On Lengfeng's side, he quickly fell into sleep and refreshed himself.

At the same time, Li Guang had also returned home and was resting.

To Li Guang's disappointment, when he returned home, he did not find any trace of Huzi.

Tiger did not come back.

Li Guang ate something and didn't feel any taste.

At this time, when he eats, Huzi will stare at him, greedy to death, trying to grab meat from his mouth.

But now, he was the only one left to eat.

It's really frustrating.

People all over the Internet are feeling sorry for Guangma.

Some people feel the same way.

"My husband left early, and now the children are working in other places. I eat by myself every day, just like my mother, alas!"

"Guangma has become an empty-nest old man, whoever hears it weeps!"

"Although I'm still young, I'm ugly, no one loves me, and I don't have any friends. No matter what I do, I'm alone. I don't want to live anymore."

"I used to eat hot pot by myself, go to the movies alone, and travel alone. I'm used to being alone. In fact, it's pretty good. I can do whatever I want. It's very relaxing."

"It's really easy to live alone, but now the situation of bare mother is different from our usual life alone."

"This guy Huzi is really heartless, where did he go!"

"If the tiger comes back, or finds it, be sure to spank him and spank his ass with the sole of his shoe!"

"If it really comes back, Mother Guang will definitely be reluctant to fight."


The audience is constantly talking.

On Ye Han's side, he and Su Xiaoqi had already started to rest.

Since the house has not been built, we can only camp.

Some viewers believe that since the whole sperm whale is no longer going to be disposed of, there is no need to rebuild the house.

In fact, there are still more than 100 days left in the competition. During this time, Ye Han must come to the beach from time to time to play. He has a house so that he can spend the night here.

This night, many viewers stayed up late, waiting for the possible stay-up party benefits, but in the end nothing happened.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was bright, and the time came to the 249th day.

A new day begins!

Still very interesting today.

One is that Jill is walking back and is about to meet Zhang Haoran.

One is that Lengfeng intends to look for opportunities to carry out a one-stop operation.

On Ye Han's side, there was nothing special.

Keep dealing with sperm whales!

After breakfast, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to get busy.

They cut a large amount of sperm whale meat and began to smoke it for easy preservation.

Rhubarb and Damei were not idle, and continued to collect fuel and deliver it.

According to Ye Han's plan, it will be done for one more day, and then the remaining sperm whale meat will not be processed.

Throw it all away!

But it's not that simple.

Because it involves the possibility of a whale explosion, and the decay of such a huge carcass.

The whale explosion problem can be solved.

Ye Han's solution is also very simple.

That's digging deep!

Now everyone knows that the reason for the whale explosion is that the whale's body began to rot, producing a large amount of gas, which eventually burst the whale's body and exploded.

Then you only need to dig a hole in the whale's body, so that the gas produced by the decay in the whale's body can be discharged smoothly.

That way, there will be no whale explosions.

But with such a big corpse here, and the weather so hot, it would have a lot of chain reactions.

The terrifying rotten smell, the resulting large number of mosquitoes, attracts all kinds of beasts and so on.

will have a huge impact here. Ye Han reckoned that if he didn't deal with it properly, then the tidal flat would not be able to come over for quite some time.

Even if there are certain wind directions, the hometown may not be able to live.

Likely to smell bad.

If this problem cannot be solved, it will have a big impact on life.

This is also the most troublesome thing for Ye Han at the moment.

"You could try setting fires, but it doesn't feel feasible."

Ye Han thought while harvesting whale meat.

How to burn such a big whale carcass? .

There is really no good way!

And as of today, some whale meat has begun to spoil!

It was the place where Ye Han had cut it yesterday. The whale meat that had come into contact with the air had already started to stink, and it was impossible to ask for it.

Ye Han continued to dig deeper, only to get relatively fresh whale meat.

His main goal now is to dig a big hole first, the one that can lead to the whale's body, so that the gas produced by the decay of the whale's body can be discharged in the future, so as not to cause a whale explosion.

The two continued to work, and the morning time passed quickly.

Most of the audience came over occasionally to take a look, saw that there was nothing wrong with the two of them, and then continued to stare at other live broadcast rooms.

For example, the live broadcast room of cold wind.

At this time, the cold wind was squatting on a tree, staring at the wooden house in front.

Lengfeng has been able to determine that this is a group of foreign players.

Then you can rest assured.

After all, he was also afraid that he would end up burning his own players' heads, which would be bad.

Just like the last time, Zhang Haoran burned down his and Li Guang's fourth base.

Since it is a foreign player, it is Rival, so naturally you can play it with confidence.

However, all morning, this group of players did not go out.

This made the cold wind a bit of a toothache.

Aren't you two going out for a walk?

Go out hunting!

Is there enough food at home to eat until the game is over?

Why stay at home all the time!

Leng Feng is very helpless, but he can only continue to wait.

Now the two players are preparing lunch, and the cold wind is not convenient for eating, so they can only continue to watch.

Many viewers are also very anxious.

This has been waiting for so long. Finally, the cold wind arrived on the battlefield, but it was unable to do it for a long time. It was really annoying.

On the other hand, it did not disappoint the audience.

It was noon, but Zhang Haoran was still sleeping!

There is no doubt that he has completely entered the dormant Contest Condition, and his work and rest have begun to become disordered.

I slept till noon and still didn't get up.

Sirius was playing outside and trying to hunt, but he has not returned yet.

Because Zhang Haoran closed the live broadcast Rest, so now everyone can't see the picture.

I can only watch the live screen of Jill's side.

At this point, Jill has approached the wooden house!

"Finally home!"

Jill looked at the wooden house in front of him and let out a long sigh of relief. At the same time, he also slowed down and began to be cautious.

Although he has already concluded that the retiree must be Henry.

But I never saw it with my own eyes. What if I guess wrong?

If Henry didn't retire, then he would come back and be discovered by Henry. With Henry's temperament, it probably wouldn't end well.

If he is beaten by Henry again, causing him to retire, his previous efforts will be in vain.

Therefore, Jill intends to investigate carefully first.

So, he slowly approached the wooden house.

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