Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1609 I Don't Rob Or Hurt Anyone


Jill broke out in a cold sweat and almost jumped up!

He didn't expect to encounter a wolf here!

Then, he hurriedly continued to look, but found no other wolves.

Well, this should be a lone wolf, a lone wolf.

But he has lived here for so long, and he has never found any trace of wolf activity!

What the hell!

It's impossible, this wolf is with the guy Rest in the room, right?

Gill first ruled out the correct answer.

Because this is ridiculous.

He turned around, clenched the shovel in his hand, and looked at the wolf.

Sirius was also looking at him, and became vigilant, with a low roar in his throat.

Such a big movement finally woke Zhang Haoran from Rest in the room.

He rolled over and opened his eyes.

"Sirius, what's wrong?"

With that said, Zhang Haoran got up and opened the door of the wooden house.

And then he just came over with Smelling Salts.

I saw a foreigner standing outside the door of the wooden house. On the opposite side was Sirius. Sirius still had a pheasant in his mouth.

what's the situation!

Zhang Haoran, Jill, and Sirius were all confused Contest Conditions.

But the audience was happy.

Originally, Zhang Haoran met Henry, the two sides briefly clashed, and Henry flew home.

Then the audience thought that this was the end of it.

Unexpectedly, Jill heard the sound of the helicopter and decided that Henry was withdrawing from the race, so he turned back and wanted to take the remaining supplies.

Next, Jill returned to the wooden house and saw Zhang Haoran, but didn't want to cause trouble, and planned to leave directly.

The audience thought it was over.

However, at the critical moment, Sirius is back!

So far, this wave has reached a climax.

Zhang Haoran looked at Jill, and Sirius also stared at Jill.

Jill was at a loss, looking at Zhang Haoran for a while, and then at Sirius for a while.

He's in a mess now.

Looking at this posture, this person seems to be in the same group as this wolf!

But how is this possible?

Jill couldn't figure it out.

"Sirius, don't worry!"

At this time, Sirius threw the pheasant in his mouth to the ground and bared his teeth at Jill, and there was blood on the teeth!

Jill felt a little weak in his legs and almost lost his footing.

It was the first time he had faced such a beast head-on in the long time he had been on the island.

Never had it before!

Fortunately, Zhang Haoran spoke in time and stopped Sirius.

Otherwise, Sirius would have already rushed over, and if he was bitten, Jill would go home and go to the hospital to see Henry.

Hearing Zhang Haoran's words, Sirius stopped.

But still very vigilant, staring at Jill.

As long as Jill dares to make any changes, it will take action as soon as possible.

Now, Jill understands it completely.

This man, and this wolf, they are a group!

Between the sparks, Jill's mind flashed a group of player information.

Chinese players, Zhu Chuanqi and Zhang Haoran.

Among them, Zhang Haoran has grown up with the wolves since he was a child!

That's right, this person is Zhang Haoran of China!

According to Jill's hard work and his determination to win the championship, he naturally carefully studied the information of all players from other countries before the game started.

Although it has been so long now, he can still remember a rough idea.

It's just that I really didn't think about it just now, and now I think about it carefully, and I immediately understand it.

If anyone on the island can live with a wolf, then it must be Zhang Haoran.

But thinking of returning, Jill is still very nervous.

Now how to do?

With trembling hands, he operated on the live broadcast bracelet.

He wanted to use the translation function to communicate with Zhang Haoran.

But his actions aroused the vigilance of Sirius.

Sirius howled, and wanted to rush over again and attack Jill.

Jill backed away in fright, and finally sat down on the ground with a pale face.

It was Zhang Haoran, who quickly stepped forward, stood in front of Sirius, and appeased Sirius.

"Sirius, don't bite yet."


Zhang Haoran crouched down and stroked Sirius' head. At the same time, he also looked at Jill.

At this time, Jill finally completed the operation and turned on the translation function of the live bracelet.



Jill called hello twice in a row, her voice trembling.

After Zhang Haoran heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't be nervous, Sirius is very obedient."

Zhang Haoran said.

But when Jill heard it, he had a constipated expression on his face.

Can I not be nervous?


But he still agreed, nodded again and again, and gradually backed away.

"Are you a player who used to live here?"

Zhang Haoran probably guessed the truth.

So he asked.

Jill nodded.

"Yes, I used to live here, but I've left."

"I don't want this house and everything in the house, I'll give it to you!"

Jill said while stepping back.

He doesn't want anything, he just wants to get out of here now.

When Zhang Haoran heard it, he was a good man!

Still have some food in the house, all for yourself?

"You really don't have to be afraid."

"I don't rob things, and I don't take the initiative to hurt others."

Zhang Haoran told the truth.

The audience couldn't help but laugh.

"You really don't rob, but you steal!"

"You don't take the initiative to hurt people, but you arrange for Sirius to bite people!"

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, Haoran is right, hahahaha!"

"It's pure nonsense. If he dared to rob things and take the initiative to hurt people, he would have been eliminated long ago!"

"Look at how scared Jill is, it's not easy for Jill!"

"This wave is interesting, hahaha!"


A large number of barrages are surging, and the audience is constantly sending barrages and discussing.

On Henry's side, seeing this scene, he was furious.

Why did you stop that wolf? !

When the wolf bit me, why didn't you stop it?

You should let this wolf kill Jill directly!

In the ward, Henry kept swearing.

He scolds Zhang Haoran, scolds Sirius, scolds Jill.

Damn it!

Henry was furious and beat the hospital bed with his fists.

At this time, it happened that in the live broadcast, Bill was also talked about.

"I know, you look like a good person!"

"Can I ask you, where is my teammate Henry? Have you met him?"

Jill felt that he had stepped back to a relatively safe distance, and then asked.


Zhang Haoran understood that it was the guy who attacked himself with a stone, was bitten by Sirius, and then retired.

"He's retired and went home."

Zhang Haoran said.

Hearing this, Gilton breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled.

This was also the first time he laughed after meeting Sirius and Zhang Haoran.

"It's good to retire."

"After I left, Henry was alone on the island, and I'm not worried."

"I am sorry for him. After the game is over, I will definitely make up for him."

Jill said.

Then, he seemed to remember something.

"Henry, you must be watching the live broadcast!"

"I'm sorry, my leaving without saying goodbye caused you trouble."

"But I have to do it, it's all about the game, and I'm sure you'll understand."

Having said that, Jill stood up and bowed deeply.

The audience was silent, and Jill even apologized to Henry!

In everyone's opinion, it was a wise move for him to pack up and leave, and he shouldn't even leave food for Henry!

And seeing this scene, Henry is even more Rage!

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