When today's events are over, he will also be eliminated for breaking the rules and leave here.

In the next step, he plans to find this Ito Shixiang and make him regret his birth!

On the other side, Leng Feng and Li Guang are also advancing, and the two of them are looking for prey.

"Brother Feng, we have been in this direction several times, and occasionally we find some animal footprints, but we rarely get anything."

"I really don't know where these animals are hiding. Don't they know how powerful you are, so they don't dare to show up?"

Li Guang waved the engineer shovel in his hand, smashed a bush, and said.

They have two sappers and the other Sol from White Elephant Country.

"Be patient, Aguang."

"Maybe we can meet a large beast today?"

"I'm so sick of cutting down trees during this time, I just want to have a good fight right now!"

As he said that, Leng Feng also waved his fist at Li Guang twice, the fist wind whistled, and Li Guang quickly took two steps back in fright.

"Brother Feng, I swore a poisonous oath, I won't give you sparring in this life, you can't do it to me!"

Li Guang repeatedly waved his hands and said.

He had practiced with Leng Feng before, and to be honest, Leng Feng's casual punch can make him hurt for several days.

The fool will continue to fight with him!

Since then, Li Guang has sworn a poisonous oath that he will never spar with Lengfeng.

Seeing this, Leng Feng reluctantly spread his hands.

"Alright, alright."

"Aguang, hurry up and keep up with my rhythm. Let's look around and see if we can find any jackals, wolves, tigers and leopards!"

Leng Feng had nowhere to vent his energy and punched the air.

Sometimes he hit the tree twice, and the bark was blown up by him.

This is a pair of iron fists!

Although it is not the first time that the audience has seen it, they are still amazed every time.

Cold wind's fighting power is too strong!

In the jungle, the distance between the two players continued to shrink, and the audience became more and more nervous.

On Ye Han's side, he had already arrived at the location of the black bear, so he went to the tree hole and took Asan's shovel in his hand.

"This sapper shovel is in good condition, and the degree of wear and tear is relatively small."

"Look, Xiao Qi, there's still blood on it. This is the blood left by Asan attacking the black bear with a shovel, leaving a wound on the black bear's neck."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi nodded and looked at the tree hole again.

To be honest, the smell in the tree hole was like the smell of black bears.

Before going out, the bear skin had already been soaked in the stream by Su Xiaoqi, and he used five soap berries to make it full of foam.

"Let's play here, deal with the blood, and then train for nine days."

Ye Han took the engineer shovel and walked to the place where the black bear was dealt with yesterday.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to the big guy [Boring Life] for his arrogant reward! I looked at it, and it costs 25 yuan for a bullshit, and the boss spends it, thank you, thank you!

Chapter 358 Meeting the Eagles

In this area, you can still smell the stench of blood.

It was simply covered with a layer of grass ash. Ye Han observed it carefully and found no traces left by animals.

"Boss, it seems that nothing has come."

"There shouldn't be any carnivorous beasts around here!"

Su Xiaoqi said happily.

Ye Han also nodded.

"If it really existed, it would probably have come over yesterday with a smell of blood."

"Why wait until now?"

"Generally speaking, there is only one top predator in an area. The top predator in this area should be the tiger, at the top of the food chain."

"And then there's this black bear, and Xiao Hanhan's family... No, it's a family of cows."

"I almost forgot about the hyena group. Looking at it this way, the surrounding area of ​​our residence is really in danger!"

Ye Han summed it up and sighed a few words.

Everyone previously thought that the place where Ye Han lived was very good and very safe.

Like other players, such as Zhu Chuanqi, they encountered a lynx as soon as they came to the island, which is a sign that the place of residence is not safe.

But now that everyone heard Ye Han's summary, they reacted.

Around Ye Han's residence, there are many such threats!

But now it's alright, all of them have been handled by Ye Han one by one.

For now, there should be no more ferocious beasts around Ye Han's residence.

"Okay, let's deal with it first."

"Dig it and bury it, and soon the trace of this black bear will be completely gone."

Ye Han started to dig with a shovel.

He used Asan's engineer shovel, while Su Xiaoqi used their original shovel.

Because Su Xiaoqi always felt that Asan's engineers were dirty.

Dirty is really dirty, the handle is black.

Originally it was green, but it became black.

It can only be said that Asan's ability is too great.

"Green turned black, Asan is amazing!"

"This is not Asan, these are two gods of heaven!"

"Fighting Qi, third stage!"

"Being off topic, off topic, don't make trouble, why are all the grudges coming out?"

"I'm in a hurry now, the cold wind has not yet started, and Ye Han has nothing to do here!"

"Brother, be patient, smoke a cigarette, etc. No, I've already smoked two packs of cigarettes, and I haven't started yet!"

"Like those authors who write books on the Internet, hydrology is a must!"


The audience is anxiously waiting. Some people couldn't sleep last night, and they have been waiting until now.

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao and Xiao Tuanzi were also very anxious.

"I didn't sleep well last night. I finally fell asleep. I even dreamed that Thomas came to beat me!"

Teacher Piao said with a big yawn.

The situation of the small group is similar, everyone is waiting to see the special forces duel.

Today's biggest highlight, without a doubt, is this.

As for Ye Han's side, he must have nothing major happening today, just a leisurely daily life.

Therefore, Teacher Piao and Xiao Tuanzi were both staring at their mobile phones and entering Lengfeng's live broadcast room to wait.

In Lengfeng's live broadcast room, Xiaoliang would also be restless.

He looked at the screen in front of him, and there was a picture of cold wind on it.

Then he looked down at the phone again, and it was Thomas' picture on it.

"Is there a big hand to analyze, how long will it take?"

"I heard that a great **** called Cat Detective appeared on the Internet."

Xiao Liang said.

It's not his forte, but Cat Detective is good at it!

Now there are indeed many viewers who have found the cat detective and have been sending private messages to harass the cat detective.

As a last resort, the cat detective had to come forward.

"Don't worry everyone, within an hour, the two sides will meet."

"This is what I deduced from the previous live video."

Cat Detective posted a blog post.

Within an hour!

Immediately someone started the countdown, looking forward to the meeting between the two parties in an hour.

At this time, Ye Han's side also dealt with it almost.

He and Su Xiaoqi worked together to excavate all the blood soaked soil, and then continued to dig down.

Then fill in the **** soil first, then cover the good soil and compact it.

In the last step, I got some firewood and put it on a fire.

"It's done."

"No matter how sensitive the beast is, it is estimated that it cannot be found here. It is foolproof."

"Let's start walking back, dig some cassava by the way, and then train for nine days."

Ye Han put away the engineer shovel and said to Su Xiaoqi.

"How do you train?"

"I'm just waiting to see you train for nine days, hurry up!"

Su Xiaoqi urged.

She spoke the voice of the audience.

Ye Han grinned and nodded.

In fact, this time he took Jiutian out, and he felt that it was going well.

Because Jiutian did not show any thoughts of running away.

Instead, he was very obedient and kept standing on Ye Han's arm.

When Ye Han was working, he stood on Ye Han's shoulder.

Honestly fucked.

"Nine days!"

Ye Han shouted and touched Jiutian's head, Jiutian immediately knew that Ye Han was calling it.

It's great to be able to remember your name quickly.

Prove it's smart.

This scene made some old people in the live broadcast room who like to cook eagles feel a colic in their hearts.

It's only a few days?

Does the goshawk already know his name?

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