Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1597 Henry Likes To Bring Home The Ticket

There is a fire in front of it, there is no doubt that it must be Jill!


This guy ran away overnight with supplies and equipment, but he wasn't caught up by me!

At this moment, Henry's heart beat faster and his eyes were red.

He began to look around.

In the end, he found a sharp-edged stone and held it in his hand.

Good guy, this murder is very serious!

Many viewers were stunned.

"Those who didn't know thought Jill slept with his wife. Is that so?"

"If this stone hits people's heads, it might really cause people's lives!"

"Wait, it's impossible for him to find Jill, that's not Jill at all, that's our little wolf dog!"

"Oops, don't let this Henry hurt the little wolfdog!"

"Stop joking, Henry hasn't eaten all day, and his strength is very poor. How could he threaten Zhang Haoran?"

"Don't worry, Henry is about to get a return ticket."

"Okay, wait for Henry to retire, and when he returns home, I will find a chance to beat him up and let everyone out!"


A large number of spectators gathered here to watch Henry's next operations.

They are all waiting for Henry to come home!

At the same time, in Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room.

Lonely Spirit is explaining the current scene.

Originally, after the grand prize was drawn in Ye Han's live broadcast room, Ye Han began to rest again, and he was almost going home.

But he was a little reluctant, so he was brought to Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room by Sister Zhou and Sister Dian.

Just as Henry was about to encounter Zhang Haoran, how could he leave at such a time?

"Lonely children are addicted to playing, hahaha!"

"It's okay, you can come to explain often, and give everyone benefits!"

"Yes, yes, let the show team spend more money and give you more benefits!"

"Gu Ling, look here! You ask your sister to sell me her socks!"

"Tell me intuitively, you probably didn't think anything good!"

"Look, Henry is approaching Zhang Haoran, and Sirius has discovered him!"


A large number of viewers are all sending danmaku, very excited.

Henry was holding a stone and was approaching step by step.

On Zhang Haoran's side, they are roasting meat at Courtney. The roast is a rabbit, which was caught by Sirius this afternoon.

"It's almost ready."


Zhang Haoran devoted himself to roasting the rabbit.

But at this time, he found that Sirius seemed to be a little wrong.

So, he instantly became vigilant.

Looking in the direction that Sirius was staring at, Zhang Haoran frowned.

There are footsteps, getting closer and closer!

"It's like the footsteps of humans!"

Zhang Haoran's pupils shrank.

Did you meet other players?

But around here, he didn't find any trace of other players' activities!

Too bad, I'm afraid I won't be able to steal the house and set it on fire this time. It's already been discovered before someone else's place of residence has been found, alas!

Zhang Haoran's first reaction was this.

And the next moment, he temporarily put down the roasted rabbit, and grabbed a sapper instead.

Regardless, it's always good to be careful.

"Damn Jill, still eating barbecue!"

"It's so fragrant, it just happened to be eaten by me, you fart, Jill!"

Henry smelled the aroma of the roasted rabbit, swallowed, and then cursed in his heart.

Next, he ran straight up and rushed towards Zhang Haoran.

"Go to hell Jill!"

Henry roared and smashed the stone out of his hand! There was still a distance between the two sides at this time, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

The stone was thrown out with all his strength and hit Zhang Haoran's head.

If he was hit this time, Zhang Haoran would definitely end up with a bloody head, and he would have to retire on the spot, and he might even suffer a concussion, leaving sequelae.

But Zhang Haoran responded very quickly, and he had already responded as soon as they met.

When he was short, he rolled on the spot, dodging the blow.

Then he rushed straight up!

At this time, the opponent launched an attack first, and he no longer needed to have any scruples, and started the attack directly!

Damn it!

Laozi is roasting meat here, you want to kill me when you come up?

Who dies today!

Zhang Haoran felt an unnamed fire in his heart, and rushed towards Henry with a shovel in hand.

But Sirius is faster!

Zhang Haoran was attacked, how could Sirius bear it?

He only heard a howl from Sirius, and he had already rushed in front of Henry, biting hard on Henry's thigh, and shaking his head vigorously, biting!


The sky was dark, Henry didn't see Sirius at all, all his attention was on Zhang Haoran.

At this time he was still wondering, this person does not seem to be Jill!

But before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his thigh!

When he looked down, he was almost terrified.


It was actually a wolf, with a fierce look in his eyes, Bite his thigh!

A tearing pain came, making him unable to stand still.

How can there be a wolf here?

"it is good!"

"Sirius, beautiful!"

"I'll reward Sirius, it's a good bite!"

"Yes, bite that piece of meat down, hahaha!" ..

"Hey! It hurts just looking at it, Henry is bleeding a lot!

"Zhang Haoran is here, he beat the drowning dog and slapped Henry on the forehead with a shovel!"

"The show crew hurry up and set off, or else it will be damned, hahahaha!"

"Don't go, it's not bad to let Henry die on the island."

"Listen, is this what a man said? It's not a man, it's a god! Brother, I give you a thumbs up, well said!"


There were a lot of barrages surging, and almost no one spoke for Henry.

On the contrary, I feel very happy.

It also proved how bad Henry's performance was, which almost aroused the disgust of all the audience.


At this time, Zhang Haoran shot over with a shovel, so he still kept his hand, otherwise he could chop directly instead of shooting.

If it was cut off, Henry's face would have to be cut in half.

"It's a foreigner!"

Zhang Haoran saw Henry's appearance clearly and became more reckless.

Another shovel shot down, Henry was already kneeling on the ground, Zhang Haoran kicked up and kicked Henry's chest again, Henry changed from kneeling to lying down.

"Okay Sirius."


Zhang Haoran saw that Henry had passed out, so he let Sirius let go.

He also didn't want to see Sirius bite off this piece of meat.

He wasn't worried about Henry, but he didn't want Sirius to eat human flesh.

Sirius was very obedient and immediately let go.

Then Zhang Haoran took a closer look at Henry's Contest Condition.

For the time being, he definitely couldn't die, but he didn't have anything on him, he just held a stone as a weapon, which made Zhang Haoran very puzzled.

And where have his teammates gone?

But at this time, Zhang Haoran didn't bother to think about these issues carefully. He immediately pulled some vines and started tying Henry up.

And before tying it up, he very thoughtfully pulled off Henry's clothes and shoes, leaving only one pair of pants.

This scene made audiences all over the world burst into laughter!

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