Xiao Liang just ignored his live broadcast room and left, and came to Ye Han to drop by.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Liang, a commentator who has been practicing for two and a half years!"

"Seeing that everyone has some doubts about the heart of the palm tree, I'm here to clear your doubts!"

Xiao Liang's opening remarks immediately filled the live broadcast room with a happy air.

Good guy, it turns out that you are also a little black man!

"Teacher Xiaoliang, is this tree heart really edible?"

"I don't think it's possible, isn't the heart of the tree still wood?"

"The wood is actually edible. My grandfather said he ate the bark back then."

"Guess why the old man only ate the bark and not the trunk?"

"Stop arguing, let's see what Teacher Xiaoliang has to say. The experts are here, what are you guys talking about?"

Seeing Xiaoliang's arrival, the audience sent a large wave of barrages.

At this time, Xiao Liang had already prepared the draft and began to explain.

"First, let me tell you about palm trees."

"I believe everyone already knows that there are actually many types of palm trees. The palm family is a big family, such as coconut trees, which actually belong to the palm family, and the sugar palm tree discovered by Ye Han is just one of them."

"Besides, there are king palms, oil palms, mountain palms, board palms, wool palms, line palms, and so on."

Xiaoliang talked eloquently and said a lot of names.

As expected of Xiaoliang, what a walking encyclopedia!

"Then talk about the heart of the palm tree."

"In fact, the heart of the palm tree, known as the king of vegetables, Normal refers to the inner core of the stem of the Castanopsis palm tree, which is very precious because of the limitations of its growth environment."

"Among the vegetable foods provided to customers by the world's top restaurants, the most high-end is the Monopoly salad made with this tree heart, which is very expensive by the name."

"I don't know if any audience members have eaten it. Anyway, I haven't eaten it, and we don't know what it tastes like, but it's definitely healthy to be healthy anyway."

Xiao Liang said with a smile.

The audience continued to discuss.

"Tsk tsk, I eat a cabbage heart, and I think it's not bad. The rich people eat tree hearts."

"I have a patriotic heart, which is definitely better than a tree heart!"

"Palm Tree: Why are you poaching my heart, woohoo!"

"So no one really eats it?"

"Stupid you, there are various bosses hidden in the live broadcast room. They must have eaten it, but they just didn't make a sound. Besides, the bosses are very busy, so where do you have time to chat."

"I remember that the big guys from all walks of life were very active in the past, but now they are all hidden?"


At this time, the heart of the palm tree has almost been said, but Xiao Liang thought about it, then continued to speak, and talked about other things.

"Since we have talked about this, let's continue to talk about the other two trees."

"One of them is the coconut tree that everyone is very familiar with. In fact, the heart of the coconut tree can be eaten. You can eat it raw, or stir-fry vegetables or make soup. It's all very good. I have tried this."

"There is another kind of thing, maybe you haven't heard much, it's called the Palmer tree."

"I just saw an audience say that the older generation has eaten the bark. The bark of this Palmer tree is not only edible, but its pith can also be made into a nutritious edible starch called Palmer noodles."

"Actually, this kind of tree appeared on the island, but the players didn't recognize it."

Xiao Liang explained.

In fact, it is still the same sentence, there are treasures everywhere on the island, as long as you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering.

From Xiao Liang's point of view, the players are missing a lot of things that can be used basically all the time.

This made him feel very sorry.

It is said that Xiao Liang actually signed up at the beginning and wanted to go to the island to participate in the competition. But after layers of selection, he was unfortunately not selected in the end, but served as a commentator to participate in this competition in another way.

Just as Xiao Liang was talking, Ye Han had finished the lunch and led the team down the mountain.

Arriving at the Shuiliandong area at the foot of the mountain, Ye Han stopped to take a shower, feeling refreshed, and continued on his way.

In front, you can already see the waterfall view room.

“The waterfall view room has finally arrived!”

Ye Han let out a long breath, looked at the intact waterfall view room, and laughed.

Very good, the two houses on the side of Bisheng Mountain are all fine.

And then, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to rest, drink tea and chat.

On his side, nothing will happen, everyone will wait for them to go out to explore the new area tomorrow.

At the same time, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong finally found their prey.

Under the leadership of Xiao Mimi, they found the second white-rumped bison!

Similarly, this bison was grazing, Tang Hong took the lead in charging, Yang Qingqing assisted, and the two worked together to kill the big guy.

"Congratulations! Congratulations to the gold medal team for getting another bison, quack!"

"Don't panic, the gold medal team will be successful, and you will be able to hoard a lot of food soon!"

"One big buffalo a day, I'll ask who else, even Ye Han has never done that!"

"The gold medal team is stable. The family doesn't have to worry about the gold medal team. Let's worry about the two groups of foreign players. Little Wolf Dog and Brother Feng are approaching!"

"It's going to take a few days, don't worry."

"The days on the island are a little dull. It's better to have a big battle and enjoy it!"


In the midst of the audience's discussion, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong began to deal with the bison in situ.

It was obvious that both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

Once you get two cows, you don't need to face the problem of food shortage for the time being.

"Qingqing, finish processing the meat of this cow, let's go back."

"If there is more, it will be really difficult to carry."

Tang Hong said to Yang Qingqing.

"Mmmm, what about the meat of the two cows, Sister Hong, I'm worried when I think about it, hahaha!"

Yang Qingqing said with a smile.

Although he was worried, he was still quite happy.

After rebuilding the bamboo house and getting these food reserves, the problem has been solved.

Of course be happy.

"Little Mimi is our hero!"

"When the game is over, I don't know if I can leave with it."

Tang Hong looked at Xiao Mimi and said.

When it came to this issue, Yang Qingqing also pondered.

This kind of cat is not allowed to be kept as a pet without permission, which is illegal.

I'm afraid it will be a little difficult then.

However, they are really reluctant to bear this little guy.

It can only be said that it is a step by step, and then we will talk about it.

In fact, what they don't know is that the Datang team has a flat-headed brother!

In this kind of matter, the relevant departments of Shenzhou Kingdom are also unwilling to be this villain, and those who can open up the net will open up the other side.

Next, time gradually passed, and another day was about to pass.

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