"Brother Feng, take a break."

"Come on, have a drink."

Li Guang came over and let the cold wind rest for a while.

These daily pictures, in the eyes of some viewers with ulterior motives, become sweet love.

The scenery CP group is now well-known and well-known at home and abroad.

Audiences are invaluable.

"Aguang, is the meal ready?"

"I'm all hungry."

Leng Feng took a sip of water, wiped his sweat and asked.

The simple dialogue was interpreted by the audience as a man farming and a woman weaving.

"Come on, cook a pot of meat, you can eat more later."

"Don't cut down the trees tomorrow, let's go out hunting."

Li Guang said.

Because there is not much food stored at home, it needs to be replenished.

Lengfeng and Li Guang discussed this matter, no matter what time, it is best to have enough food rations for five days at home, so as to be safe enough.

In fact, most of the players on the island did the same.

If you feel that your food reserves are not enough, eat less and replenish quickly.

Only Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were the only ones who dared to open up to eat.

Even crocodile meat was fed to eagles.


Hearing Li Guang's words, Leng Feng nodded.

"Okay, go out hunting tomorrow."

"It would be nice to find a big game, like a tiger, a leopard, a bear or something."

"One harvest is enough to eat for a long time."

The cold wind said regretfully.

He has a whole body of force, but there is no place to use it!

"Lengfeng, don't think about hunting, the little train is here!"

"It's useless to talk about breaking the sky here, and the cold wind can't be seen."

"You said, can cold wind beat a small train?"

"Definitely! How can the little train be the opponent of our Divine War Wolf?"

"Leng Feng is still thinking about tigers and bears. Ye Han has killed these animals."

"If Leng Feng knew what happened to Ye Han, he would definitely cry with envy."

"I bet sixpence that tomorrow the little train will be hit by the cold wind!"


In the live broadcast room of Lengfeng, the audience was talking a lot.

Some people haven't come to see the cold wind in a while.

At this time, they found that the place where Lengfeng lived had changed a lot.

The surrounding trees were cut down, leaving only the stumps.

Bundles of firewood are neatly stacked together, and there is a canopy above to keep the firewood dry.

Then there is the log, which is the most important. The cold wind sharpens one end of the log and drives it into the ground to form a circle of fences, which is very strong.

The project is now nearing its end.

Outside the fence, there is also an earthen kiln, which was built by Li Guang and used for firing pottery.

Later, Leng Feng and Li Guang started to have dinner.

On the other hand, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were still dealing with black bears.

Next to the black bear's body, Ye Han had already set up a bonfire for lighting, and by the way, he could smoke some bear meat.

Smoked in place, it can be more convenient to transport and save trouble.

And Ye Han also asked Su Xiaoqi to bake two pieces of bear meat on the spot as dinner for the two of them.

How should I put it, if it is roasted directly, it is not delicious, and the meat is relatively hard and the fiber is very thick.

But the conditions are limited, and it can only be done for a while.

All kinds of seasonings and the like are also at home, and I did not bring them with me.

"Boss, this batch of bear meat has been smoked and can be packed."

Su Xiaoqi is collecting bear meat.

The originally **** bear meat, after being smoked, was covered with a layer of black ash, and the weight was also reduced.

Because some moisture and oil are consumed with the smoking process.

"Is the bearskin almost dry?"

Ye Han asked.

Su Xiaoqi checked it after hearing the words, and then nodded.

"The bear skin has dried and hardened, and the stench on it is still there."

This bear skin was completely peeled off by Ye Han, cleaned and hung near the fire to dry.

Simple cleaning treatment is definitely not enough, and subsequent treatment must be continued to make the bear skin soft and comfortable.

Whether it is a quilt cover, a bed sheet, or a coat, it will be very suitable.

"Hurry up, it's already dark."

Ye Han looked up at the sky, and then at his live broadcast bracelet.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening!

After such a long processing, the processing of this black bear has come to an end.

A large amount of bear meat, bones, bear skins, internal organs, all sorted and processed, is about to be completed.

Ye Han felt that his right arm hurt even more, but he kept gritting his teeth and holding it back.

Su Xiaoqi was also very tired, and the clothes on her body were dirty and stained with a lot of blood.

The eldest girl was quite comfortable, chewing the grass beside her all the time, watching them both.

However, it quickly becomes uncomfortable.

In the follow-up transportation work, the big girl will take the lead!

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi each carry a backpack at most, and the rest must be handed over to the eldest girl.

There is no way, both of them are too tired, and it will be even more uncomfortable if they go home with a heavy load, but the eldest girl has this ability.

In the words of the game, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are full of fatigue now, but the eldest girl is not tired.

Many viewers have seen it all the time. Although the black bear has been treated by mosaics, it does not affect the audience's chat and bragging.

"The ground is full of blood, and it can be seen by typing."

"I seem to be able to smell that **** smell, like when my family kills pigs during the Chinese New Year."

"This black bear is much bigger than a domestic pig!"

"It didn't attract any dangerous creatures, and there shouldn't be any more powerful characters nearby."

"I think so too. Hyenas, crocodiles, tigers, black bears, the most powerful ones are almost dead."

"Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are finally going to pack their things and go back. I'm tired looking at them, so I need a good night's sleep!"


There are constant barrages in the live broadcast room, and there are some rewards from time to time.

When the black bear was hunted just now, the reward was the most fierce, and a large number of spectators gave frantically to celebrate Ye Han's successful bear hunt.

Now the momentum has eased down a long time ago, but Ye Han's live broadcast room is constantly rewarded every day, and everyone is used to it.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were packing their things and preparing to go home!

[The author has something to say]

I'm in a particularly bad mood today, and I write very slowly, alas.

Chapter 354 An accident happened to Anna

The huge black bear corpse was completely invisible now.

No one would know what happened here if there wasn't a big puddle of blood on the ground.

Now the blood has turned black and is completely soaked in the soil.

Ye Han was stuffing things into his backpack, and the smoked bear meat was full.

Such a bag is not light in weight, Ye Han felt heavy on his back.

"Boss, can you do it?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at Ye Han with concern.

"Hey, Xiao Qi, you have something wrong with this question."

"Why don't you try it tonight?"

Ye Han grinned, reached out and pinched Su Xiaoqi's nose.

"You, I care about you, aren't you hurt!"

"I don't know what to think about!"

Su Xiaoqi stomped her feet, stared at Ye Han and said.

Of course Ye Han knew what she meant, but he said it on purpose.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"This little injury will heal in a few days."

Ye Han said, and continued to bind the bear meat to the eldest girl.

The weight of the big girl is placed there, and the weight that can be carried will be very large.

What's more, the black bear has lost a lot of blood, water and other things after processing, and the weight will also be reduced a lot.

There is also Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi sharing the burden, no problem.

"Big girl, it's time for you to act!"

"Can you continue to add more points?"

Ye Han patted the big **** the head and said.

The eldest girl is very docile, and arches Ye Han with her head.

"Almost boss."

"Let's go!"

Su Xiaoqi bent down, picked up a burning log from the fire, and used it as a torch.

Ye Han nodded and reached out to take the torch in her hand.

The current configuration is like this.

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