At present, Ito Ishixiang has no other equipment except a backpack and a wooden stick.

The food was only a little plantain and the corpses of a few birds.

On the thirty-third day of the competition, basically starting from scratch, it was **** difficulty!

No, that doesn't even count as starting from scratch.

Starting from scratch, two players, a shovel, a pot, and a backpack, started the road to survival in the wilderness.

Ito Ishixiang can only say that it starts with a negative number.

How should he go on?

Many Neon Country audiences were crying with anger.

There are also gangsters who say that when Meichuan Neku comes back, he wants a leg and gives him a lesson he will never forget.

Others suggested expelling Umekawa's nationality and so on.

The company where Meichuan Neiku worked before also said that it had fired Meichuan Neiku and resolutely did not want such employees.

Even when Meichuan Neku was in elementary school, he was pulled out for not doing his homework once, and the whole Neon Country was madly targeting him.

After hearing the news, Meichuan Neku's old mother was so anxious and angry that she fainted and was taken to the hospital.

And after learning her identity, this hospital gave her the most expensive medicine, and waited for Meichuan Neiku to come back and pay the money!

For all of this, Umekawa Neku knew nothing about it.

He had no idea what was waiting for him.

After pressing the distress button, Umekawa Neku let out a long sigh of relief, only to feel that the whole person was relaxed, and his body and mind were extremely comfortable.

Going home soon!

I can eat fragrant and delicious meals and sleep on the comfortable tatami at home!

This day seems to be a century away.

Thinking of this, Meichuan Neku even had the urge to burst into tears.

The helicopter flew quickly and arrived at the location of Umekawa Neku.

He boarded the helicopter, overjoyed, and immediately began to eat the food prepared on the helicopter.

Even simple bread, mineral water, ham sausage and the like are all delicious to the current Umekawa Neku.

He devoured it, and didn't even notice the staff on the helicopter, and they all cast contempt and pity at him.

This poor bastard, even if he goes back, his life will not be easy.

On the other side of Ito Ishixiang, he chose to continue to persevere. No matter what the result is, the audience of Neon Kingdom will read his goodness.

It's all about the support of your peers!

I am afraid of contrast in everything, and with the incompetent and furious waste Umekawa Neiku as a foil, it seems that Ito Ishixiang's image has grown taller.

"Meichuan Neiku didn't keep up after all. It seems that he is going to opt out and go home."

"Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations."

Ito Shixiang glanced back and found that Umekawa Neku did not follow, shook his head, and moved on.

In fact, he just looked down on Meichuan Neiku in his heart. This person has some skills, but his personality is too bad to be successful.

Nothing else.

But he didn't know that it would be a disaster waiting for Umekawa Neku.

"Go on, it's impossible for me to persist until the end alone."

"But before I quit, I must find the Shenzhou players to take revenge!"

Ito Shixiang set a goal for himself.

He is a very clear person, he knows that if he wants to persist for 365 days by himself, it is tantamount to fooling around.

So he plans to find a player from China to take revenge before he quits.

The island is so big, most players will choose a place to settle down, he can't believe that he can't find players from China!

Having strengthened his beliefs, the last person in the Neon Kingdom continued to embark on his journey.

On Ye Han's side, after eating this meal, he finally felt much more comfortable.

He went to the rabbit den again to check the rabbit's condition.

Then a very bad thing happened.

A rabbit died!

Chapter 221 The law is forced into effect

A dead rabbit!

Ye Han had just eaten his fill and felt warm all over. When he came to check on the rabbit, he found the bad news.

When I left just now, the rabbits were still fine, and they all gathered together to bake together.

How did this die?

Ye Han frowned and checked the rabbit's condition.

This is a pregnant female rabbit, one corpse and several lives!

Su Xiaoqi was also very distressed when she saw this scene.

"Boss, this female rabbit was still having diarrhea before she died."

"It is estimated that it was caused by being wet and cold by the rain."

Su Xiaoqi saw that there was still a large pool of feces on the ground, very thin.

