Finally it's my turn!

Da Huang looked at the gold collar in Ye Han's hands, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Although I don't know what it is yet, rhubarb knows that it is a good thing.

Didn't you see that Ye Han gave Su Xiaoqi so much!

And it seems to be bigger!

Da Huang looked at Ye Han expectantly, his eyes fixed.

"The next thing to be awarded is..."

"The Island's Most Like Dog Award!"

After Ye Han finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

Su Xiaoqi also burst out laughing.

Not to mention the audience, all laughing.

"The most dog-like award on the island, hahahaha!"

"Insult, this is an insult to Rhubarb, Rhubarb is not like a dog, it is a dog!"

"What's wrong with being a dog? Woo woo wang!"

"This awards ceremony is a bit interesting, so what awards will Damei win?"

"Hurry up, don't let the food get cold for a while."

"That's not so. The temperature on the island is high, and the food just out of the pot will not be cold so quickly."

The audience talked and sent barrages.

At this time, Ye Han laughed for a while, and finally started to continue the awards.

"The winner is Rhubarb!"

"Applause and congratulations to Rhubarb!"

Ye Han took the lead in applauding, and Rhubarb also started to applaud, and it was very hard.

Then, Ye Han took this gold collar and started to put it on Rhubarb's head.

This size, Ye Han is also made in strict accordance with the size.

Now, this collar is stuck on Rhubarb's skull, and it is not easy to get it off.

This is all Ye Han's intention. If you can put it on at once, it will be very easy to take it off.

When the rhubarb is picked and played by itself, isn't it easy to lose it?

"After wearing the golden hoop, you are no longer a mortal person, no, mortal dog, you can no longer touch the lust of the world."

Ye Han read a classic line and said to Da Huang.

If Rhubarb could understand, he would be very frightened.

You know, it has just eaten the marrow and knows the taste, how can it be willing to give up?

Every night, it is going to pull the big beauty to the woods!

Fortunately, rhubarb doesn't understand human language, so it still feels quite fresh at this time.

He is reaching out two hands, wanting to play with this golden collar.

There was still a smile on his face.

But the next moment, it couldn't laugh.

Because Ye Han cast a spell on it!

I saw Ye Han began to force, to pass the golden collar through its head and hang it around his neck.

This golden collar is relatively tight, so Rhubarb felt a burst of pain, and his forehead was bursting tight!

"Families appeared in the famous scene, and the curse came out!"

"Hahaha, Da Huang said, Master, stop reading, stop reading, it hurts me, Da Huang!"

"Da Huang: That Xiao Qi was transformed from a monster, let me kill her! You stinky monk who doesn't know what's good or bad!"

"Xiaohanhan: Hey, everyone, why don't you break up as soon as possible, I'll go back to my Gao Lao Zhuang!".

"How can you forget Journey to the West! It's so classic, these lines are engraved in the bones!"

"I really miss the days when my grandma took me to watch Journey to the West when I was a child. Grandma used a fan to drive away mosquitoes for me. I miss my grandma..."

The audience sent a lot of barrage, some people were laughing, some people were emotional.

At this time, Ye Han finally got the collar.

The collar passed through Rhubarb's head and hung around its neck.

Rhubarb hurriedly rubbed his head with both hands, as if the monkey's hair had lost several clumps!

But soon, its attention shifted to the collar on the neck.

This stuff is so new!

Rhubarb began to pull the collar with his hands, and the collar kept spinning. Finally, it started to sway its body, and the golden collar began to spin around its neck, like a hula hoop!

"Good guy, golden hula hoop!"

Su Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing again.

Rhubarb is so fun!

Seeing that Rhubarb couldn't put it down, Ye Han started to give awards.

The next award belongs to the beautiful.

"The next thing to be awarded is the most open award on the island!"

"The winner is so beautiful!"

Ye Han took out another collar and began to do the same, putting it on Da Mei.

And this award made the audience go crazy again.

"Ye Han, it's too much!"

"It's not the beauty that opens up, but the rhubarb!"

"Beautiful: I don't want this award, this is fake, I'm not, I don't have it, don't talk nonsense!"

"Look, Dabei didn't reject it. Instead, it liked this gold collar very much."

"That's Ye Han bullying people who can't understand people's words, hahaha!"

"Have you ever thought that Ye Han is actually alluding to the beautiful country, the beautiful country represents the beautiful country, and the beautiful country is not free and open!"

"Brother, talent, it turns out that this wave, Ye Han is on the Hideki floor!"

The audience chatted.

And these barrages are seen by the audience of Beautiful Country, and they feel a sigh in their hearts.

But the relationship between the two countries is already very bad, so what if it is hacked?

You have the ability to hit me, do you dare?

Next, the awards continue.

Ye Han took the remaining collar and walked outside the house.

"The most diligent award on the island, the winner, big girl!"

"It deserves its name, where is the applause!"

Ye Han said, and began to put a gold collar on the big girl.

However, do not forget one thing, that is, the head of the cow is relatively large, and there are horns on the head.

So the collars made for cows, Ye Han couldn't put them on directly.

It's the kind of opening that can be broken open and then put on.

Amidst the applause, Ye Han put a gold collar on the eldest girl.

"The most stupid award on the island, the winner, Xiao Hanhan!"

"This award belongs to you!"

Ye Han also put a gold collar on Xiaohanhan.

Next are Er Niu'er and Little Lightning.

Er Niu Er won the second prize on the island.

Little Lightning won the most shining award on the island.

It can be seen that Ye Han is completely at a loss for the name of the award.

This can be considered difficult for Ye Han, after all, everyone knows that he is a nameless person.

The names of these awards, it is estimated that he had thought about it for a long time before he came up with it.

All awards so far have been completely handed out.

Ye Han's team, all wearing gold jewelry, made a large number of viewers envious.

"Good guy, so much gold!"

"Especially Xiao Qi! Xiao Qi's hands are full!"

"Look, Xiao Qi's face is full of happy smiles, hahaha!"

"Give me so much gold, and I'm happy too."

"It's time to start eating, Xiao Qi has to take off these gold jewelry, otherwise it will be inconvenient to eat."

"Then those dignitaries in ancient times, what noble concubines, queens, those fingernails are all gold, and they are old, how do they eat?"

"It's not easy to have eunuchs and maids to serve you?"


In the midst of the audience's discussion, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to eat, while Da Huang and Da Mei were waiting beside them.

On the other side, there was another group of players, which also attracted a lot of spectators to watch.

That's Nikolai and Victor!

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