"I'm not going to bother with a second distillation either."

"To be honest, I'm a little regretful about making wine, and I've spent it all on it recently."

Ye Han smiled and said.

His words made the audience very agree.

"Yeah Ye Han, hurry up and brew out the wine and do something else!"

"In the beginning, Ye Han said wine making, and I was looking forward to it, but it took too much time, and it was a bit of a loss."

"Actually, it's not bad. In the process of making wine, I also caught a little Hanhan."

"Xiaohanhan is really good. It would be great if my cat could be half as good as Xiaohanhan."

"Don't think about it, raising a cat is to serve the master. You still expect the master to be good? In the eyes of the cat, you are a servant, and you are just a **** shovel."

The audience sent a barrage to say.

Like Ye Han, the audience also hoped that the brewing would end as soon as possible.

how to say?

Compared to other things, winemaking can really go a little further.

It's just that since it has already started, let's get it done first. This is also Ye Han's style of doing things.

How can there be any one-size-fits-all strategy in this matter, and no one who is perfect?

Some people may be better at overall planning, but Ye Han does things like this. Since he has done one thing, he should do it well first.

This kind of paranoid energy is also a major factor in success in many cases.

For a whole day, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were working on distillation, and they burned a lot of firewood alone.

The ashes were all over the place.

"Boss, the trees near our house are all bald."

"Will this lead to soil erosion and natural disasters in the future?"

Su Xiaoqi was a little worried about this issue.

Ye Han had also thought about this, but he didn't think so.

"It's not a big problem."

"The trunks of these trees are still there, and most of the trees are relatively tall, and the branches we cut are relatively low."

"You look up, it's still lush and green."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi looked up and saw that it was exactly what Ye Han said.

So her worries are unnecessary.

"Erosion is a big problem, but it's gotten better in recent years."

"The vegetation on this island is too dense. No matter how Ye Han and the others build it, it won't have much impact this year. Just feel free to do it boldly."

"Today is the thirty-fifth day, and it seems like a blink of an eye."

"To be honest, Ye Han's live broadcasts in the past two days are nothing to watch. I hope to see the pictures of exploring new areas and hunting wild beasts. That will be interesting."

"A news came out from the Neon Country, saying that the death of Meichuan Neku was due to a car accident. Meichuan Neku violated traffic rules and is fully responsible!"

"Unexpected things, such as the beautiful country and the neon country, are too scary!"

"How about the chrysanthemum man in the beautiful country?"

The audience in the live room chatted.

The main reason is that Ye Han's live broadcasts are relatively boring these days, and they are talking about other things.

Among them, the chrysanthemum man refers to Brown who was imprisoned.

The video of his tormented life is still circulating.

Brother is not in Jianghu, but Jianghu has always had the legend of brother.

Many people estimate that he won't live long, and it's even better to die directly like Meichuan Neiku.

In fact, there are many people in the Neon Kingdom who think that the death of Umekawa Neku was too easy, and it was cheaper for him.

There are also many underage Neon people who have posted on the Internet, expressing **** Umekawa Neku in the best way to punish him.

It is a very terrible thing for a nation to break down from the very beginning.

Beneath the superficial prosperity lies too much darkness.

The big guys chatted and the time passed quickly.

The sky gradually darkened, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had been busy all day and got nearly two cans of Finney.

They both tasted it and thought it was very good.

The sweet and delicious taste is still there, but there is an extra alcoholic taste, not spicy, it is the fragrance of the fruit wine.

"Yes, our hard work has not been in vain."

"Come out the hard dishes at night, have a drink!"

Ye Han was very satisfied.

If you have been busy for so long and the winemaking fails in the end, it will be a big loss.

Fortunately, the winemaking is now a complete success.

Su Xiaoqi was thinking about making some good dishes for Ye Han to drink, while Ye Han rested beside him, thinking about the next plan in his heart.

There is also the matter of iron smelting. Since iron ore has been discovered, it must not be left alone.

Iron smelting is a matter of time, and Ye Han has already understood the process. Now he is trying to restore a series of operations in his mind, and deduce whether it can be implemented.

