"It's him again, beat him to death, and hit him with smoke!"


The audience in the live room had a great time.

Until now, many people are still very excited.

In the past two days, Beautiful Country has lost three players in a row, which is a big happy event for Shenzhou Country!

Ana, Cruise, Thomas.

All retire.

Among them, Thomas is already dead and will be buried today.

Let's talk about the situation of Anna and Cruise. Both of them are currently in the hospital.

Anna has decided to have an abortion, but the doctor's suggestion is to wait for her to rest for a few days before discussing this matter.

Because Anna didn't eat well on the island and didn't live well, her health is not very good now.

Take care of it first, at least not so weak, and then start abortion.

As for Cruise, he was beaten by Ana, and the injury was quite serious.

The bridge of the nose is broken, the teeth are lost a lot, the cheekbones are also cracked, and there are

Not life-threatening, but hospitalization is required.

At this time, Cruise had already woken up. He cursed Anna wildly and wanted to kill Anna. All kinds of swear words came out.

However, the program team had already made arrangements. They were not in the same hospital. Cruise's crotch hurts when he walks in this situation, and it is impossible to find revenge on Anna.

And the program team also has special personnel to persuade Cruise.

There will be some compensation, and all the medical expenses will definitely be borne by Anna.

Of course, Cruise has made people's stomachs bigger, and that is also responsible.

The specifics are still to be discussed.

Cruise firmly disagreed at first and must kill Anna.

Later, he calmed down, and his family was persuading him, and he also began to think about how to get the best benefit from it.

Just kidding, he participated in this competition to get the prize money, and now he has already retired, so Anna must make good compensation for his losses!

At this time, Leng Feng also woke up. Li Guang had already prepared breakfast for him, and he had to bring it over to feed him.

The cold wind made everyone numb.

"Guang, look at me now, do I need you to feed me?"

The cold wind also patted his chest.

The bowl in Li Guang's hand almost fell to the ground.

"Brother Feng, you can't hit yourself, your injury isn't healed yet!"

"What's wrong with you now, Brother Feng?"

Li Guang was very concerned about the cold wind, and a large number of audiences sipped candy, expressing that they were cool.

"Aguang, don't do this, I'm really fine."

"Give me the meal and I'll eat it myself."

Leng Feng took the bowl from Li Guang's hand and began to gulp.

This guy is horrible!

The audience was also shocked.

It was like that yesterday, and it's alive and kicking today?

Is this the ancient holy body or the supreme bone?

So fierce!

Is this the special forces of Shenzhou Kingdom? It's really hard!

Of course, there are those who know the truth.

"Lengfeng is basically in pain all over his body at this time, but he can hold it back."

"Action doesn't affect action, but that's because his willpower is tenacious."

"The physical quality of the special forces is definitely far beyond ordinary people, but it is not superhuman. I can only say that Leng Feng is a tough guy, a tough guy among tough guys."

"Maybe he's used to the pain, so he doesn't care. Suddenly he feels bad for Lengfeng and wants to hold him in his arms."

"The cold wind will definitely not go into your arms, but as long as you contact me, I am willing to fly to find you."



Chapter 369 The storm strikes again

The time was getting closer to noon.

A morning passed quickly, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi mainly tidied up the house.

The chess has been made, and the materials at home have been sorted and put away, and it looks orderly.

It turned out that the second floor of the bamboo building was still a little messy, but it is much better now.

It looks clear and comfortable.

"Get ready for lunch. It will rain soon. We will hide at home in the afternoon and play."

Ye Han looked up at the sky outside.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!

That's how it feels now.

The dark clouds seemed to be crushing to the top of people's heads, and people's mood became dull.

I have to make lunch quickly, or else there will be a storm and it will be difficult.

"Hurry up and eat whatever you want."

"I'll look at the animals again."

Ye Han asked Su Xiaoqi to cook quickly, while he strolled around.