Ye Han nodded.

Things have already happened, and it's no use being sad here.

Let's deal with this as soon as possible.

Ye Han immediately moved, and first looked at the other rabbits, they were all normal.

There should be no more deaths.

Then start dealing with the ashes from the firewood and the feces of this poor mother rabbit.

In the end, it was this female rabbit. With mixed feelings, Ye Han carried the female rabbit to the stream and began to deal with it.

He thought about burying the rabbit directly, but it would be too wasteful to do so.

This female rabbit died due to the weakened immunity during pregnancy and the rain and cold. There are no bacteria or viruses, and it is still edible.

There's no need to be hypocritical.

Rabbits are raised to kill meat eaters!

Seeing Ye Han's actions, Su Xiaoqi didn't say anything, but both of them felt bad.

The audience also sighed with emotion.

"Mothers are really the greatest creatures in the world. They have sacrificed so much to raise their children."

"When my mother was pregnant with me, I threw up what I ate and got sick. The doctor suggested to kill me and take good care of me, but my mother wouldn't say anything!"

"This mother rabbit is so pitiful, I cried."

"Pregnancy is the most vulnerable time, alas!"

"Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi didn't do anything wrong either. Rabbits were originally raised to eat meat, not pets. People with rhythms should be careful!"

"Ye Han's first law takes effect, this rabbit dies, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi can eat rabbit meat, which is a good thing!"

"You're right, I'm speechless."

"Is it okay to force it into effect?"


The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing this matter.

There are some people with ulterior motives who start to take a rhythm and say Ye Han's cruel bullshit.

He was knocked back on the spot and didn't dare to say a word.

There are also some wonderful people who directly said that this is Ye Han's first law taking effect, leaving people speechless and unable to refute.

It's not impossible to explain it this way, but it always gives people a strange feeling, but it can't be said.

On Ye Han's side, the corpse of the rabbit was disposed of.

He saw that inside the female rabbit, there were several little rabbits that had not yet formed.

Ye Han sighed and buried the little rabbit's embryo.

"It's my fault, I didn't arrange the defense measures for the rabbit's nest."

"I decided to start burning bricks and tiles as soon as possible to build a sturdy and comfortable rabbit nest."

Ye Han said.

No matter what the ultimate goal is, the death of the creatures he cultivated will make people feel depressed, and Ye Han is no exception.

"Okay, let's find time to start burning bricks and tiles."

"Brick buildings are stronger than bamboo buildings. We can build a few more."

Su Xiaoqi looked forward.

It's not that she dislikes the bamboo building, but the brick building also has many advantages and is superior to the bamboo building in many aspects.

Of course, bamboo buildings also have their own advantages.

Of course it is all!

"Boss, how do you eat this rabbit?"

"Is it still roasted?"

Su Xiaoqi said with red eyes.

Ye Han really couldn't recover for a while.

Just now, he thought that Su Xiaoqi was about to cry in sadness, but in a blink of an eye, he began to discuss how to eat rabbits!

"Then let's bake it."

Ye Han said with a heavy heart.

So, Su Xiaoqi began to pickle the rabbit.

In the past, the materials were limited, but now they have a lot of seasoning plants and sea salt, which can be used to marinate meat.

The grilled meat will taste better.

"There's not much sea salt left, we'll have to go to the beach to get some next time."

"Oh, why are there so many things, how should I arrange it?"

Su Xiaoqi said while marinating the rabbit.

There is really too much to do, and it feels like a mess.

Ye Han was sitting on a bamboo chair, holding a Swiss Army knife and carving out a new area on the bamboo slip map.

Volcanoes, caves, hot springs, iron ore!

And in this area, Ye Han also made a special mark, and got a small water buffalo here.

This proves that there should be other buffaloes in this area.

You can pay more attention later.

Although Xiaohanhan was abducted and brought back, it cannot produce milk and can only work.

Ye Han also wanted to get a female buffalo so that he could drink buffalo milk.

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