Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1573 Start Making Golden Tableware

Master Wu Chen set off with an engineer shovel and embarked on the journey.

At the same time, Ye Han had already roasted the ewe.

"You were admitted to Tsinghua University, he was admitted to Peking University, and I roasted roast lamb, roast whole lamb, roast whole lamb!"

"I'm so greedy, when can I eat a roasted whole lamb!"

"Ye Han and Xiao Qi can't finish it. With such a big roasted whole lamb, can you let me go to the island to help?"

"This sheep can be eaten for several days. Ye Han still wants to kill ducks and rabbits. How can I finish it!"

"Don't forget Ye Han also wants to make cakes!"

"My dear, I strongly request to send lucky spectators to the island to celebrate Xiao Qi's birthday and help me eat."


The audience's voice was very high, and everyone wanted to go to the island to help eat something.

Otherwise, Ye Han and Xiao Qi wouldn't be able to eat so much meat!

It's a pity that this kind of thing can be decided wherever it is said to be decided.

In a short time, the audience should not think about going to the island.

"Look at the rhubarb!"

Ye Han looked at Da Huang, who was beside him, and pointed out his accusation.

This guy is actively eating, and the rhubarb has just been waiting for the sheep to be roasted.

"Boss, don't you want to make gold tableware?"

"I'll just keep an eye on the roast sheep, go ahead, just let Rhubarb go to work."

Xiao Qi said.


Do I have to make gold cutlery too?

It seems like there is such a thing, but it was mainly the excuse Ye Han used to perfunctory Xiao Qi yesterday!

If you don't say that, then you have to go back to Bisheng Mountain, how can you celebrate Xiaoqi's birthday?

Seeing Ye Han's reaction, Su Xiaoqi also realized this.

"Humph, just like you, still want to lie to me?"

Su Xiaoqi said while pinching her waist, but it made her mad.

"All right, you are the smartest."

"You're the winner of the smartest award on the island!"

Ye Han flattered.

Speaking of this, the audience can come to the spirit.

You know, Ye Han gave Su Xiaoqi a lot of awards, among which is the smartest award on the island.

The most beautiful award, the best culinary award, these awards are well deserved, and the audience has no opinion.

But the smartest award, how should I put it, this is too fake.

In terms of intelligence, the smartest person on the island must be Wang Heng.

His brain power, even the cat detective can't match.

Of course, Ye Han's award is just a ticket, and no one will come to pick on it.

"Xiao Qi is so smart, she's so smart!"

"Hahahaha, I don't allow you to be so black Xiaoqi!"

"It's all little black men!"

"So Ye Han still wants to make golden tableware?"

"I want to see it, just do it, what golden water cup, golden bowl, plate, golden chopsticks, spoon!"

"Actually, the mold for tableware is easier to make, and it shouldn't take too much time!"

The audience kept sending barrages and discussing.

Ye Han also thought of this at this time.

The shape of the gold tableware will be relatively simple, whether it is making a mold or the subsequent grinding work, it will be relatively easy.

It can really be done.

"It's mainly because of your birthday today. I originally thought that you wouldn't be allowed to work."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, you let me lie down for a day, then I'd rather not have this birthday."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Indeed, she's not that kind of character either.

"Okay, then I'll go make gold tableware."

"Rhubarb, come here!"

Ye Han greeted Rhubarb and came to the place where the gold was smelted, which was actually not far from where Su Xiaoqi made the roast whole lamb. Rhubarb was very reluctant to roast the whole lamb, and looked back three steps at a time.

"Don't look at it, if you don't work hard, you won't be able to fish a bone, do you hear?"

Ye Han said to Rhubarb.

Although Da Huang couldn't understand human words, he could sense that Ye Han, the shameless guy, was threatening him with meat.

What else can we do?

Not for stuttering?

Rhubarb began to operate the blower, diligently, but it would still look back at the roasted whole sheep from time to time, smell the seductive aroma that gradually emanated, and swallow a saliva.

"I feel sorry for our rhubarb, I'll make the child greedy."

"I don't think Ye Han has achieved the Ultimate yet, so he should get a grinder, put a piece of meat in front of the rhubarb, and let the rhubarb keep moving forward to grind!"

"Then why not build a generator, let Rhubarb ride a bicycle, and monkey power generate electricity?"

"Are you still human, you are simply devils!"

"I think I'm hungry. Let's see where I can eat roasted whole lamb. Today is Xiao Qi's birthday. I have to celebrate my wife too."

"Isn't your wife Qingqing, why has she become Xiaoqi again? You committed bigamy, you know, arrest him!"


The audience kept sending barrages in the live broadcast room.

There is nothing wrong with other live broadcast rooms now, everyone is here to celebrate Xiao Qi's birthday.

And many viewers said that it turned out that their birthday was the same day as Xiao Qi.

When this was said, a large number of viewers immediately sent their blessings.

On the other side, Master Lu Zhishen Wuchen was on his way, the gold medal team was on his way, Zhang Haoran and Sirius were on their way, and Leng Feng was on their way.

Looking at it this way, there are a lot of Shenzhou players who are all dispatched today!

Everyone looks forward to the next highlights and continues to chat.

On Ye Han's side, the work of melting gold ore has also begun.

With the high temperature rising, Ye Han and Rhubarb were both hot enough.

Su Xiaoqi's roast lamb was also hot, and she was also sweating profusely.

During this period, the Shenzhou players were fine.

But it is worth mentioning that there was some movement on Nikolai and Victor's side.

Nikolai feels in good health now, at least not dizzy or nauseous.

Victor said, let's go.

"Okay, anyway, I have all the tobacco leaves here, hahaha!"

Nikolai smiled and agreed.

So he began to pack his tobacco leaves.

Some of the tobacco leaves turned completely black during the smoking and roasting process and were already carbonized, so they were no longer available.

This made Nicholas very distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

He carefully collected the remaining tobacco leaves.

Some are already smoked and can be smoked directly.

Another part is not smoked and roasted. After all, there are still quite a lot of tobacco leaves here, and all of them have not been processed yet.

But for the rest, the two of them carried each other on their backs, so there was no problem.

"Let's go, let's go!"

After Nikolai had packed up, Victor also roasted two large pieces of snake meat, and the two of them ate while moving on.

embarked on the journey of moving.

And at this time, some viewers noticed that Victor was doing something bad!

He let Nikolai go in front and himself in the back.

And then from time to time he would make small moves while Nikolai wasn't paying attention.

Tear off a large piece of tobacco leaf and secretly throw it on the ground!

In this way, the amount of tobacco leaves will gradually decrease, and Nikolai can smoke a little less!

The audience couldn't stop laughing when they saw this scene.

"Victor is really a dedicated old father. For the sake of Nikolai's body, it breaks my heart!"

"I've done this too. I bought some candy to go home. My daughter ate it desperately, so I hid some of it."

"Nikola doesn't know yet, ha ha ha ha!"

"Speaking of which, will Nikolai find out that the tobacco leaves are getting smaller? That's all he cleaned up with his own hands. He should have a good idea of ​​it."

"Even if he finds it, it's useless. Victor can be said to have been scratched by some branch while walking and lost some tobacco leaves!"

"Yes, he can't go back. Get these tobacco leaves back!"


In the audience's discussion, the time gradually came to noon.

A few things started to happen on the island.

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