It's not that he wants to be lazy, as long as Su Xiaoqi is not feeling unwell, cooking is her business.

Ye Han first came to the rabbit's den, which needs special protection.

Because there are several female rabbits, it looks like they will give birth to little rabbits soon, and nothing can happen at this juncture.

And at first, the mother rabbit who gave birth to a litter of bunnies seemed to be pregnant again!

The number of rabbits will continue to increase, even if two pregnant females are lost, it is not a big problem.

Ye Han carefully checked the awning on the rabbit's side and confirmed that there was no problem, and then left the rabbit's nest.

Chicken coop and duck coop are no problem, and then there are two buffalo.

Water buffaloes are not afraid of water, they have rough skin and thick flesh, and a little rain is not a big problem, but just in case, Ye Han arranged for two water buffaloes to enter the first floor of the bamboo building.

And put some water and food in it.

The most obedient people in the family are the two water buffaloes, and they still killed Asan's great hero.

If they hadn't killed Asan, Ye Han wouldn't be able to take action, otherwise he would have violated the rules, which would be regarded as solving a big problem for Ye Han.

In fact, a person like Ye Han who has seen life and death a lot doesn't feel much about the deaths of the two Asan.

If he knew that the two Asan had done some **** bad things, then there would be no psychological burden.

There is the Goshawk Jiutian, this guy is the best paid.

Following Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, they have been living on the second floor of the Bamboo Building and have good food.

Other animals eat grass, it eats crocodile meat, black bear viscera.

"The animals are all set."

"It just so happens that lunch is ready, boss, let's eat it quickly."

Su Xiaoqi made lunch and said to Ye Han.

Ye Han nodded and sat down to eat.

For lunch, it was a pot of stew with cassava.

The stew is made of bear meat, and the side dishes are kelp, and some other edible plants.

The two of them had a big meal. The taste of bear meat, to be honest, was just like that, far worse than bear paw.

The flesh of a black bear, bear paws and bear gallbladder are the essence.

As for ordinary bear meat, Ye Han felt that it was not as good as beef. The meat was tougher and older.

That is to say, Su Xiaoqi's cooking level is superb, and it tastes pretty good.

"Boss, isn't it delicious?"

Su Xiaoqi ate it herself, and didn't feel very good.

Compared with other meats, there is indeed a gap, mainly in terms of taste.


"Isn't this time-hungry? It's going to rain soon. If you give you enough time, you can definitely cook better."

"Eat quickly."

Ye Han smiled and said.

He is not such a squeamish person, this stew is actually quite good.

Only then did Su Xiaoqi feel relieved.

After eating this meal, I simply cleaned up, it was already windy.

There's a Razer swimming among the clouds, and it's about to rain!

After Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were sure that everything was fine, they entered the second floor of the bamboo building and closed the doors and windows.

After a few minutes, the crackling sound rang out.

A large amount of rain fell from the sky, smashing on the plants, on the soil, and the whole island was enveloped by a storm.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi have already laid out the chessboard and pieces. Ye Han is going to teach Su Xiaoqi how to play chess.

"Xiao Qi, the chess pieces are placed like this, you should take a look and you should be able to remember them soon."


"A horse goes on a day, an elephant goes on a field, and the cannon needs to be separated by a chess piece before it can be hit."


Ye Han began to teach seriously, Su Xiaoqi was already smart, as long as he studied hard, he could learn it very quickly.

In fact, anyone with a normal IQ can learn to play chess.

It's just that there is a gap in chess skills.

All the players on the entire island are now basically sheltering at home from the rain.

Lengfeng had just had lunch and had already lay down and went to sleep.

It's not good to lie down when you're full, he never does, but there's nothing you can do about it now.

There are still wounds on the body, it is designated not to get wet, so just stay at home obediently.

What's more, Li Guang wouldn't let him work or go out.

Netizens say that Li Guang wants to spoil the cold wind.

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