Until now, the audience can breathe a sigh of relief and see what happened before.

As a result, a large number of viewers went to watch the replay.

Only then did they understand how they encountered this python.

It turned out that at noon, the two simply ate something, and then Victor suggested that Nikolai can take a nap to regain his energy.

In broad daylight, Nikolai also felt good, and he didn't have to worry about the attack of wild beasts.

So he found a shady place, packed up, lay down and went to sleep.

But who would have thought that a python climbed down from the tree next to him and began to wrap around!

By the time Victor reacted, by the time Nikolay woke up, it was too late.

So there was the scene just now.

"Nicholas is really unlucky, he still carefully selected such a place, and there is a big python here!"

"I'm really afraid of what's coming, so we usually don't be afraid of anything!"

"So, when did this python die?"

"Isn't it dead yet, the massage service I ordered is almost over, just one hour!"

"Outrageous, I'm afraid it didn't hurt the vital parts!"

"Then what to do now, I thought they could eat python meat!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were constantly discussing, I didn't expect this python to struggle for so long, and it still hasn't died!

"Will this strong bloody smell attract other beasts?"

Nikolai carefully looked around and asked.

Now he has returned to the state of fear of death.

"Nikola, don't say this in the future, it's best not to think about it in your heart."

"A lot of the time it's what you're afraid of."

Victor hurriedly shut him up, looking around carefully.

There is no movement for the time being, but don't let your guard down!

Next, Victor picked up the engineer shovel and planned to go over to make up the knife and kill the big python completely.

"Why don't you go, just wait!"

"This python is so badly injured, it will definitely die!"

Nikolai dragged Victor, not letting him pass.

At this time, there is also a considerable possibility that there will be a situation where the gutter capsizes.

Seriously injured and dying big python, it is definitely enough to drink a pot.

If one fails, it will be miserable.

"Okay, then just wait."

"Otherwise, let these staff go back first."

Victor looked at the staff standing not far away and said.

Hearing this, Nikolai nodded.

It is possible to let them go back first. The environment on the island is not pleasant. He saw that some of the staff's clothes were soaked with sweat and sweat.

So, they both walked over together.

"You two, what's wrong?"

The captain who took the lead saw the two of them coming over and asked quickly.

"It's like this, it's too hot and uncomfortable on this island."

"It's not comfortable for you to stay here, I just thought, you should go back first, we'll be fine."

Victor said.

Hearing this, the squad leader shook his head.

"It's not hard, it's not hard!"

"You don't know how many..."

Having said that, he quickly shut up and did not continue to speak.

What he wants to say is, how many people dream of going to the island to see it!

With such a good opportunity now, of course they will continue to stay for a while longer. "Now this python is not completely dead. If something unexpected happens, you can ask for help."

"This is our duty. We are all paid to do things, how can we be afraid of suffering!"

He said solemnly.

This immediately moved both Nikolai and Victor very much.

What a nice guy!

You know, how many people are getting paid, but they have been fishing!

This group of rescuers is so responsible, and this dedicated attitude deserves respect.

They immediately wanted to shake hands with the staff.

But he found that his hands were too dirty, with blood, mud, and python mucus on them, so forget it.

Next, they continued to wait.

Many viewers were impatient and went to other live broadcast rooms for a while.

The main reason is that this python has never died, it can endure too much!

However, with the passage of time, this python has been gradually weakening and is dying.

Such an injury would definitely lead to its death.

During this period, the two players were not idle.

"Yes, that's a smart move."

"Nicolas and Victor are cleaning up the scene, shoveling away some mucus and blood, buried them, and burned some plants to cover up the smell!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye praised.

Since you are worried that the smell here will attract other beasts, find a way to cover it up.

Prevent problems before they happen.

During this period of time, there was still nothing on the other players' side, which was relatively dull.

On Ye Han's side, all the preparations have been done.

This made the audience excited. In this case, gold smelting can start tomorrow, which is good!

After getting ready, Ye Han did not take a break, but continued to work.

Now, he is playing with a piece of gold ore.

And he beat with a small hammer and chopped with a shovel, trying to decompose this piece of gold ore.

It was true that some slag fell, but the whole still did not decompose.

"The purity of this ore should be quite high."

"It will melt directly at that time, and then pour it into the mold!"

Ye Han is very satisfied.

This was also expected by the audience.

Everyone already guessed that with Ye Han's luck, the gold ore he got must be very pure.

And some experts in the live broadcast room said that the gold ore in Ye Han's hands should be about 90% pure.

It is the ceiling level among all gold mines in the world.

Everyone has been surprised by this.

If the gold ore obtained by Ye Han is of low purity, then everyone will feel strange and feel that it does not match Ye Han's luck.

"You can get some molds out, but you don't need to be too fine, and you need to polish them later."

"Thanks to the Swiss Army Knife, the Swiss Army Knife is very versatile and can be used for sharpening!"

Ye Han was happy.

From this point of view, it is not a problem to create a set of gold jewelry before Xiao Qi's birthday.

Not only Xiao Qi's, but you can also have a set yourself, and then there's rhubarb, big pretty, and big girl!

Ye Han has never forgotten that the eldest girl has a broken horn.

It was when the eldest girl was injured and broken during the battle with the tiger.

And the broken horn was also made into a horn comb by Ye Han, which Su Xiaoqi used to comb her hair every day.

Ye Han said that he would make a golden horn for the big girl in the future, and he never forgot about it.

Besides, you can also make some luxury items such as golden chopsticks and golden plates!

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly felt that the gold ore in his hand might not be enough. It seems that he has to continue to dig more next time!

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