Immediately, the smile on Thomas' face disappeared, and he stared at Leng Feng, as if he could see through this Divine State guy.

At this time, at an absolute disadvantage, yet dare to say such big words?

"Do you really want to die for your country?"

Thomas said in a deep voice, while clenching his fists.

Leng Feng smiled silently at this, and wiped off the bloodstains from his face again.

"If that's the case, it will be my honor."

"But you can't."

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the reminders who have walked side by side with a big reward! There is also an update, I continue to write, the little train must be broken today!

Chapter 361 Divine War Wolf

When Leng Feng said this, everyone was silent.

The opposite Thomas clenched his teeth, his forehead was bulging, and the muscles on his face were twitching!

He had long heard that the warriors of Shenzhou Kingdom were like stones, stinky and hard.

You can destroy him physically, but you can't destroy his will!

In the past, Thomas only listened to it as a joke, but today, he really saw it.

This cold wind is like this, still don't admit defeat?

"Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you!"

Thomas roared angrily and rushed over again.

The fist wind whistled, and the two of them punched again and slammed into each other!

Fist to the flesh, move to death!

Leng Feng closed one eye and suffered a lot. He was beaten more.

At this level, Thomas has completely disregarded his own injury, and has a completely lifeless style of play!

The white undershirt on Leng Feng's body has been dyed red with blood. Many people covered their eyes and dared not look at such a picture.

"Brother Feng......"

Li Guang clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails were embedded in the flesh!

The cold wind at this time is losing ground!

The disadvantage is too great. With the consumption of physical strength, the speed of his punches is getting slower and slower, and he is attacked more and more.

Leng Feng is no longer able to launch an attack, and he passively resists every time.

However, he almost used his elbows to block Thomas' attacks, which made Thomas's hands and feet sore, but he couldn't do much damage!

However, a large number of Shenzhou audiences have a hard time understanding the key here, and they are completely anxious.

"Why hasn't the program crew's helicopter arrived yet?"

"It's been more than 20 minutes since Thomas shot, what are the show crew doing!"

"This is condoning Thomas to kill!!"

"Hold the cold wind!!"

"Damn, damn, damn!!!"

Countless audiences can't wait to rush into the screen and save the cold wind.

But the cold wind is still holding on!

He gritted his teeth tightly, his right eye was tightly closed, and half of his face was covered in blood, flowing freely, like a burning flame!

Thomas was surprised to find that Leng Feng was actually laughing!

Are you still able to laugh at this time?

Is this guy hardcore?

Why hasn't he fallen yet!


Thomas roared, raised his legs and swept the cold wind fiercely.

His legs are the strongest, and this whip leg can even kick people out!

At the critical moment, Leng Feng only had time to raise his arms to protect his temples.


This kick kicked Leng Feng's arm fiercely, and Leng Feng fell down, his head was stunned!

The pictures in front of me are shaking, and my ears are all buzzing!

Thomas chased after the victory, rushed over and rode on Leng Feng's body, and continued to attack with a fist.

If this punch falls, Leng Feng will lose half of his life if he doesn't die!


Leng Feng's spirit was highly nervous, he turned his head to avoid the punch, Thomas' fist rubbed his ear, smashed **** the ground, actually sunk the soil, and a fist mark appeared!

At the same time, his body also leaned forward to a certain extent due to inertia!

It's now!

Leng Feng suddenly opened his tightly closed right eye, and the pupils were dyed red with blood, which shook people's hearts!

At the same time, Leng Feng pushed up his knees and slammed into Thomas' belly!

He let out a roar, twisted his body, raised his right elbow, and hit Thomas in the face hard!


Thomas let out a deafening pained cry, his nose was directly knocked crooked, and his two front teeth fell completely.

Jedi counterattack!

No one thought that Leng Feng could continue to fight, and the Jedi counterattacked, seriously injuring Thomas!

Leng Feng got up from the ground, jumped straight, bent his knees, and knelt on Thomas' chest.

Almost everyone heard the crisp sound of bone shattering!

That's Thomas' broken rib!

Even the broken ribs have pierced directly into the internal organs, causing bleeding!

Thomas opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes widened, looking at the cold wind in disbelief.

And what greeted him was another ruthless punch that almost knocked out half of his teeth!

One punch, two punches, three punches...

"The special forces of the beautiful country, that's all?"


"Want to kill me?"


"I said you can't do it!"


"Shenzhou Kingdom can't be humiliated, even if you die, remember this sentence for me!"

Bang! ! !

Leng Feng hit the last punch, Thomas was already angry!

Everyone in the world was completely stunned by this scene, as if time had stopped.


Unparalleled shock!

In this duel between the special forces, Leng Feng finally won. He turned around from an absolute disadvantage and defeated Thomas!

I don't know how long it took before the audience finally reacted.

In the live broadcast room of the cold wind, it exploded directly.

Countless people let out a hoarse cry, their eyes were bloodshot, and they punched into the air with tears streaming down their faces!


This battle is no longer a simple duel, but has risen to the national level.

From the moment Thomas insulted China, this has become a showdown between the two of them representing their respective countries!

"Cold wind!!!"

"He is the wolf warrior of China, the pride of China!"

"Shenzhou Kingdom can't be humiliated, call me!"

"This is the warrior of the Kingdom of China, with a steel-like will, can't be beaten to death, can't be crushed!"

"Shenzhou has such a prosperous age, which is irrigated with blood by countless soldiers of the state of Shenzhou!"

"I don't regret entering China in this life!"


Countless shouts covered the entire Shenzhou Kingdom!

Leng Feng was lying on the ground with his back to the sky, gasping for breath, the smell of blood between his breaths.

But it made him feel very happy.

At this moment, he remembered a lot of pictures.

On the day of enlistment, solemnly swear an oath under the national flag.

Touching a gun for the first time, that weight and responsibility.

Enter the special forces, the instructor's spur, the devil's training.

Attendance tasks, nine deaths!

He always believed that if miracles had color, they would definitely be the red of China!

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng!"

"Brother Feng, don't scare me, you can't die, Brother Feng!"

"Hold on, the helicopter is coming soon!"

Li Guang's voice interrupted Leng Feng's thoughts.

At this time, Li Guang spoke with a cry.

Cold wind grinned.

"Aguang, don't touch me."

"My whole body hurts now, but I can't die, not even a single bone is broken. Don't press my distress button."

What? !

If the cold wind blows, the whole world will once again fall into an unparalleled shock!

He has already been injured like this, and he still wants to continue playing?

Don't be stubborn at such a time, you should leave with the helicopter and go to the hospital for treatment!

Li Guang obviously didn't believe it. He also saw how intense the fight was just now. Does Leng Feng really need to retire?


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