Xiao Hanhan's words were tied beside the stream, and she was very well behaved all day.

When you feel hot, go into the stream and soak yourself.

But now, both Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi found that Xiao Hanhan suddenly became a little excited.

The four hooves kept stepping on the ground, and there was a series of whimpers in his throat, which seemed very anxious.

Following Xiao Hanhan's gaze, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were all stunned.

The audience who were chatting and bragging in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

Because they saw that on the opposite side of the stream, there was an adult female buffalo walking by!

And the body of this buffalo is scarred and shocking!

[The author has something to say]

The activities of the author of Seven Cats in Shanghai have ended successfully. The official account of Seven Cats has released some photos. Interested readers can go to see them. I am also in the photos.

Chapter 226

This scene suddenly shocked everyone!

Xiaohanhan was in a hurry, but it was tied by vines around its neck, so it couldn't run past.

The cow on the opposite side was obviously exhausted, but she still managed to walk over and came to Xiao Hanhan.

The cow's body was full of scars, there were a lot of blood cuts, and there were tooth marks, and there was a **** smell.

The four legs were covered with a lot of grass and wood debris, especially the two horns, which were all bloodstained, and one of the horns was broken in half.

This is clearly a fierce battle!

Ye Han suddenly stood up, and Su Xiaoqi didn't care about cooking anymore, so the two of them hurried over.

The live broadcast room also fell into a sudden silence.

Seeing such a picture, everyone subconsciously forgot to type and send the barrage, and some people were shocked to the point that their brains went blank!

"This is Xiaohanhan's mother!"

Su Xiaoqi let out a scream and hurried to the stream, first rubbing Xiaohanhan's head, trying to appease her.

Ye Han didn't have time to stop him.

Although Xiaohanhan is well-behaved and very spiritual, she is an animal after all.

Now I am so excited, what if I hurt Su Xiaoqi?

Ye Han quickly walked over.

"Xiao Qi, don't get close yet!"

"Xiaohanhan is close to you, what if its mother is hostile?"

Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi's arm and took two steps back.

His concerns are well-founded.

The term calf guarding has a long history, and calf refers to a calf.

This cow can be said to have traveled a long distance and experienced a dangerous battle to find it here, just for its own child.

This is what it desperately wants to protect!

Once it thinks that Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are not good for Xiaohanhan, then the two sides will be in a state of hostility. It is not guaranteed that this cow will rush over, then it is really dangerous.

Don't look at the fact that this cow is more seriously injured now, but that's not something Su Xiaoqi can resist.

Even Ye Han had to weigh it.

People's weight is there.

It's just a simple headbutt, if you can't dodge, at least you'll end up with a broken bone!

At this time, the audience also began to send a series of barrages.

"Is this Xiaohanhan's mother?"

"I just had a baby, and I immediately burst into tears when I saw this scene. Mother's love is really great."

"Xiaohanhan's mother is looking for it. It was bitten by something. There are wounds all over the body, blood is dripping, and it is still flowing!"

"Oops, with such a serious injury, it won't die, will it?"

"It's very likely that he was looking for it with a sigh of relief. If he finds it, he will die in a while. This is played in many TV series and movies."

"It's true, my grandfather was critically ill when I was in college, and I didn't close my eyes until I came back!"


The audience was worried.

Xiaohanhan's mother worked so hard to find her, what if she died on the spot?

Everyone quite likes this little water buffalo, and now I am very moved by its mother.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi did the same.

Although Ye Han's first reaction was to pay attention to the safety of himself and Su Xiaoqi, he was also moved.

He scanned it quickly and observed the injuries all over the cow's body.

"There doesn't appear to be a fatal injury."

"But there should be a lot of blood loss. Whether you can survive or not depends on luck."

Ye Han thought to himself.

"Boss, let's treat this female buffalo to stop the bleeding or something."

"It's Xiaohanhan's mother!"

Tears welled up in Su Xiaoqi's eyes.

Women are generally more emotional than men, and now even Ye Han is moved, let alone Su Xiaoqi.

"Don't worry, this thing has to take its time."

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