Today's live broadcast can be said to be full of highlights.

The discovery of a stranded sperm whale on Ye Han's side is the biggest harvest ever found on the entire island.

This sperm whale alone was enough for Ye Han to lie down until the end of the game.

Then Li Guang decided to go home to rest, regain his strength, and then go to find Huzi.

Zhang Haoran will come to Henry and Jill’s house soon.

At night, the cold wind can also meet foreign players!

The audience is quite satisfied with this. If the live broadcast is like this every day, how good it would be?

But in fact, we all know very well that this is impossible.

How can there be so many big things every day?

Next, everyone basically stayed in Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room.

At this time, a wooden house finally appeared in front of Zhang Haoran.

In fact, this road is not easy to go.

Because in the process of approaching the wooden house, Zhang Haoran discovered a lot of traps.

You can see one just a few steps away.

It's just a net!

Zhang Haoran couldn't help sighing, who set up this trap, it's too cruel!

No wonder Sirius found nothing near this area and did not find any prey.

Dareqing should have been caught all extinct!

Was it the guy who was bitten by Sirius?

Zhang Haoran shook his head.

His gut told him it wasn't the guy who did it.

In fact, Zhang Haoran didn't like him very well, and he always felt that this guy was not very good.

Not from the perspective of the competition, but purely from the perspective of a passerby, Zhang Haoran felt that Henry did not seem to be a good match material.

These traps should have come from Henry's teammates.

Of course, it's pointless to speculate on these now.

Zhang Haoran brought Sirius to the front of the wooden house.

It can be seen that people did not leave for a long time.

"It just so happened that when this group of players had an accident, I came too."

"There's still some food left here, and beyond that, nothing of value."

Zhang Haoran checked it carefully, then shook his head.

So now comes the problem.

Shall I burn this house down?

At this time, Zhang Haoran can already infer the situation of this group of players, because Henry also told him again.

Henry's teammate ran away with something, Henry went to chase, but met Zhang Haoran.

As for why this Henry's teammate ran away, Zhang Haoran can probably guess a rough idea, probably because Henry is not very good. ..

Although the contact time was short, Zhang Haoran could also feel that Henry didn't seem to be playing well.

"In that case, I'm not in a hurry to burn this house down."

"Let's rest here for a while!"

Zhang Haoran thought for a while and finally made a decision.

He wants to stay in this house for a while!

So he started to build a fire in front of the wooden house and eat.

"The little wolf dog stopped."

"It's over, I've been looking forward to this wave for so long, and as a result, I beat Henry, and then it's gone!"

"Otherwise, what else do you want, do you want to kill Henry?"

"I always feel that it is not intense enough. Now Zhang Haoran has stopped, he is going to enter sleep mode!"

"You can't let him wander around in the jungle all the time. It's better to rest for a while."

"In the next period of time, I'm afraid that the little wolfdog will not wait here. He will go to sleep."

"Not necessarily, you go and see, Jill seems to be moving!"


A large number of audiences are discussing, some people think it's not enjoyable, some people think it's okay, this is not bad.

At this time, some viewers discovered that there seemed to be some situation on Jill's side.

Immediately, a large number of viewers poured into Jill's live broadcast room.

To be honest, most people still admire people like Jill. From a mentally retarded child in the eyes of a teacher to where he is today, he really worked too hard.

The level of this kind of effort must be extremely hard, and it is not something that Normal people can endure.

But for Jill, he has long been accustomed to hard work.

He will do his best to do everything.

At this time, Jill was on his way.

If you look closely, you can see that he seems to be walking back!

Instead of moving on, he is going back to where he lives!

The reason is quite simple, because Jill concluded that the retiree who was picked up by the helicopter was definitely Henry!

So, he can go back and take all the remaining supplies with him!

It was basically all he got through hard work, why didn't he take it away?

Stay there and rot?

What a pity!

So, Jill set foot on the way home.

This scene immediately sparked heated discussions around the world.

"Good guy, Jill is going home, but his house is now occupied by Zhang Haoran!"

"Hahahaha, this matter is not over, but there is a follow-up, it's great!"

"Very well, wait for Jill and Zhang Haoran to meet!"

"In the past, Zhang Haoran used to steal others. Maybe this time he will suffer a loss?"

"I don't think it's very likely. Don't forget that Zhang Haoran has Sirius and Sirius. Once Jill gets close, he will be discovered immediately."

"That's true, then it seems that Jill may suffer!"

"Just wait and see, maybe tomorrow, Jill will be there."


Things are really twists and turns!

Some viewers who were not satisfied before are now full of expectations.

From the very beginning, everyone thought that it was as simple as Zhang Haoran approaching Henry and Jill, one at a time.

However, just before Zhang Haoran arrived, Jill ran away with supplies. Henry chased and killed Jill, but met Zhang Haoran and retired.

Next, Zhang Haoran moved into Henry and Jill's house, but Jill had to return to take away the remaining supplies!

It is really not an exaggeration to say that it is a twist.

Of course, that's for tomorrow, at least noon tomorrow.

What is worth looking forward to now is that tonight, the cold wind is about to arrive on the battlefield and meet that group of poor Turkish players, Hassan and Mohammed.

Then the audience came to Ye Han's live broadcast room and continued chatting.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were still working and were in full swing.

Courtney was all over the place, burning up, raising the temperature by several degrees.

Smoke lingers, smoking freshly cut sperm whale meat.

Many people looked at it and were thirsty.

Whale meat has never been eaten before!

After all, it is forbidden to eat in China, which would violate the law.

However, the Neon Country is a big country that eats whales. Up to now, the Neon Country is still hunting all kinds of whales in the sea, and then eating the meat of the whales.

"Humph, stupid Chinese people from China, greedy for you!"

"The meat of whales is really delicious in the world, and the poor people of China can't eat it, hahaha!"

"The people of Shenzhou are too hypocritical. They always look pitiful and pitiful. They feel that the whales are pitiful, and they are reluctant to eat them, hehe."

"That's right, isn't that whale alive just for humans to hunt and eat, what is it hypocritical?"

"Little days are here, it's rare to see them so excited!"

"Please don't show off. It's really not good. I'll mail a watermelon to you to taste. It's a whole one."

"My family has too much land, and I can't manage it. I want to cede a septic tank to my friends in Neon Country to increase the size of Neon Country."

"Count me in, I just took out a large piece of the skin of my foot, and I want to give the same area of ​​land to Neon Country!"

"Come here, everyone will contribute to the Neon Country, help the good neighbors, I will donate a piece of shit, just pulled it!"


The audiences of Neon Kingdom have finally found a point where they can mock Shenzhou Kingdom.

But in an instant, they were ridiculed wildly by the vast number of Chinese netizens, and they couldn't say a word of their anger.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi stopped and rested for a while.

Because I'm so tired.

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