The only explanation is that it was purely a coincidence.

And still don't know what's in that box, what if it's an empty box?

Let's wait for Ye Han to go ashore first!

At this time, Ye Han had already surfaced, and he was floating on the water, rubbing his body with sea water.

Looking at it like that, it is only willing to give up if you want to rub off a layer of skin.

How stinky does this have to be?

Even if there are crocodiles in the sea, it is estimated that there will be nothing, because the crocodiles will not come to eat such a smelly Ye Han.

After all, the crocodile doesn't seem to be a scavenger.

"Boss, what did you take out of the whale's stomach?"

Su Xiaoqi was also looking at the thing that seemed to be a box.

On the surface, it should be a box.

But now there is a layer of mucus on the outside, and there are the corpses of stinky fish and rotten shrimp, Su Xiaoqi is not too sure.

"I don't know. You wash it first, and I'll come and see."

Ye Han almost scrubbed off his body, and he also rushed over to take a look.

Of course, there is still a residual taste, this is no way.

Try washing it with soap fruit later.

Ye Han swam ashore, Su Xiaoqi also frowned and cleaned up the box.

It is indeed a box. After cleaning, I can see it more clearly, and it is clear at a glance.

The audience also speculated.

"I have a hunch, this is an ammunition box!"

"Yes, yes, there are grenades, rpg rocket launchers, aw!"

"Do you think this is playing chicken? It's so exaggerated, look carefully, this box is not big at all, it can't hold these things!"

"First of all, the box is a modern product, not a simple wooden box, so there is a high probability that it is not an antique such as an antique, but a modern product."

"Is it possible that something of value was smuggled, such as gold, diamonds and the like?"

"That would be useless, Ye Han has both gold and diamonds!"

"Guess what, you won't know until Ye Han opens it, he will open it right away!"


The audience has everything to say.

In a ward, Christovsky stared at the live broadcast and blurted out the word alien.

Tompkin on the side was very helpless.

He knows it!

According to Christovsky, this box is definitely left by aliens.

Perhaps this whale stranding was also done by aliens!

In fact, after encountering the Internet violence, Christovsky has been a lot more honest and has been taking care of Tompkin in the hospital.

Tompkin didn't really blame him in the first place, and he didn't even care about it now.

As long as you don't talk about aliens every day.

But after Christovsky learned about Ye Han's deeds, he was very sure that Ye Han was an alien!

Even if Ye Han is not an alien, it is still related to aliens!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain what happened to Ye Han!

Can't explain his weird luck!

In fact, in a sense, Christovsky really got it right this time.

Ye Han is an alien, isn't he an alien?

However, I am afraid that it is impossible for Christovsky to know the truth in this life.

At this time, Ye Han went ashore and walked in front of the box.

He didn't rush to open it, but looked at the box first.

There is a sense of ceremony when opening the box.

"The box is modern, it's sealed very well, and there shouldn't be any water in it."

"According to the icon on the box, it should be a toolbox."

Ye Han said.

Toolbox, okay?

When he ran out with the box just now, he felt that the box was quite heavy.

Now it's time to open it up and see what's inside.

Then, under the eyes of all the people, Ye Han opened the buckle on the box. The design of this buckle is very strong, otherwise it would have been opened in the whale's stomach.


With a soft sound, Ye Han opened the box.

His eyes looked inside the box.

Then he froze.

The first thing that appeared in the box was a can of Red Bull.

good guy!

Ye Han called out the good guy, you can still drink energy drinks on the island, that's it!

He smiled and picked up the can of Red Bull and looked at it. The production date was half a year ago, it was produced in Siam, and it is still far from expired, so you can drink it.

In addition to Red Bull, there is a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

The cigarette is a 555 double burst, and it has not been opened yet. If the lighter is a relatively simple windproof lighter, it is worth about two yuan.

All are foreign things, not China's.

"Fuck, these are all things I like!"

"Hahaha grass, I have these things on the table right now!"

"How can I put it, these things, hahaha, are really not what I think Mikey!"

"There are other things, take your time!"

"Next is a bag of beef jerky, hahahaha, who lost this box, does anyone come out to claim it?"

"There are thousands of people all over the Internet saying that the box belongs to him. Who knows which one is true?"

"Why was the box Swallowed by the whale, is the owner of this box dead and in the belly of the whale?"


The audience chatted.

At the same time, an engineer in the country of rot was completely dumbfounded, watching Ye Han's live broadcast room.

He lost the box, but that was a long time ago!

At that time, he was invited to the surrounding of the island to participate in the construction of the sea base and brought such a toolbox.

He passed by by boat, encountered wind and waves along the way, and the toolbox accidentally fell into the sea.

But he never imagined that this toolbox would reappear in front of his eyes in this way!

He is completely stupid!

Next, Ye Han continued to check the supplies in the box.

After the beef jerky, came a box of chewing gum.

After the gum came a bag of chocolates.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi couldn't help but laugh.

On the one hand because of these things, on the other hand, because of these things.

Interesting, really interesting!

Cigarettes, drinks, snacks.

It's really interesting to see these things on the island!

After snacking, it was time for something else.

Ye Han took out all the snacks and temporarily put them in a pot at hand. The pot was empty, just to hold these things.

Then he saw that this toolbox had a second layer.

In the middle is a partition. After opening the partition, you can see the materials on the second layer.

Ye Han knew in his heart that the main event was coming.

This is indeed a toolbox, and some cigarettes, drinks, and snacks are placed on the upper floor.

The lower layer should be some tools.

Sure enough, as Ye Han opened the second floor, he immediately saw a wrench, a tape measure, and an axe appearing in front of him.

They are all more refined ones, and they look quite expensive.

"Wine bottle starter, Phillips screw, slotted screw, electric pen, waterproof insulating tape..."

There are so many things, all of them are tools.

Looking at these things, Ye Han was also thinking about their use.

In the end, he found that on the island, these things were basically useless.

But that axe can be used, and it saves you having to make your own axe.

The most useful axe among these tools, Ye Han can also make it himself.

So this time, basically no one jumped out and said they were going to take back these things.

Even some people who are hostile to China know that it is useless to say it!

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