Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1618 From The Kingdom Of Shenzhou

At this time, Su Xiaoqi was guarding the pile of things, staring at Rhubarb and Damei.

The two monkeys are here with her, and there is no trust at all.

May there be no sixth in this world.




The two monkeys communicated in the tree and spoke monkey language.

The audience was enthusiastic, everyone laughed and their stomachs hurt, and they kept translating.

"Little Heizi, the chicken feet are exposed!"

"Two monkeys, all of them are little blacks!"

"Let me translate, Damei is asking, it said, what happened!"

"Yes, yes, Rhubarb said, it's over, we have no food to eat!"

"Beautiful: ah? Why?"

"Rhubarb: It's that Ye Han, he's an unscrupulous capitalist, he only makes us work, not food!"


The audience was having a great time playing.

And the screenshots of Ye Han squatting in the stream, showing half of his buttocks, also began to go viral on the Internet.

For a while, Ye Han gained a lot of ass fans.

"Ahem, let me just say a few words, Ye Han's butt is the best of the best!"

"As we all know, the end of fitness is hip training. The peach hips you see on the Internet are very beautiful, but you must know that it is also very difficult to practice and requires a lot of effort!"

"Ah? Ye Han is this peach butt, isn't peach butt only a woman can have?"

"Don't pay attention to these details, then the question is, I want to take a trip to Spring City with my girlfriend. Is there a girlfriend with peach hips and big waves wearing black silk?"

"Good guy, you have a lot of requirements!"

"Look at me big brother, the latest mobile phone, travel with you, and live in a room!"

"The Internet police have come out to work, and there are people here to solicit customers!"


At this moment, Ye Han is still bathing in the stream.

He felt almost there.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long to enter the belly of the sperm whale, and the stench was only covered on the surface of the body, and it was not marinated yet.

If this is marinated, it will be troublesome.

"Okay, it doesn't stink anymore!"

Ye Han let out a long breath, left the stream, put on his clothes, and returned to Su Xiaoqi.

"Boss, I want to eat beef jerky!"

Su Xiaoqi said to Ye Han with a sad face.

"Isn't it just a bag of beef jerky, simple!"

"You go to Xiaohanhan to discuss, let him contribute some beef, and you can do it yourself."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Little Hanhan: ? ? ?

God damn Ye Han!

Lao Tzu works diligently for you, but you want to eat my meat!

The audience burst into laughter.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later if we can find a cow."

"But the beef jerky I made myself is different from the ones produced outside!"

"The other one has more flavor and tastes better."

Su Xiaoqi said glumly.

Ye Han nodded.

"That's right. Look at the various additives written on the packaging bag. It must taste better."

"It's all about technology and hard work!"

Ye Han said a joke with a smile.

Due to the limited materials and seasonings on the island, although Su Xiaoqi's food tastes good, it is definitely different from those with various additives.

But it is absolutely healthy and does not contain any additives.

Next, the two continued to work here.

In fact, it is no longer necessary to continue harvesting the meat of sperm whales, and the rest are all thrown away. Now it's just a matter of taking care of the follow-up.

The meat of this sperm whale has now been obtained a lot, enough to eat for quite a while.

"Boss, Rhubarb is here to work."

Su Xiaoqi saw Da Huang coming and said.

At this time, Da Huang, with a flattering look, was walking over with a few firewood.

"Let it dry, do it well."

"I just don't have anything to eat."

Ye Han grinned.

Now I know I'm afraid, I know I'm sorry?

But unfortunately, it's too late!

If you do something wrong, you should pay the price and accept Punishment!

Originally, Ye Han didn't plan to eat these snacks alone. He and Su Xiaoqi definitely wanted to eat them, but they would also give them to Rhubarb and Damei so that they could have a taste.

But now, hehe.

The rest of the snacks, they don't even want to smell!

To actually swallow a whole bag of beef jerky by himself is not just excessive, it is simply excessive!

Doing such a thing, wanting to be forgiven, is not that simple.

Just when everyone couldn't laugh, the Shenzhou Kingdom finally had a final decision.

After discussion at the meeting, China finally obtained the authority.

They will send a team to the island to take away the sperm whale that Ye Han doesn't want!

And it had to be as fast as possible, because the sperm whale had been dead for some time, and the weather on the island was hot, so it was time to hurry.

Otherwise, it will completely rot and stink.

And this thing is obviously not so in line with the rules of the game.

The game is not over yet, and no one or any force can go to the island to take things away, even if the players don't want it.

Therefore, Shenzhou Kingdom has also made certain concessions, such as giving a part of whale meat.

Of course, given the powerful national strength of Shenzhou Kingdom, this concession is just to give you a little face, and not much is divided.

"Binggui Extreme Speed, all move, go immediately!"

At this time, in a base, an officer was urging his subordinates to pack up and prepare to go.

Soon, the helicopters took off and flew to the island!

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are having dinner here.

I still ate the meat of sperm whales for dinner. I didn't get tired of it for the time being, so I'll have another meal like this.

Courtney was burning and some of the processed meat was piled on the sidelines, quite a lot.

That is, Ye Han has cows as porters, otherwise, just carrying the meat would be enough for him to have a headache.

"Come on Xiaoqi, this piece of meat is good, eat it!"

"Well, it smells so good!"

Ye Han made a pompous look while eating.

He is deliberately greedy for rhubarb!

Not far away, Da Huang and Da Mei were squatting and watching this scene, they couldn't be greedy.

It's a pity that Ye Han didn't give them food at all.

"Isn't this better than beef jerky?"


Ye Han said with a cold snort.

Rhubarb was heartbroken.

It seems that there is definitely no food to eat tonight, so hungry!

Although it ate beef jerky, but now it is hungry, what should I do!

Is it going to eat Leafage and eat bugs?

That thing is so unpalatable that it is not eaten by monkeys!

The audience continued to chat and laugh in the live broadcast room.

And at this moment, Ye Han chewed the sperm whale meat in his mouth and raised his head.

He saw a roar in the distant sky, and a helicopter came quickly.

Then came the second, the third...  

And on the sea, there are speedboats approaching, stirring up the waves!

what's going on? !

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