and rain.

In fact, in the basin, the influence of wind has become much smaller.

There is still a lot of rain.

As for why there is no stagnant water here, Zhang Haoran felt that the rainwater flowed away through the groundwater veins.

He had already seen a stream that went deep into the ground and was flowing.

Some viewers also saw this scene, which explains why there is no water in the basin. ..

At this time, Zhang Haoran, with Sirius, was soaked all over and stood in front of a small cave.

After he checked the small cave carefully and made sure that there were no dangerous creatures and no risk of collapse, he was relieved.


Sitting on the ground, Zhang Haoran let out a long breath.

Can finally take a break.

He took off his clothes, wrung out the water, put it aside, and lay down to rest.

"This place is really strange!"

"I suspect that this is a mountain. Because of the collapse of the basin, it was originally buried in the ground, and now it is exposed."

"It just happened to provide Zhang Haoran with a place to shelter from the rain."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

The landform is really amazing, and this is the reason why many geologists go on and on.

Because of the ingenious workmanship of nature, it is really charming.

However, no matter what, Zhang Haoran has found a suitable habitat, which can block the wind and rain.

For the time being, there is no need to worry about his situation here.

So the audience happily went back to continue the lottery, and looked at Ye Han's situation again.

At this time, Ye Han, having eaten his full meal, was drinking tea with Erlang's legs crossed in the kitchen.

It can be seen that Damei is very curious about tea.

Even if rhubarb tells it to taste bad, it doesn't believe it.

Ye Han gave Damei a taste, and Damei spit out the tea with a bitter face.

It really doesn't taste good!

Ye Han and Xiao Qi couldn't help laughing when they saw the pretty face grinning.

It was stormy outside, but the kitchen was very warm. Listening to the sound of the wind and rain, Ye Han and Xiao Qi drank tea, ate snacks, and played chess for entertainment.

After the rain stopped, his plan was to pick up the corpses first, and then start smelting gold.

Now that you have decided to smelt gold, you must strive to make gold jewelry before Xiao Qi's birthday.

But this time, Ye Han didn't know what to do.

Even though he has a lot of skills, he has never made gold jewelry by himself.

What's more, the smelting from raw gold ore is definitely not small, Ye Han is already mentally prepared.

Next, time passed quietly, and nothing happened on the island.

Until after four o'clock in the afternoon, Big Brother Si Xuan will start to draw the final prize!

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