Chapter 374: Teacher Piao who is daydreaming

Sheep is not dead, just fainted.

Ye Han's head was bleeding, and some parts of his body were hit by clods, but it wasn't a big problem.

Most importantly, this is an adult ewe!

For a while, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were a little hesitant.

Originally, I wanted to kill the meat eaters directly. If it was a ew, it would still produce goat milk. Should I keep it or kill it?

"In the case of goat milk, in fact, we already have milk to drink. It doesn't matter whether we have goat milk or not."

"If we eat meat, we can't finish the meat in our family, and it seems that the meat of this sheep is not bad."

Ye Han was in a tangle.

Listen, is this human?

There is too much meat at home to eat!

Not to mention the players on the island, even in the homes of many spectators, there is not much meat to eat!

Who buys meat at home and buys a lot at one time and can't finish it?

I usually buy as much as I eat and take it home.

At most, keep some in the refrigerator, it is not enough to eat.

The key is that Ye Han is still telling the truth, which is heartbreaking.

"Ye Han's house has too much meat, and it's all precious meat, bear meat, tiger meat, and crocodile meat!"

"What's the price of tiger meat, and what's the price of bear meat? You can't buy it with money!"

"Ye Han is too much, this time, I haven't eaten meat for several months.

"Then is this sheep killed or kept?"


Many viewers are also caught in this dilemma.

It's really hard to decide.

After all, Ye Han is quite fond of mutton, and now there is no mutton at home.

He still remembers the last mutton hot pot.

"Boss, look at why this sheep's belly is so big?"

Su Xiaoqi suddenly pointed to the belly of the sheep and said.

Ye Han didn't notice it just now, but now he looks at it, it's true!

Wouldn't it be a pregnant sheep?

Ye Han knew that he had a lucky bonus, but he didn't dare to think about it!

This is great too!

Ye Han confirmed it, and finally he came to a conclusion.

The sheep is indeed pregnant.

"Sheep is pregnant???"

"Ye Han, you play me, this sheep is probably an actor!"

"Everyone knows that Ye Han's luck is very good, but I am really shocked by this wave, the lucky king is this!"

"Don't give birth to an illegitimate child of the goddess of luck, I suspect that Ye Han is the father of the goddess of luck!"

"I'm completely convinced, I hurriedly go to make a statue of Ye Han, go home and offer it, burn incense every day and worship!"

"Hahaha, I've said it a long time ago. I said goodbye to Ye Han's live broadcast last time, and I won the lottery ticket the next day. Although it's not much, I still have one month's salary!"


The heat in the live broadcast room exploded!

Ye Han once again refreshed everyone's perception of his luck.

Many people were completely speechless, not knowing what to say.

For example, Lord Bei in the official live broadcast room, he is completely stupid.

If he had this luck, would he still use it to eat maggots in the wilderness?

Who likes to eat that stuff!

Isn't it all about survival?

It was Lord De, who once again showed his ability.

After Lord Bei apologized for that matter last time, he completely understood, don't speak ill of Ye Han.

Appropriate bragging, but it has a miraculous effect.

"I'm so lucky. To be honest, I really envy Ye Han."

"He must have saved the universe in his last life, so he has such good luck!"

Dee sighed with emotion.

Sure enough, the audience of China in the live broadcast room began to praise him.

"Master De really can talk, I'll give him a reward!"

"This big mouth looks like honey!"

"Master De's mouth is indeed not small, hahahaha!"

"It's really possible that Ye Han saved the universe in his last life!"

"Why doesn't Master Bei speak? Are you looking down on our little boss, Ye Han??"


Seeing this kind of barrage, Bei Ye felt very uncomfortable.

And this guy, Master De, is so sloppy?

"Yeah, Ye Han's luck is very good, and he has the ability. He has always been far ahead."

Bei Ye said.

To be honest, he is envious!

At this time, in Ye Han's live broadcast room, Teacher Piao was originally sitting, but now he jumped up.

"A pregnant ewe, how does this scene feel so familiar!"

"The last time Ye Han got a pregnant female rabbit, he started the plan to raise rabbits!"

"This time he's going to raise sheep again!"

Teacher Piao exclaimed.

And having said that, he has already started to crave mutton.

He just wanted to take out his mobile phone and talk to Aunt Liu about this.

But then he thought that Aunt Liu had kicked him out of the group chat and blocked him.

So uncomfortable!

"Little dumplings, ask for help and ask Aunt Liu to get some mutton for lunch today."

Teacher Piao said.

The little dumpling rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Piao, aren't you trying to lose weight, why do you want to eat all day?"

The small group was very helpless.

At this time, Teacher Piao received an online application from Xiaoliang.

The two live broadcast rooms were quickly connected, and Xiao Liang's Tibetan fox face appeared on the screen.

"Mr. Piao, I heard that Ye Han got a pregnant ewe, I'll take a look."

Xiao Liang said straight to the point.

"Xiao Liang, let Aunt Liu in the cafeteria get some mutton for lunch today!"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Piao opened his mouth with mutton.

Xiao Liang on the opposite side choked, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, he quickly adjusted, ignoring this sentence, and seriously looked at his appearance.

"This is a goat. The pregnancy cycle is usually five months. At present, this female goat should have been pregnant for about four months. In this case, a lamb will be born soon."

"The first litter is usually a lamb, and the second litter may have two or three. Judging from Ye Han's luck and the size of the ewe's belly, this ewe is likely to have three lambs in it. A little lamb."

Xiao Liang was very emotional.

He is a rather sophisticated person, but now he has taken Ye Han's luck into account.

"Three lambs are born directly, what should Ye Han eat?"

"Ye Han's family has too much meat to eat. I strongly suggest that the program team give me a chance to interview on the island."

Teacher Piao said righteously.

Tiger meat, bear meat, crocodile meat, lamb, all kinds of meat.

He wanted to go to the island to have a good taste, especially with the blessing of Su Xiaoqi's cooking skills, how beautiful it would be to have such a meal!

However, this is not the first time he has made such a request, and all of them have been ruthlessly rejected by the program team.

What are you kidding, it's only the 50th day, and you want to go to the island?

In the planning of the program group, when the game is in the late stage, it is indeed possible to have such an arrangement, but it is definitely not now.

And this matter is still under discussion, it has not been completely determined, or is it still unknown, you just want to go to the island to eat meat?

It's just a daydream!

Chapter 375 The Sweeping Monk of the Program Group

In the live broadcast room, the audience laughed at Teacher Piao.

It's not dark yet, so I start to dream and think of good things.

Teacher Piao snorted and sat down.

"You don't have to laugh at me, just wait and see, I will have a chance to land on the island sooner or later."

"When the time comes, I'm going to eat the food Su Xiaoqi made with her own hands."

"I also want to ask them for a souvenir. I think that bamboo slip map is good. I will find a way to get it at that time, and I will not sell it. I will post photos and videos every day. I envy you all!"

Teacher Piao said.

"Mr. Piao, you are so poisonous!"

"Who would have thought that this 200-pound dog would have such a vicious heart?"

"It's too much! I actually want a map of bamboo slips!"

"The bamboo slip map was offered for ten million yuan. You found that Teacher Piao has a mouth all over your body!"

"And the skin, the thickness of this skin is as thick as Michelin tires!"


Everyone began to crusade against Teacher Piao.

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