Hearing Ye Han's question, Su Xiaoqi immediately glared at him.

"It won't work if you say it, I won't say it!"

"Cut the cake for me!"

Su Xiaoqi said to Ye Han.

Ye Han quickly pulled out the candle and started cutting the cake.

"Idiot, what I want is never a grand scene. I only need one sentence from you, but you don't say it!"

"It's been two hundred and forty-three days, stinky boss!"

Su Xiaoqi wiped her nose with another piece of paper and said to Ye Han.

"My fault, my fault."

"I'm stupid, really."

Ye Han admits his mistake and admits punishment.

The audience watched and all laughed.

"Hahaha, the relationship is confirmed, Xiaoqi is starting to be petty."

"Little Qi is so cute, woohoo, when can I have such a girlfriend?"

"Wait, I have a question. The two of them are in a relationship. Are the wages that Xiao Qi was deducted forfeited?"

"It didn't take it seriously in the first place. If it was serious, Xiao Qi would go directly to the court to sue Ye Han.

"This cake looks delicious, I'm so greedy!"

"Even rhubarb can be eaten, but I can't. It's not as good as a monkey!"

"Oh, this sweet love is so good!"


A large number of spectators couldn't help showing their aunt's smile on their faces.

This dog food, they eat it willingly!

All night, there has been a lot of noise on the Internet, and the whole Internet is hotly discussing this matter.

Big bosses from all walks of life have been dispatched, and some people have begun to write fan cp articles, such as Tian Ai Xiangzhu.

She is currently preparing for the college entrance examination, and there are very few live broadcasts, but when she knew the news, she hurried to reward her, and wrote a cold cp article overnight, which was so sweet that she was tired!

There are also editors who appeared on the stage, edited some sweet moments of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi in the past live broadcasts, edited them together, and made a video full of dog food, and the number of likes increased.

At Su Xiaoqi's home, her parents were also very emotional and watched the live broadcast with a smile on their faces.

"Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Qi has grown so big and started to fall in love."

"This girl, she was naughty when she was a child, and she deliberately urinated on my bed!"

"Boy Ye Han, tricking my daughter into tears, you wait for him to come, I have to get him drunk, and make him feel frightened, look at my face and do things!"

"Come on you, when people really come, don't act like a serious old cadre, it's very annoying."

"Zhou Qingyi, I have to say a few words to you. In your eyes, am I that kind of person?"



Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are here, sweet, you feed me, I feed you, and eat the birthday cake.

Rhubarb and Damei also all got the cake, and Ye Han smeared some cream on Rhubarb's face.

Seeing this, the big beauty immediately came over and nibbled on it.

Two monkeys can give everyone dog food, outrageous!

The audience continued to laugh and swear at the aunt.

After Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi packed up and went to bed, everyone was still excited.

But right now, that's the most discussed issue.

That is, will Ye Han do something tonight?

"I bet Ye Han is going to do something bad tonight!"

"I think so too, Ye Han probably thought about it for a long time."

"Nonsense, more than 200 days, a normal man, can you not think about it?"

"No, Ye Han has endured for so long, and he should continue to endure. He is a responsible man."

"Xiao Qi seems to be in the safe period, it should be fine!"

"Don't make trouble, the safety period is not enough, I believe Ye Han can restrain himself."


Ye Han had a good idea of ​​this topic that was hotly discussed by the audience.

He knew that there would be no problem in striking while the iron was hot.

Xiao Qi half pushed it, and it happened. But after Ye Han thought about it carefully, he still felt that he couldn't do it.

Sleeping with Xiao Qi in his arms every day, but unable to do anything, Ye Han suffered more than anyone else.

But he really loves Xiao Qi, so he can't do it.

Of course, some things can't be done, but some things are okay.

"My good little Qi, I can't sleep, I'm so uncomfortable."

After the two lay down, they all turned off the live broadcast.

Ye Han deliberately leaned into Su Xiaoqi's ear and said.

"You... what do you want to do?!"

Su Xiaoqi became vigilant and turned her head to look at Ye Han.

Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi's little hand with a wicked smile.


In the blink of an eye, the sky was bright, and the time had come to the 244th day of the competition.

Early in the morning, the audience gathered in various live broadcast rooms to chat.

Especially Ye Han's live room.

Everyone wants to observe the state of two people to infer something.

But after seeing that Su Xiaoqi was all right, they were all sure that Ye Han really didn't start.

This guy is really enduring!

When the ninjas of the Neon Kingdom come, they have to kneel down and call their ancestors!

But judging from the smug smile on Ye Han's face, he probably did something, and it's unclear what it was.

Next, the two ate breakfast, began to pack their things, and rushed to Bisheng Mountain.

It's been a long time since this happened, you have to go and see it.

And Su Xiaoqi has been anxious to explore the new area for a long time, and her wish must be fulfilled.

Ye Han set off from here and hurried to Bisheng Mountain. Nothing happened for the time being.

On the other side, some viewers noticed that Nikolai and Victor were quarreling.

Because Nikolai has discovered Victor's little tricks.

Victor has been secretly tearing up his tobacco leaves and throwing them away!

It's all gone all the way!

This kind of thing, or don't do it, you may be found if you do it.

In this regard, Victor had to spread his hands.

"Nikola, I'm doing it for your own good too. I want you to smoke less."

Victor said frankly.

But Nikolai's reaction was very strong.

"Then you can't throw away the tobacco leaves either!"

"It's a waste, a waste!"

"These tobacco leaves may not be able to be smoked until the end of the game. You still throw so much away. What should I do if I don't smoke in the future!"

Nikolai said angrily.

"Aren't we good brothers?"

"A life-threatening friendship, you still said that you want to marry your daughter to me, but I threw some tobacco leaves, and you were so angry. Do you still want to break up with me and beat me again?"

Victor said with an ugly expression.

Hearing this, Nikolai suddenly didn't know what to say.

Yeah, if Victor hadn't rescued him, he'd be dead by now.

Treating your savior, your good brother, shouldn't be like this.


"But I still feel bad for Tobacco Leaf!"

"You are doing bad things with good intentions. You throwing those tobacco leaves will only make me want to smoke more!"

Nikolai sighed, and stopped shouting.

He was just still sad, still distressed about his tobacco leaves.

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you."

"But those tobacco leaves are all torn up and thrown on the road. It's useless if you go back and pick them up."

"Let's move on, maybe we'll find new tobacco leaves, right!"

Victor said.

Nikolai nodded, the two reconciled, and continued on the journey of moving.

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