Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1566 The Player In Front Of Zhang Haoran

According to this drawing method, Nikolai may really die!

After Victor finished his breakfast, he also came to Nikolai's side to guard.

He has already thought about it, as long as there is something wrong, he will quickly help Nikola press the button to retire.

Although the game is important, it is not as important as life.

He really broke his heart for Nikolai.

"If I were Nikolai, I would also marry my daughter to him. What a good teammate!"

"Brother, is your avatar a photo of your daughter? What do you think of me? Marry my daughter to me."

"I'm still called brother? Isn't this a stranger?"


"Everyone, come and see, this is a fool!"

"So why isn't Nikolay dead yet, is this normal, is this reasonable, family?"


Many viewers believe that Nikolai must die.

But no matter how people are not dead!

And as he fell asleep, various physical indicators displayed on the live broadcast bracelet were also slowly recovering.

Although it is not to say that a sleep will be fine, but after two or three days, it should be fine.

It's so unreasonable!

Netizens are constantly discussing, and some researchers are very interested in this tobacco.

"There is no doubt that Nikolai smoked so much tobacco before he died. It must be related to the radiation on the island!"

"This kind of tobacco definitely contains some harmful substances, but there must be some other substances too!"

In this research base in China, Aleju looked at the live broadcast and said to his staff.

"Unless they retire and then we buy this tobacco, there is no other way to get it."

"Oh, looking at these things on the island, I really feel itchy!"

"Who's not? I can't wait to study everything on the island!"

"According to reliable information, the beautiful country has already started human experiments. It is impossible for us to do this, but the progress will be lagging behind!"

"Damn beautiful country, there is no bottom line!"

"It now seems that Nikolai and Victor should not retire in a short time unless something unexpected happens."

"Let's ignore this for now, let's continue, Xiao Li, come with me to continue the guinea pig experiment."


On the Divine State side, after some discussion, the research continued.

And the researchers in the beautiful country are also eyeing these tobaccos.

It's a pity that they have no move now and can only wait for this group of players to retire.

And it's really hard to say how much tobacco they have left on the day they retire!

The picture returns to the island, and as Nikolai falls asleep, a new day begins.

The time has come to the 242nd day of the competition.

A large number of viewers gathered in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Tomorrow is Xiao Qi's birthday!

Everyone is also looking forward to how Ye Han will celebrate Xiao Qi's birthday.

Today, Ye Han still chooses to continue making gold jewelry.

Don't look at how much gold jewelry he has made, but the gold ore consumed is not that much, and there are more than half of it left.

Enough to make a lot of gold jewelry.

"Boss, are you still making gold today?"

"It seems that we haven't been to Bisheng Mountain for a long time."

Su Xiaoqi went to the kitchen to cook and said.

Ye Han patted her ass.

"You can do whatever the boss says."

"Let's cook, I don't eat eggs, keep the eggs."

Ye Han specially warned.

There is no doubt that he will use eggs to make a birthday cake for Xiao Qi.

But Xiao Qi doesn't know yet.

"Didn't you keep chickens?" "Okay, I'll keep it for you."

Su Xiaoqi retorted, but seeing that Ye Han's claws were about to come over again, she quickly agreed to Ye Han and kept the eggs.

In fact, she had forgotten about her upcoming birthday.

"I feel that Xiao Qi must have forgotten that she has a birthday."

"It's normal. I never remember my birthday. My wife told me."

"How can I forget my birthday? Whenever my birthday is approaching, I usually tell my friends several days in advance, so that they don't forget to prepare gifts for me."

"Your friend is so lucky to have a good friend like you."

"Xiao Qi forgot the best, so Ye Han can surprise her."

"Impossible, even if Xiao Qi forgets, when Ye Han starts making birthday cakes, she will react immediately."


The audience was talking in the live broadcast room.

Indeed, it was too difficult to give Xiao Qi a surprise.

Xiao Qi could see Ye Han's every move clearly.

At the latest, when Ye Han starts making birthday cakes, she will definitely be able to react.

If she is smarter, she can also react when Ye Han kills sheep and ducks.

It's not a big day, why is it so grand?

Then again, it turns out that today is my birthday!

Actually it was a surprise.

That's what Ye Han thought in his heart. Anyway, if he can cheat, he will cheat first, and wait for Xiao Qi to react.

At this time, Xiao Qi went to the kitchen to cook, while Ye Han took care of the animals.

He specially fed the sheep more grass.

"Eat, eat more, and go on the road when you're full."

Ye Han said to the ewe.

The ewe looked at Ye Han with a hostile expression, and then started grazing.

In fact, dying early is also a relief for it.

Then Ye Han came to the rabbit's side. With the breeding during this period, the number of rabbits gradually increased again.

There's a reason why this thing was able to successfully invade Kangaroo Country.

Speaking of the kangaroo country, in fact, there is a group of players in the kangaroo country still on the island.

The other group of players is Jon and Emily, who have long since retired and are currently playing in China.

The ordinary audience did not notice this group of Kangaroo players, only local audiences were watching, not many foreign audiences.

But the program groups from all over the world are all staring at the live broadcast room of the Kangaroo Country group.

The reason is very simple, because the place where this group of players live is in the direction of Zhang Haoran!

At present, there are two players in Shenzhou State, both of whom are active outside and want to do things.

One is Zhang Haoran and the other is Lengfeng.

In the case of Lengfeng, the Shenzhouguo program team has informed everyone that in the direction of Lengfeng, there are a group of Turkish players, Hassan and Mohammed.

On Zhang Haoran's side, the Shenzhouguo program team hasn't told everyone yet, but he is actually approaching a group of contestants.

This group of players is from the kangaroo country.

At this time, the picture came to this group of kangaroo country players.

The two players were named Henry and Jill.

It has to be said that the name Jill is quite terrifying.

On the side of China, Jon and Emily are also watching the live broadcast room of this group of players.

And at the same time chatting.

"This group of players in our country is in a good situation."

"There is no sign of elimination for the time being. Maybe they can hold on until the end of the game."

Jon said.

Emily also nodded, thinking that this group of players performed well.

"Jill is more capable, Henry is a little lazy."

"But it's not a big problem."

"By the way, Eva and Ivanov were chatting with us yesterday, but where are Jackson and Schmidt?"

Emily thought for a moment, then asked.

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