Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1621 If You Smoke, I Will Smoke You

The screen came to Ye Han's side.

Ye Han got up, started the live broadcast with Su Xiaoqi, started to wash up, and got ready to eat breakfast.

"Yo, today is the 250th day, 250 Xiaoqi, good morning!"

Ye Han said with a smile.

"Smelly boss, you are too stinky, go away!"

"I'm two hundred and five, you are two hundred and five!"

Su Xiaoqi said with a look of disgust.


Ye Han quickly sniffed himself, it didn't stink!

"I washed it carefully yesterday, and I didn't let go of any hidden corner. If you don't believe me, you can smell it."

Ye Han said otherwise.

Su Xiaoqi reacted, her face flushed slightly.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"It's not honest in the early morning. It's useless if you wash it. You already stink in my heart!"

Su Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue and said to Ye Han.

"How can you stink again?"

"Don't you have to hold me Rest?"

Ye Han smiled proudly.

Flirting early in the morning!

The audience can't stand it!

"Very good, I saved the money for breakfast today, just in time to give Ye Han and Xiao Qi a reward, hehe!"

"Two two hundred and five, and you know how to show affection!"

"Hurry up and have a baby, I want to see it."

"Can this be seen, can this be said?"

"The first day the sperm whale isn't around, think about it."

"Make a bold prediction. This morning, Ye Han hurried back to his hometown, and then he took half a day to spare. Tomorrow, he will go to Bisheng Mountain to chop down trees!"

"It's up to you, anyone with a brain can guess it!"


If Ye Han knew, he would definitely say that he was too difficult.

Every move was guessed by the audience!

Next, after breakfast, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi packed up and started to rush back to their hometown.

The eldest girl, the second girl, the little Hanhan, and the three-headed cows were full, carrying a lot of supplies, all of which were whale meat and fish oil.

If you're in a hurry, it really doesn't matter.

Also rely on rhubarb to make a joke.

Ye Han did what he said, and there was no rhubarb for breakfast today.

Rhubarb the whole monkey is not good.

After stealing a bag of beef jerky, Punishment is so scary!

The rhubarb smelled the aroma of the food, but couldn't eat it at all.

It is worth mentioning that it is still a Contest Condition tethered.

And it was tied to his waist by Ye Han, Ye Han walked, and Da Huang could only follow one piece.

Even if you want to climb on Xiaohanhan's back, Slack Off can't do it.

As for the big beauty, it didn't even eat, but Ye Han didn't tie it and let it go by itself.

Then, the picture came to the official live broadcast room.

Lord Bei and Lord De are both doing commentary work.

"Ye Han is on his way home, let's see how the other players are doing."

Bei Ye explained.

Yes, there are only two players on the island now, one is Ye Han and the other is other players.

The director screen was switched to Jill's side.

Gill is currently the lone wolf Contest Condition and will continue until the end of his game.

No way, he was the only player left in the country he was in.

Therefore, even if you want to find a single player in your own country to regroup, it is impossible.

There appears to be only one such incident on the island.

That is Andre from Beautiful Country, who met Sean from Beautiful Country. When two lone wolves from the same country meet, it stands to reason that they can regroup to form a new team.

But unfortunately, the two just met, because Andre brutally killed the mouse family, which completely angered Sean, the two fought and both retired.

Now that Sean is mentioned, I have to talk about his current situation.

He was secretly taken away by a research base in the beautiful country, and he took blood tests every day.

But the point is that Sean has never died, and is still alive and well.

This is all because he once lived in that mysterious area for a while!

"It's really great, and this discovery is sure to shock the world."

"Give me some more time, and I can definitely finish it!"

In the base, a bald old man shouted excitedly.

And some other researchers are all silent.

Because of this old man, he would say this several times almost every day.

Everyone knows in their hearts that research of this level is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight.

It may even take generations!

They all believed that the old man would not live to the day when the research was successful.

At present, there are two players in this research base.

One is Sean and the other is Bill.

Compared to Sean's tragic situation, Bill was much better.

Bill is still paralyzed Contest Condition, but his heart is full of hope, he thinks he is right!

He was excited to learn of some of the current research successes.

This research can definitely subvert the world!

Once there is a certain result, he can not only stand up again, but also have power beyond ordinary people!

Of course, all of this is still only in the imagination, the old man told him.

All Bill has to do now is to cooperate with the researchers and wait patiently for the results.

This was his last hope.


The screen returns to the island.

Master Bei and Master De, you explained Jill's current Contest Condition with every word I said.

To sum it up in one sentence, that is Jill now everything is normal and the Contest Condition is stable.

After leaving the place of residence, completely away from Zhang Haoran and Sirius, Jill was relieved.

"This is a strong enemy!"

Jill thought to himself.

Zhang Haoran is obviously doing well, his own abilities are also very strong, and there is a wolf to help.

What surprised him the most was that he had scoured almost all of that area, but Sirius could still catch a pheasant.

It's amazing!

"I feel that the wolf is more useful than Henry!"

Jill thought to himself, then sighed.

If his teammate Henry, if he was a little stronger, he wouldn't be reduced to where he is now!

It hurts to think about it.

It's really hard to live alone without anyone to talk to.

But Jill is still insisting, he will not give up.

"Jill's willpower is quite tenacious, unless he encounters force majeure, otherwise he will not retire."

Bei said.

This force majeure factor is very mysterious.

When he said this, the audience immediately felt that Jill might encounter some kind of force majeure.

Of course, we will have to keep reading to find out what happens next.

Then, the director screen was given to Nikolai and Victor.

The situation of the two is not very good!

Because Nikolai collects and processes tobacco leaves, he has been delaying time, and he is addicted to smoking and cannot extricate himself, which greatly slows down the progress of the team!

And the food for the two of them is about to be exhausted, leaving the last meal of food!

Now Victor's face was very ugly. He looked at Nikolai who was smoking, and he only felt an evil fire surging in his heart.

To be honest, he really wanted to beat Nikolai.

We can't go on, you know smoking, I really want to smoke you!

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