Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1585: Master De's Connotation Of Zhu Legend

Ye Han's live broadcast room made Dibs in a very bad mood.

He didn't watch it directly, and at the same time he also decided not to pay attention to this game in the future.

Heck match, go to hell!

On the island, Ye Han dug up a lot of ginger and took them all away.

With so many gingers, if other players come over, just want to take them away, it will be a big problem.

But for Ye Han, it's not too easy.

A big girl is enough to carry these gingers. ..

Of course, Ye Han couldn't let the eldest girl bear all the burdens, but the three cows shared the burden.

"There's still so much ginger left!"

Su Xiaoqi looked at the remaining Jiang here and said.

Indeed, the two of them have come here to dig a lot of ginger, and this time they have dug even more.

But there is still a lot left.

"More is more, but it is still quite difficult to eat until the end of the game."

"It doesn't matter, let's continue to explore new areas and strive for more discoveries!"

Full of confidence, Ye Han led the team and started to explore around.

The audience also poured into the live broadcast room to watch Ye Han's situation.

"Good guy, all three cows are carrying Jiang?"

"I didn't look at it for a while, Ye Han dug up so much ginger?"

"Now that Ye Han has started exploring, I feel that he will definitely have a good harvest today."

"It would be great if these three cows could be given to the gold medal team. Watching my Qingqing wife suffer and suffer, my heart hurts like a knife."

"Okay, give Little Lightning to the gold medal team."

"Don't make trouble, how much weight can Little Lightning carry, it's still a calf."


At the end of Ye Han's team at this time, was the poor little Lightning.

This little guy's body is indeed weaker than normal.

After all, he suffered an accident when he was born, and he was lucky to survive.

Physically, it is normal to be weak.

And in order to exercise it, Ye Han always wears a small lightning bolt every time he goes out.

Try to make it move with the team as much as possible.

However, Ye Han has always been paying attention to its situation. If it can't walk, then put it on Er Niu'er's back.

To this end, Ye Han also specially made a simple backpack, which was placed on Er Niu'er's back, so that the small lightning could be easily placed.

There was no movement on Ye Han's side for the time being. Although a large number of viewers continued to watch, some viewers chose to go to see the situation in other live broadcast rooms.

"Now let's take a look at Zhang Haoran's situation."

"And the group of players he's about to encounter."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

Then, the director screen first switched to Zhang Haoran's side.

I saw in the live broadcast, Zhang Haoran was advancing in the jungle.

And at this time, Sirius ran back from the front with a rabbit in his mouth and dedicated it to Zhang Haoran.

The poor rabbit had been bitten by it and was desperately trying to Struggle. Zhang Haoran took the rabbit from Sirius's mouth and snapped its neck, ending its pain.

"Good job, Sirius!"

Zhang Haoran said with a smile.

"I really envy Zhang Haoran, having such a good partner in the wilderness survival."

"The role of Sirius is very large, even stronger than a human teammate!"

Master De explained, and suspected that Zhu Chuan had been mocked.

At this time, Zhu Chuan, who was watching the live broadcast, was very happy.

"Is it over?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Chuan couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

As usual, he stayed at Zou Ming's house, watching the live broadcast with Zou Ming and Zhang Yun.

After such a long treatment, the effect is quite remarkable.

At present, in fact, Zhu Chuan has almost recovered, and Zhang Yun continued to treat him, just to further consolidate.

Now Zhu Chuan can act like a normal person.

On the contrary, Zou Ming needs further treatment. "Legend, how are you feeling today?"

Zou Ming asked.

"Well, I feel really good!"

"I even want to go out and play basketball!"

Zhu Chuchuan deliberately froze, walked back and forth in the living room, jumped a few times, and made a shooting posture.

It was obviously performing for Zou Ming.

"Ha ha."

Zou Ming sneered.

"Legend, it's time to settle the medical expenses, rent, and meals during this period."

Having said that, Zou Ming turned on the calculator function of his mobile phone and began to input numbers.

Seeing this, Zhu Chuan hurried over.

"elder brother!"

"You are my brother!"

"Basically all of my money is donated, how can I still have money?"

Zhu Chuan quickly begged for mercy.

"Hmph, then I don't care."

"If you don't have money, you can use part-time work to compensate. Now pour me a glass of water before mopping the floor."

Zou Ming said with a smile.

"Legend, let you squeak!"

"But Zou Ming, don't worry, you can recover completely by the end of the game at most."

Zhang Yun gave a guarantee.

The relationship between the three of them is quite good now. Of course, there is no problem in joking casually.

However, Zhu Chuan was really grateful to these two people in his heart.

He went to pour a glass of water and started mopping the floor.

And secretly made up his mind to repay them well in the future.

Next, they continue to watch the live broadcast.

After connoting a wave of Zhu legend, Master De continued to explain, and the director screen was given to that group of Kangaroo players.

Henry and Jill, they don't know yet, Zhang Haoran, the calamity star, is about to arrive.

"I'll see my Jill."

"Brother, it's hard for people not to suspect that you mean something else."

"Okay, what is our Jill doing now, oh, so he's picking booger!"

"Enough of you, this name is actually quite normal, you don't want all kinds of yin and yang hints!"

"We didn't say anything, right, Jill?"

"Why, why do you look down on Henry, do you know how hard Henry worked?"


The barrage in this live broadcast room has always been very serious.

Mainly because of the name Jill, many viewers are unscrupulous.

Aside from the homophonic stalk of the name, this group of players actually had a pretty good time.

There is a sturdy house to live in, and a certain amount of food storage.

At least for a short time, there are no problems.

Some viewers did the math. According to the amount they only eat two meals a day, even if they were lying flat now, they would still be able to last for about a month.

But unfortunately, Zhang Haoran is coming.

"Henry, what are you doing?"

"Let's go out for a walk and see if there's anything in the trap."

"Damn, the prey in the trap is getting less and less during this time, and sometimes it takes several days to catch a prey."

Jill flicked his fingers, and the booger from his fingertips flew out.

Looking at his skillful movements, it is obvious that he is quite experienced.

"You don't need to look at it, there will definitely be nothing to gain."

"Stay at home, I was just going to sleep for a while."

Henry hit Yawn and said.

The audience has long seen that Henry is actually quite lazy.

"Okay, you sleep for a while, I'll take a look and come back soon."

With that said, Jill took the engineer shovel and left the residence.

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