Looking up, Li Guang was numb.

How could it be so unlucky?

Why is there a big pit here, play with me?

With a constipated expression on his face, Li Guang began to observe the Tiankeng carefully.

If nothing else, there are still a lot of bugs.

There were already some bugs, crawling on top of the blood that came out of him.

Very good, at least you won't starve to death here, if you can't, you can still catch bugs and eat.

Secondly, Li Guang also has a certain amount of food on his body, so it is not difficult to stick to it for a while.

But if you can't get out all the time, you can only choose to retire in the end.

"Try it first!"

Li Guang immediately started to try, he wanted to climb up.

"Player Li Guang is indeed a soldier of China!"

"Almost all of him have scars, but in this case, he chose to climb out immediately!"

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei exclaimed.

Li Guang's will is really tenacious.

But in this case, it is very obvious that only tenacious will is not enough.

After more than half an hour, Li Guang confirmed one thing.

That is, with his own strength, he absolutely cannot climb up, he does not have the ability.

"On the whole island, I'm afraid no one can climb on it!"

"If Brother Feng is here, he should be able to give it a try. His limbs are very strong."

"I'm a Rock Climb lover. I saw that on this rock wall, there was basically nothing to focus on. How to climb it?"

"No matter how difficult it is, it's not as difficult as El Capitan. It can still be climbed, but it requires top figures in the Rock Climb field to do it."

"If you can't climb up, will there be any passage at the bottom of the pit that day, and the exit?"

"I can't see it now, but Guangma will probably take a look later, just wait."

The audience continued to talk.

The news about this tiankeng also quickly appeared on the hot search.

It's been buzzing all over the net, and it's also attracting some people in the Rock Climb field.

After discussion, they agreed that no more than ten people in the world can climb this sinkhole without assisting any props.

If Assist some props, it would be much simpler.

For example, driving nails on the rock wall and then climbing up a little bit, which greatly reduces the difficulty.

But Li Guang now, obviously does not have such conditions.

When he came out this time, he carried a backpack with some food in it.

And then also holding a sapphire shovel.

Engineer shovel, he has used it just now.

He wanted to insert the engineer shovel into the crack of the rock wall to take advantage of it. He tried a few times, but in the end it still failed.

"Take a rest first!"

Li Guang, panting, sat at the bottom of the pit, opened his backpack and started to eat something.

After eating, he felt a little better, and began to probe from the bottom of the pit.

Undoubtedly, he wanted to try to see if he could find some kind of passage at the bottom of the pit.

But unfortunately, no!

Even some of the plants growing on the rock wall were all cut down by him, but behind the plants, there was still a solid rock wall, and there was no passage at all.

This is not a secret adventure, where will there be a passage?


Li Guang let out a long sigh and raised his head.

"Brother Feng!"


Li Guang shouted twice, and the voice echoed at the bottom of the pit, constantly forming Echoed Voice.

Unfortunately, there was no response.

Li Guang sat on the ground, not knowing what to do for a while.

Do you ask for help and quit the game?

No, absolutely not!

Tiger has not been found yet!

Li Guang was not willing to retire like this, and he would continue to look for Huzi.

He will never give up lightly until he is sure about Hu Zi's situation!

He began to keep looking around.

"The Ground has dirt!"

"Yes, I can dig soil and build layers of stairs with soil!"

Li Guang saw the dirt on the ground and had an idea.

He figured out a way! As soon as he said it, Li Guang immediately started digging.

Waving the shovel, Li Guang dug hard.

The audience also saw hope.

"There is a play, there is a play!"

"The food on the bare mother should be enough to support him until he walks out of the Tiankeng, stable!"

"Don't be too happy, I don't think the soil is enough."

"If you want to build a layer of steps to the top, you need a lot of soil!"

"Don't forget, the steps need to be three-dimensional, three-dimensional, I'm afraid there is not enough soil!"

"Try first and then talk!"

A large number of audiences are talking about it one after another.

At present, the audience with the largest number of viewers is Li Guang.

Countless eyes were watching his every move.

However, the helicopter of the program group had already left, and Li Guang woke up just after arriving at the island.

After determining that Li Guang did not need to retire, the helicopter flew back.

Therefore, no one on the island heard the sound of the helicopter, and the other players were still busy.

The screen turned and came to Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's side.

The two led the team back to their hometown from the seaside. They were relatively calm along the way, and nothing happened.

Rhubarb is miserable.

There's nothing to eat, it's hungry!

It's tiring to walk on a leash!



Rhubarb kept protesting.

Beef jerky was stolen from Damei, what's the matter with rhubarb?

Ye Han, you little dog, is targeting me!

Looking at Rhubarb's appearance, many audience members burst into laughter.

The picture on Li Guang's side is too depressing.

There was still blood on his face, and many viewers felt very uncomfortable watching it and dared not continue to watch it.

After all, I feel sorry for the light mother.

So I came to Ye Han's side and joked about rhubarb.

"Rhubarb, stand up and resist Ye Han's oppression!"

"Orcs will never be slaves, Da Huang, your name is destined to be a yellow robe and rise up!"

"The fortune teller said that I would wear a yellow robe. I'm a takeaway now, hehe."

"Hold on, rhubarb, nothing is impossible, except for the second pass."

"So where did the sperm whale meat go?"


In Ye Han's live broadcast room, the barrage rolled out one by one, and everyone chatted happily.

At this time, Ye Han glared at Da Huang.

"Rhubarb, be honest with me!"

"Stealing beef jerky, do you still have reason?"

"I tell you, you'll never want to eat beef jerky again in your life!"

Ye Han said.

After the game is over, he must eat and drink to feed these animal friends.

But he's made up his mind that no matter what he feeds rhubarb, he won't give it beef jerky!

By the way, the scope can be expanded, and beef is not given to it!

That beef jerky, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi didn't even taste the scum!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Boss, after the game is over, just feed rhubarb dog food!"

Su Xiaoqi was also sloppy, she came up with an idea and immediately got Ye Han's approval.

"Well said, dogs should eat dog food!"

"As expected of my girlfriend, she's gotten smarter after sleeping with me for so many years!"

Ye Han said with a smile.


"It's only been less than a year, and you'll be running the train with your mouth full!"

Su Xiaoqi blushed and spat.

And at this time, the audience discovered that there was a new situation on Li Guang's side.

As Li Guang continued to dig soil, he also began to discover that there was not enough soil at the bottom of the pit.

Because the bottom of the pit is not all mud, mud

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