Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1546 Nicholas Encounters A Snake

Time passed, and it gradually came to noon.

The players on the island are all doing their own things, and generally nothing is going on.

Therefore, most of the audience gathered in Ye Han's live broadcast room, chatting and bragging.

Also watching Ye Han work.

At this moment, Ye Han and Xiao Qi had a lot of dirt on their bodies, and they were sweating profusely.

No way, to get a furnace for smelting gold, it is made of mud, how can it not be dirty?

Rhubarb and Damei were also drawn by Ye Han to be strong men.

But now she's so pretty, she doesn't know how to work.

Most of the time, I was still watching Rhubarb work.

"Beautiful, study hard."

"The animals in our family don't eat for nothing."

"If you want to eat meat, you need to exchange it with labor. There is no free lunch in the world!"

Ye Han smiled and said to Damei.

The audience immediately felt that this sentence was very familiar, Ye Han seemed to have said it to Da Huang before.

Sure enough, Damei is about to become the next rhubarb.

History is always surprisingly similar!

"It's over, Damei is about to become Ye Han's serf!"

"Run, you're beautiful, take a taxi and run!"

"Damei took a taxi and left. Before leaving, she said to Da Huang, I will pay you back the money. Da Huang chased the taxi and ran while crying. She knelt on the ground and said, "How can I live without you, Damei!"

"That's okay too?? Hahahaha, my mother hiccupped for why I laughed!"

"So can we start smelting gold today, how is the purity of Ye Han's gold mine?"

The audience is constantly sending the barrage.

However, it is obviously impossible to start smelting gold today.

When it was noon, the stove had just been built, and it was necessary to continue to burn it in the afternoon to make the stove stronger, and a new blower had to be created.

"Okay, let the stove burn here first, and let's go eat."

Ye Han got up, walked to the stream, and washed briefly.

At this time, Su Xiaoqi had already prepared her lunch and placed it on the table. Ye Han sat down and could start eating.

Rhubarb and Damei naturally followed, and Ye Han found that Dabei seems to eat more than rhubarb now!

This guy is so tasty!

"Boss, it seems that Rhubarb was like this in the beginning."

"Because I've never eaten something so delicious."

"But now, especially after the last two days when I was sick and rhubarb was often eaten, the appetite of rhubarb began to become normal."

Su Xiaoqi said to Ye Han.

Ye Han nodded.

"It seems to be the case. When you are sick, I cook the food. Maybe Rhubarb dislikes what I cook."

He said with a smile, and began to eat.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, the small group in charge of the commentary thought for a while, and then spoke.

"I adopted a stray cat, and I found that it was very edible, and every time it was eaten, it would have a round belly."

"But as time went on, I found that its food intake was reduced to half of what it used to be. I thought it was sick, and I quickly took it to the veterinary hospital for inspection."

"As a result, the doctor said that it is not sick at all, and its current food intake is the normal amount of food. At the beginning, it ate so much because it used to be hungry and full, so when there is food to eat, it will continue to eat until it is particularly strong. until."

The small group said with emotion.

In this regard, many viewers have had a similar experience.

One of the worst is that he fed the stray cat too much, and the stray cat died directly.

It also thought that the stray cat was not full, so he kept feeding it. The stray cat would eat as much as he fed.

The audience thinks about this matter now, and still feels very sorry, very regretful.

"Well, stray cats are indeed pitiful, and there are stray dogs."

"The stray animals have very short lifespans. If you can help them, let's help them a lot."

"Just last month, I donated a little money to a rescue station for stray cats. It's not much, it's just my heart."

The little girl beside the small group said.

Today, the two of them are in charge of the commentary in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Many people did not come to see Ye Han smelting gold, but to see them both. As for Teacher Piao and Teacher Ma, these two guys are drinking beer together!

Next, Xiao Tuanzi and Dui Xiaomei started to eat hot pot and Han Qi hot pot in the live broadcast room, and delivered lunch to the staff of the show team on time every day.

Now some staff mentioned Fusheng Ju and Tian Ai Incense Candle, and everyone called Dad.

At this time, some viewers discovered that something seemed to have happened on Nikolai and Victor's side.

Immediately, a large number of viewers poured into their live broadcast room.

First of all, there is a lot of controversy in the barrage.

It's still about the name of this team, everyone has their own opinions, and no one agrees with the other.

They all think their name is the best.

"What happened to the submachine gun team, oh my god!"

"Damn, look at our Fear of Death team, it's not elegant at all!"

"What happened to the nicotine team? omg! What is this?"

"Enough of you people, I'm afraid the submachine gun team will be fine!"

"What? What are you talking about, isn't this team called the Nicotine Fear of Death Team?"


Such remarks are endless.

And in the live screen, it shows this situation.

Nikolai's face was pale, and he could see that his body was shaking constantly.

He was lying on the ground, hugging a boa constrictor!

At this time, this python was twisting its body, constantly entwining Nikolai, and was still opening its mouth, trying to start swallowing Nikolai, starting from the head!

Can Nikolay be afraid?

As the saying goes, whatever you are afraid of, come whatever you want!

Nikolai was afraid that he might encounter any danger on the way to the house, but how long has it been since he left?

He has already encountered such a danger!


"Come and save me, kill it, what are you doing?"

"Victor, kill it!"

With a trembling voice, Nikolai kept wailing.

Some viewers noticed that he had urinated.

Some people in the barrage were laughing at him, but others were helping him.

"Don't laugh, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as urinating when you encounter such a situation."

"Nicholas is very dangerous now, don't laugh for now, it's not too late to laugh when this matter is resolved."

"How can there be such a python, it's terrible!"

"I am most afraid of snakes. I dare not watch such a scene."

"It's okay, this snake is not big, it's not as big as the green anaconda that Ye Han encountered, it can only be said to be a small snake."

"Everything is compared to a green anaconda? Then there are probably no big snakes in this world!"

The barrage is surging, and a large number of viewers are still pouring into this live broadcast room.

At Nikolai's house, his wife was already crying worriedly.

Nikolai was terrified on the island, for fear that he would die on the island.

But his family is actually more afraid, afraid that he won't come back!

After all, Nikolai didn't know that many players had died on the island, but his family did!

Any accident may cause the player to die on the island and be put back in a body bag!

There are even some corpses that are mutilated and bitten by wild beasts, which is especially miserable!

"Nikola, Nikolai!"

His wife cried and called out his name.

Now she only hopes that her husband can return safely. If she can give her another chance to choose, she will never let Nikolai participate in the competition.

"Nikola, don't be afraid, I'll kill it!"


At this moment, Victor was breathing deeply.

Encountered such a scene, he is also very nervous.

But the current situation is very urgent, and it can't take much care of it, holding the shovel and starting to stab the python's throat!

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