If you encounter any prey again, then the time will be completely insufficient, and there will be more time delay.

Ye Han has no shortage of food!

Of course, if other players knew about this idea, they would definitely shut themselves off.

"The king sent me to patrol the mountain and grab a monk to make dinner!"

Su Xiaoqi sang while walking.

The air after the rain is very good. After staying at home for so long, now she can go out, which makes her feel very happy.

"Xiao Qi, so you're Xiao Zhanfeng?"

"I'll give you a neon name, Su Xiaozhuanfeng, how's it going?"

Ye Han talked nonsense and even gave Su Xiaoqi a nickname.

If he remembered correctly, the monster who sang this song in Journey to the West was the little monster that patrolled the mountain in Shituoling.

"You are the little drill wind, stinky boss."

"Wait and see, I'll find a big game later!"

Su Xiaoqi said with a frown.

Unlike Ye Han, she felt a sense of achievement in her heart when she saw that the house was full of ingredients.

So she hopes to gain something.

Ye Han's head was big.

"Don't have it!"

He muttered silently.

Su Xiaoqi glanced at him.

"What are you talking about, boss?"

"Hooping spell?"

Su Xiaoqi asked in doubt.

Ye Han waved his hand.

"No, I mean you're too cute."

"Let's go quickly and dig some potatoes first."

Ye Han took the lead.

Along the way, there have been some gains.

First two birds!

There was also a dead mouse on the road, but Ye Han didn't care about it at all.

Just kidding, who's going to eat a mouse?

"Ye Han is a big dog. He looks down on the mouse. Does he know how hard the mouse is?"

"People's little trains eat mice raw and build up their stamina!"

"The little train is already dead, and the corpse is still pulled out to whip the corpse, and the corpse still doesn't call me?"

"Little train YYDS! Even if there is only one set of clothes and shoes left in the body, I will spare no effort to come and give it to the cold wind!"

"It turns out that we all wrongly blamed him. In fact, he is a good person."

"Thomas' ashes are going to explode!"


When it comes to mice, many viewers make fun of Thomas.

This is digging a grave and whipping a corpse.

In fact, most of the players have eaten mice more or less when food is insufficient in the early stage.

It is Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, who have never eaten mice and never lacked food.

The two went all the way and collected a lot of materials one after another.

Potatoes, Macadamia Nuts, Breadfruit, Holy Basil, Nutmeg, Paper Materials...

All these things were handed over to the eldest girl, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were very relaxed.

"Big girl is good, hard work and no complaints."

"It's a pity that the big girl only eats grass, otherwise I would like to reward her and give her something delicious."

Ye Han touched the big girl's head and said.

The big girl is still ruminating, and she is basically chewing something in her mouth.

Grass is the best food for it.

"Okay, let's close the net and catch the fish."

Ye Han walked to the lake and started to close the net.

The lake is the last stop, and after he casts his net, he starts harvesting the paper material.

Now that the paper material has been harvested, it is time to wind up the net.

But Ye Han noticed that Su Xiaoqi was a little gloomy.

Just thinking about it, Ye Han guessed the reason.

Undoubtedly, it was because of the failure to pick up the corpse.

After the storm this time, I couldn't find any valuable prey!

"Little Qi, what are you thinking?"

"I said that there shouldn't be much to gain, isn't there five more birds?"

"People need to know how to be content and happy."

Ye Han said.

It started with two birds, now it has become five, and three more were picked up on the way.

Isn't this roasted bird delicious?


"It seems that the pregnant ewe this morning has used up all our luck."

Su Xiaoqi pouted and said.

Seeing that Ye Han caught a large net of fish, she couldn't be happy either.

"Hurry up, pick a few out, we should go back."

"It's getting dark today."

Ye Han urged.

Everything is in his plan, replenish a wave of supplies, go back before dark, eat fish at night, and be happy.

"I know, I know, boss, you are so annoying."

Su Xiaoqi picked out a few fish and released the rest.

The two started to walk back with a large amount of supplies.

On the other hand, the other players on the island also have their own gains more or less.

Among them, the biggest harvest is actually Bill!

Bill's current situation can be described as starting from scratch, without a house, without food, and temporarily living in a humble shack.

But today, his corpse collection has a rich harvest.

There were five mice, a lot of earthworms, eight birds, six eggs, and some fruits.

It's all little bits and pieces.

And the big one is a deer, weighing more than 100 pounds, as well as a honey bear and an armadillo!

Among the achievements of all the contestants, the latter two animals appeared for the first time!

Chapter 378 Armadillo Carrying Leprosy

At this time, many viewers were asking for information about these two animals in the live broadcast room.

Some people rushed to the Internet to check.

On the beautiful country side, some viewers have already started to blow.

"If I remember correctly, Ye Han of Shenzhou never got these two kinds of prey, right?"

"It's still Bill from our beautiful country. Without the burden of Thomas, Bill will definitely win the championship!"

"Don't even look at who Bill is, he is Lord Bei's apprentice and has learned a lot of skills!"

"Ye Han's luck has been completely exhausted. He has nothing to gain when he goes out to pick up corpses. He is finished."

"The collapse of the earth kiln is an ominous sign in the words of Shenzhou Kingdom, and Ye Han will soon be in bad luck!"

"Well said! And that cold wind, he is just trying to be brave now. His internal organs have been smashed by Thomas, and he will not live for a few days."


There are a lot of comments like this!

This has allowed many people in China to refresh their understanding of the beautiful country once again.

"Why aren't these people so smart, Yazi?"

"Maybe it's because you eat too much fried chicken, and your head is full of fat?"

"Isn't there someone who said that the air in the beautiful country is extremely sweet and full of freedom, where did that person go?"

"That idiot has already returned to China, and now he can't even find a job. He has to wear a mask when he goes out to walk the dog, for fear of being scolded!"

"The moon in foreign countries is not relatively round, isn't it? The nationality of Shenzhou is the most difficult to join in the world, but some people try to get away, outrageous!"


Most people are still very patriotic, only a very small number of people are not very good at their brains.

At this time, in Lengfeng's live broadcast room, Xiaoliang was connecting with Teacher Piao.

The interaction between the two sides happens from time to time, which is also a highlight.

"Today's cold wind harvest is also very good. I got a small bison, which weighs about 500 catties!"

"This is also the best prey the cold wind has gotten in the recent period."

Xiao Liang said with a smile.

He was also happy to see that the cold wind had harvested.

And through observation, he found that there was no obstacle to Lengfeng's actions, and the injury was definitely not a problem.

This reassures the audience.

"Aguang, near where we live, there should be a large family of bison, or a herd of bison."

"This is the second bison we've found."

"There must be other buffaloes, but I guess I have to go a little further before I might find them, so I decided to go out tomorrow to look for buffalo!"

Leng Feng said to Li Guang while dealing with the bison.

Li Guang naturally agreed.

His heart was also very excited.

This little bison is also very good. It can be eaten for a long time and replenishes the food reserve, which is a good thing.

And when I met this buffalo today, the buffalo was not dead, just a little tired and weak.

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