On Ye Han's side, he was leading the team to explore the nearby area.

Many viewers also stared at it all the time, and kept sending barrages.

"Look, is that a roe deer?"

"Really or not, can there still be things on the island?"

"The devil is stunned, brother, it is impossible for a roe deer to appear in the tropics. Normal appears in the northeast of our Shenzhou country, and is called the first mythical beast in the northeast."

"It's not a roe deer, what is that?"

"Maybe it's a deer, Ye Han has met before."

"By the way, Ye Han still has musk and ambergris in his house, but I don't see him using it."


With the appearance of an animal in the live broadcast, the audience was all excited.

On Ye Han's side, he was naturally excited.

Lin musk!

There was no doubt that it was a forest musk deer, passing quickly in front of Ye Han's group.

The speed of this thing's escape is very fast. Last time Ye Han captured the Lin musk, it took a lot of effort.

"Boss, it's Lin She!"

Su Xiaoqi also let out an exclamation and looked at the forest musk.


At this time, the militant Xiao Hanhan let out a roar and was about to chase after him immediately.

But there is no doubt that its speed cannot be compared with Lin Musk.

Others, Lin She has a strong posture, and her bounce power is also very good, and she can pop out all the way.

Xiaohanhan relies entirely on recklessness and is not good at speed.

But it doesn't matter, this idiot can't catch up, but Ye Han has nine days left!


Jiutian let out a cry and flew out directly, his figure turned into an afterimage, like lightning Normal.

This eagle cry was undoubtedly a clarion call to Lin She's ears.

Under the panic, Lin She's speed was a little faster.

But the speed of running can't be compared with Flying's speed anyway!

The distance between Lin She and Jiutian is rapidly shortening.

Ye Tian followed unhurriedly at the back, just waiting for Jiutian to entangle this Lin musk, and he was about to start.

"Nine days is really amazing. The price of such a falcon on the market will probably reach an unimaginable level."

"It's here again, it's an old saying, every time Jiutian makes a move, someone will be greedy, give up, Jiutian only belongs to Ye Han."

"Wrong, it's not a relationship of belonging. These animals are friends with Ye Han, and they are all Ye Han's animal friends."

"Lin She has been chased, Ye Han is going to get Musk again, this thing is sold for money by gram!"

"Money is a piece of shit. Ye Han didn't bother to dig a gold mine when he discovered it, so he just dug it once."


During the conversation, Jiutian had already caught up with the Lin musk, and swooped down and grabbed Lin musk's forehead.


The top of Lin She's head was scratched with blood marks, it screamed, and the whole body was fried!

It wants to continue to escape, but how can Jiu Tian let it go easily?

After nine days of entanglement, Ye Han arrived smoothly. He held a spear and slashed at Lin Mu's neck.

Poor Lin musk fell to the ground, convulsed and died.

The Shenzhouguo program team quickly coded, and Lin Musk turned into a pile of mosaics.

"Boss, how's it going?".

Su Xiaoqi then rushed over and brought Ye Han's animal friends.

Ye Han nodded.

"Lin Musk is dead."

"But it's a pity that it's only mother's, no musk."

Ye Han said, picked up Lin She's body, put it on Xiao Hanhan's back, and fastened it with a rope.

"Come on, little Hanhan, take care of your prey."

Ye Han touched Xiao Hanhan's head.

This fool, this time he was not able to attack his prey, he seemed a little dissatisfied.

All the limelight was taken away by Jiutian, it can only be a porter. "Pay attention to Xiaohanhan's eyes, hahaha!"

"This guy is jealous that he can fly for nine days!"

"Nonsense, I am also jealous of Jiutian, I also want to fly."

"Humans can also fly, and there are many ways, such as wingsuit Flying."

"Let's forget it. Wingsuit Flying is not only very dangerous, but also very expensive. A set of entry-level equipment seems to cost hundreds of millions!"


The audience continued to chat, but what they didn't know yet was that Ye Han was a master when it came to wingsuit Flying.

Of course, he will definitely not do such a risky thing now, because he has concerns about Su Xiaoqi.

"Poor Xiao Lin musk, just died like this."

"Don't worry, I'll make you delicious!"

Su Xiaoqi said.

The first sentence is still normal, but the next sentence has a sudden change in style.

"Lin She said I thank you."

Ye Han couldn't help but laugh.

Rhubarb didn't know what to do, so he also bared his teeth and grinned, and it also pulled Dabei and made Dabei laugh along with him.

At this time, in Ye Han's live broadcast room, Teacher Ma and Little Sister Da were in charge of today's commentary.

The little girl's smiling branches trembled.

"God, Xiao Qi is so cute."

"I really want to eat her cooking."

The little girl said.

"I think so too, let's go to the island."

Teacher Ma nodded again and again.

But unfortunately, they can only have a good time in the live broadcast room.

There are too many people who want to go to the island, and most of them are for Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

Even if a large number of viewers often come to harass the program team, it is recommended that the program team select lucky viewers to go to the island through a lottery.

But the show crew never agreed.

Because the program team knows that this hole cannot be opened.

Once it's opened, it can't be stopped.

At that time, an audience would come up every now and then and come to Ye Han's side to eat, and that would also have an impact on Ye Han.

When it comes to the game, don't be sloppy.

"If we want to go to the island, I'm afraid we have to wait until after the game is over."

"When China gets the ownership of this island, it might be possible to develop a tourist attraction."

The little sister said innocently.

Indeed, this is also what the vast majority of ordinary viewers think.

But in fact, when the game is over, the blockade of this island will only get stricter!

Except for the relevant staff, no one else would even think about going to the island.

"Then let's wait until the game is over. We are also the commentary of the program team, maybe there are internal tickets."

"It's not good for us to go now, don't forget, Ye Han and Xiao Qi are in their romantic relationship."

Teacher Ma winked and said with a smile on his face.

Boy, love period!

If Teacher Ma didn't say anything, everyone didn't react!

Yes, Ye Han just confessed that the two have only confirmed their relationship for two days, it is indeed the stage of the passionate love period!

It's just that Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's passionate love period is a little weird.

In fact, everyone is very clear in their hearts, the two have long been equivalent to a couple relationship, very close.

Not to mention, they both hug each other and Rest together every night!

Determining the relationship now is just taking a form and explaining things.

To talk about the real love period, it should be the time when the two of them just went to the island.

Of course, although more than 200 days have passed, it is not tired at all, and it is still like a new love, which makes many couples very envious.

Some viewers said that people who truly love each other are in love every day, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are like this.

Next, in the live broadcast, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi led the team to continue wandering around the area to see if they could find any prey or resources.

And soon, they made a new discovery again!

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