In fact, there is nothing to clean up, and there are not many things.

Because Ito Ishixiang burned down their house, Thomas also lost the engineer shovel in the process of chasing Ito Ishixiang.

So, now their material situation is like this.

There is a wooden house, some food reserves, a pot, a sleeping bag, two backpacks (one is from Ito Ishixiang), some homemade stone weapons and tools, and an extra set of clothes and shoes, which are also from Ito Ishixiang.

Bill doesn't do it, he doesn't stop, he can take it as much as he can!

You have torn your face, what else do you care about?

So Bill took everything he could!

The log house can't be moved, but it won't burn the log house, right?

With a large backpack on his back, Bill walked out of the cabin, glanced back, and went straight away.

His move caused a sensation around the world.

Major media scrambled to report it, and this incident was also on the hot search, and everyone was discussing it.

"Bill went solo, and he took everything he could, bullshit!"

"Cool! I feel like I've let out a bad breath, I'm comfortable!"

"It's long overdue, it's fun!"

"Hahahaha, when the little train comes back, shouldn't you be dumbfounded?"

"This wave is really beautiful, I couldn't help but want to give a reward. Fortunately, I quickly switched to the live broadcast room and gave the reward to Ye Han, hehe!"


The whole internet is talking about this.

In the official live broadcast room, Master Bei immediately stood up to his apprentice and spoke for the apprentice.

"I don't think Bill did anything wrong."

"Anyone with discernment can see that Thomas continues to be like this, and it is not far from being eliminated."

"I don't do business every day, I just want to find other players, how can this work?"

"There is no rule that the program team cannot act separately. Zhu Chuanqi and Zhang Haoran of Shenzhou Kingdom also broke up in this way."

"As for taking away the materials, hehe, these materials can be used to the greatest extent in Bill's hands. Even if the things are left to Thomas, he won't last long, but Bill can!"

Lord Pei has been patient with Thomas for a long time.

Now it's even more direct, and the words are spoken to death.

Of course, there are also some people who stand by Thomas.

People gather in groups of similar species, and those who support Thomas are all people with similar personalities to him.

They began to frantically abuse Bill, abuse Lord Bei, and even call the show team to report that Bill stole something.

To be honest, the materials at home are basically due to Bill's credit. If he takes his own things, can it be called stealing?

At this time, Bill left here quickly with something on his back.

He escaped here as fast as he could.

Because he knew that once Thomas returned, he would definitely be so annoyed that he even wanted to kill him!

From what he knew about Thomas during this time, this guy was very dangerous, lacking personality, advocating violence, impulsive, irritable, and brainless.

So, Thomas really might catch up and kill him.

Then you have to get away from here quickly, so that Thomas can't find himself.

Thomas is a member of the Navy SEAL team, with strong physical strength and a certain ability in reconnaissance.

But Bill is not weak either!

After walking for a while, Bill went straight into the stream, so that there would be no traces like footprints!

This trick is simply brilliant!

Next, Bill kept walking along the stream, and after a long distance, he came ashore, and was still changing directions.

At the same time, he will also make some traces of camouflage, which makes many audiences hooked.

"He turned his footprints into those of a leopard?"

"How is this done? Even if the gods are here, I can't understand it!"

"Hey! Bill can actually use the vines on the tree to move. This is the skill of Tarzan, right?"

"The little train will never find him, I dare to bet with my head!"

"It's boring to bet on the head, brother, let's bet a waist."

"If Thomas can find Bill, I'll swing the knife from the palace on the spot!"

"Playing so much?"

Viewers all over the world were stunned by Bill's actions.

The various means along the way are very complex and highly technical.

Now everyone was pretty sure that unless Thomas could fly, he would never be able to find Bill.

But Bill, as the party involved, still did not dare to take it lightly.

The audience watched the excitement, but he was betting on his own life!

So he didn't dare to be careless, he was very cautious along the way, even if it was getting dark, he didn't mean to stop.

On the other hand, Thomas was also on his way back.

Today is another day of nothing for him, and he has not found any trace of other players at all.


"The neon dog is hateful enough. Bill, the coward, went home early to be lazy!"

"This weakling!"

Thomas cursed and walked towards the wooden house in front of him.


"Where are you, come out and cook for me!"

Thomas yelled.

But no one responded to him.

Chapter 331 The second group of split teams

In the darkness, only Thomas' voice still echoed.

The next moment, Thomas suddenly felt that something was not right.

He quickly stepped forward and kicked open the door of the wooden house.

Through the moonlight, Thomas saw a scene that shocked and angered him.

The cabin is empty!

Nothing is gone!

Sleeping bag, food, pot, clothes........

There's nothing left!

Thomas suddenly felt a little unable to stand, he held on to the wall beside him, his face turned blue.

If he wasn't bald, his hair would be shaking with anger!


Thomas let out a roar and slammed into the wall of the log house with a savage punch, causing the entire log house to shake.

This guy doesn't say anything else, but the force value of his body is still very powerful.

The next moment, Thomas walked out of the wooden house, his face was terrifyingly gloomy, like a demon!

It shocked many timid audiences.

"This guy is horrible!"

"Damn, if I saw such a person, I'd be scared to sit on the ground."

"I have no doubt that he can kill me with one punch."

"The little train has murderous intentions. I am a prison guard. I have seen the eyes of some murderers. They are exactly the same as him, and he is even more vicious!"

"Where is Bill running now?"

"Don't panic, Bill ran very far, and it's still dark now, and Thomas will definitely not be able to catch up!"

The audience chatted.

In this wave, everyone basically stood by Bill. After all, everyone saw how excessive Thomas was.

Only a few people think that Bill's actions are a bit too much. It's okay to break up the group, but at least make it clear and distribute the materials reasonably.

Of course, if Bill really did this, he would probably be out of luck.

With Thomas' temper, would you break up with him in a good voice, and then distribute the supplies?

That must not be possible.

To reason with someone like Thomas, isn't that courting death?

This kind of person thinks that his punches are the truth, unless you can beat him, but Bill certainly can't beat him.

At this moment, Bill is already far away from Thomas, and he has basically dealt with all the traces along the way.

Plus it was getting dark, it was impossible for Thomas to catch up.


"I am going to kill you!"

Thomas let out a roar, ran out of the cabin, and began to pursue.

But unfortunately, he went in the wrong direction from the beginning!

"Thomas went the wrong way, he couldn't have caught Bill."

"Wonderful, wonderful! The second split team has appeared!"

"When Zhu Chuanchuan and Zhang Haoran parted ways, Zhang Haoran walked empty-handed, even more powerful than this Bill!"

"The little train is estimated to be eliminated. His brain is probably full of muscles, and his IQ is too low."

"He is the next Zhu Legend!"


Looking at Thomas who ran wild in the live broadcast, a large number of viewers thought he was finished.

At this time, Thomas was dizzy with anger, and he wished he could immediately catch Bill and cut Bill into eight pieces!

But it's a pity that Bill has already run far away, and he is still on his way!

Yes, even though it was getting dark, Bill kept going.

The reason is very simple, he cannot be chased by Thomas anyway.

Although the probability of Thomas catching up is very low, Bill did not dare to take it lightly.

Compared with the tropical rainforest at night, Thomas is actually more dangerous.

About this matter, the media all over the world are also scrambling to report.

There have also been some tidbits of news from China.

"You escape, I chase, and I will make it difficult for you to fly."

"The overbearing soldier king fell in love with me!"

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