The small group ridiculed the teacher.

Teacher Piao glared at the small group.

"The wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart remains."

"To be honest, I am a lay disciple of the Shaolin Temple, and also a hidden martial arts master."

Teacher Piao pretended and punched twice.

The small group burst into laughter, and the audience was overjoyed.

Just watching their live broadcast is exciting enough, not to mention Ye Han's various sky-defying operations.

It's no wonder that this live broadcast room is not on fire!

"This is Master Hong's Hong Quan!"

"Ah? Didn't Master Hong get killed in the ring by a tornado? This is the resurrection of a dead body!"

"Master Ye, it's your turn to play. Master Hong said that if you want to open a martial arts hall, you must get his approval!"

"In the next Wing Chun, Ip Man!"

"It's not like this... I was careless, I didn't dodge..."

"Hey! Master Luo and the head of Hun Yuan Yi Tai Chi have a dream linkage, you don't talk about martial arts!"


Everyone is crazy about playing tricks and laughing.

Teacher Piao is indeed a man with a smile.

At this time, while everyone was joking, Ye Han also brought Su Xiaoqi to the vicinity of the black bear.

The two slowed down their progress, cautiously.

The first thing to be sure is that the black bear is not drinking water by the stream, otherwise it can be seen at a glance.

Later, the two adjusted their orientation according to the wind direction and saw the black bear in the tree hole.

The black bear was sleeping, and the shovel was still in the tree hole.

It doesn't even know that it has been targeted by the **** of death.

"Don't sleep, black bear, you're dying!"

"It's over, Barbie Q!"

"Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi looked at the black bear in the tree hole. They are about to start the bear hunting plan. If you want to know what will happen next, let's hear the breakdown next time!"

"Do you think the little train will come here, and then encounter a black bear, and the black bear will be hurt, and Ye Han will take advantage of it?"

"It's a good idea, but I think it's very unlikely, the little train should not encounter Ye Han."

"I think the little train may encounter the scenery CP group and fight against the cold wind!"

The audience expressed their opinions and discussed intensely.

On Ye Han's side, after this inspection, he has completely determined the plan.

"Almost, let's go back."

"Tomorrow you can come and hunt bears."

Ye Han took a deep breath and said.

His words were instantly on the hot search, suppressing all the interviews with Zhu Chuan.

Ye Han is going to hunt bears tomorrow!

This will be the biggest highlight of tomorrow, everyone is looking forward to it!

[The author has something to say]

Five, good night everyone.

Chapter 341 Crystal Beef Bun

This has been countless times.

Ye Han often made operations that shocked the world.

Kill hyenas, kill two big crocodiles, kill tigers, and catch goshawks alive!

These animals are all fierce and difficult characters.

Now Ye Han is going to attack the black bear again!

Only those who have faced black bears in person can experience that kind of deterrence.

Of course, the black bears waiting to be fed in the zoo are not included.

Most of the animals in the zoo have lost their wildness and have been successfully domesticated by humans.

"Black bear..."

"I once encountered a black bear in the wild and almost died in the hands of the black bear."

Bei Ye said with lingering fears.

This is no joke.

Huge size, terrifying power, can kill people with a slap, and lick you off a large piece of flesh.

"However, this black bear is disabled, so Ye Han has a good chance of success."

"And he has such good luck."

Dean added.

The black bear is disabled, and Ye Han came prepared, maybe he can really handle this black bear.

At present, the whole Internet is also discussing this matter, and Shenzhou is very popular. I can't wait to see the scene of Ye Han hunting black bears now.

And some people who hate Shenzhou Kingdom are naturally sing the opposite.

What nonsense like Ye Han is going to die soon.

They have said this many times, and they are not too tired.

No matter which time, Ye Han survived without any risk, and this time the bear hunt should be no exception.

At this time, Ye Han was walking back with Su Xiaoqi.

"Boss, what kind of trap are you planning to design?"

"Kill directly or trap and kill again?"

Su Xiaoqi's thinking is relatively clear.

Ye Han smiled.

"Of course it is to be trapped and then killed."

"It's actually very simple, just like killing the crocodile last time."

"The same principle and operation."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

When he said this, Su Xiaoqi immediately understood.

The audience also understood.

The last time he hunted the crocodile, Ye Han used a fishing net and the hyena's body as a bait to trap the crocodile in the net, and then killed the crocodile.

This time he still intends to use the old method.

For bait, just replace the hyena carcass with honey, which bears love to eat.

Of course, if the net is to be used to trap the black bear, it must be stronger to ensure that the black bear cannot break free and break free.

There is also the tool used to kill the black bear, which must be a large stone, and the weight must be sufficient to kill the black bear.

Although this plan is very simple and can be understood by elementary school students, it cannot be careless at all when it is implemented!

Many viewers have also begun to analyze the success rate of this plan.

"There is no problem in principle, but it is difficult to implement."

"Don't forget that black bears are disabled and can be bullied!"

"The skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After all, it's an adult black bear. It's very strong. The big net made of vines is torn apart in a single stroke?"

"The stone is too big for Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi to hold it. This black bear has a rough skin and thick flesh, what if it can't be beaten to death?"

"Is there any other way?"


Many viewers began to worry.

The snake does not die, but suffers from it.

If the bear is not killed, the danger is even greater.

Su Xiaoqi also felt a little overwhelmed by this plan.

"Can this work, boss?"

"Will the black bear tear the vine net?"

"What shall we kill it with?"

Su Xiaoqi asked a series of questions.

However, Ye Han had already thought about all these problems, and there were solutions.

"Do not worry!"

"After I go back, I will start to prepare well to make sure that everything is safe."

Ye Han said with a package.

Su Xiaoqi felt relieved when she heard Ye Han say this.

Ye Han is not a big talker, especially for such a critical matter. If Ye Han is not sure, he will definitely not do it.

In fact, Ye Han had already conceived a lot of solutions in his mind in the past few days.

If this black bear is a sound black bear, it may be really difficult to handle.

But it has one of the biggest flaws, and that is a lame leg.

As long as you seize this weakness, it will not be a problem to deal with this black bear.

Next, Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi back home.

Su Xiaoqi started to prepare dinner, and Ye Han had already started to prepare tools for hunting black bears.

The audience watched with wide-eyed eyes, for fear of missing a little detail.

"Come and learn Bear Hunting!"

"When I learn it, I will try it out with a bear!"

"Isn't it still dark today, why did you start dreaming?"

"Bear hunting? It's similar to dragon slaying. Even if you learn it, it's useless, because there are no dragons in this world, and even if you find a bear, you can't hunt it."

"The bear that Ye Han found was lame, and his bear hunting skills cannot be replicated."


The audience was chatting, and as for the bear hunting technique, it was naturally a joke, but some people became serious.

Someone posted on the Internet and put forward a plan that they thought of, and wrote down all the required materials, steps, and specific operations.

After reading it, many people think it is quite reliable.

There are also some bugs raised.

With someone taking the lead, someone will naturally follow suit. This is also an opportunity to gain traffic and fans.

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