"It's seven-thirty-five in the morning."

Ye Han looked at the time on the live broadcast bracelet.

The audience in the live broadcast room also inferred.

"I estimate that within ten minutes, Su Xiaoqi will talk to Ye Han."

"Yesterday I took Detective Cat as my teacher. After my analysis, Xiao Qi will talk to Ye Han in thirty-seven minutes."

"Blow, let me blow again!"

"To be honest, watching you bragging is even more fun than watching a live broadcast!"

"What are you doing today, is Ye Han going out to play?"

"I don't know yet, I'll find out later."

The audience started talking.

Yesterday, a large number of bricks and tiles have been made, and it is not yet time for firing, so what will Ye Han do today?

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Fndre for the good luck koi, thank you! There is also a sentence from Fusheng that your talent is unparalleled, it broke me, hahahaha!

Chapter 395

What will Ye Han do today?

Today is definitely not busy burning bricks and tiles.

The audience is watching the content of the live broadcast.

As usual, Ye Han took a tour first.

everything is normal.

That grumpy goat has also gotten used to the current life. Ye Han still comes to feed and clean up the feces every day. It is no longer afraid of Ye Han.

The power of the tiger skin was beyond Ye Han's imagination, and that deterrent power was still there.

As a result, the goats were afraid to look at this tiger skin and always turned their backs to the tiger skin.

"The majesty of this king of beasts is really not covered."

"I was able to kill this tiger by pure luck."

Ye Han was filled with emotion.

If it was the Tiger in his heyday, he would definitely not be able to beat him, and he may have retired now.

Luckily, the big girl had a fight with the tiger first. The tiger was already injured, and his physical strength was not enough, so he was in a bad state.

During the battle, Big Girl and Su Xiaoqi were there to help, so Ye Han defeated the tiger.

Then Ye Han returned to the front of the bamboo building and waited for Su Xiaoqi to cook.

But soon, he discovered a terrible thing.

Su Xiaoqi only made breakfast for herself!

Ye Han's scalp is numb, is this girl really going to play?

"Cough, Xiao Qi, where's my breakfast?"

Ye Han asked knowingly.

Su Xiaoqi didn't say a word, just sat there and took a sip of milk.

"No, no, no."

"Xiao Qi, have you forgotten that you are not feeling well, did I go to the earth kiln to cook for you in the rain?"

Ye Han began to play the card of bitterness.

Suddenly, Su Xiaoqi's eyes shook.

Originally, her eyes were smug, but seeing Ye Han deflated, she felt very relieved.

But now, there was more shame in her eyes.

The boss is so kind to himself...

"Oh, my life is really hard. Without breakfast, I'm going to starve to death."

Ye Han is very exaggerated.

How can you starve to death if you skip a meal!

Su Xiaoqi couldn't stand it any longer, and burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay, let you lie to me and bully me!"

"Your breakfast is ready, I hid it in the bamboo building, go get it yourself!"

Su Xiaoqi rolled her eyes at Ye Han and said.

Speak up!

Su Xiaoqi and Ye Han are talking!

The audience got excited and quickly looked at the time.

It has only been forty-six minutes since Su Xiaoqi ignored Ye Han!

Ye Han came over and kissed Su Xiaoqi, and happily went to the bamboo building to get his own breakfast.

This guy is getting bigger and bigger!

"Forty-six minutes, did anyone guess the brother just now?"

"The one who said he took the cat detective as his teacher, I'm here to help the cat detective clear the door."

"I said within an hour, I guessed it!"

"That doesn't count, it's not precise enough."

"Brothers, stop playing, there is also a situation on the cold wind side!"

"Ah? I'll go take a look!"


The audience in the live broadcast room had a great time.

At this time, someone reminded that there was a situation over the cold wind.

Suddenly, many people rushed to Lengfeng's live broadcast room.

Yesterday's words, most people's eyes were attracted by the blockbuster Wang Heng.

Then came out Zeus challenge the cat detective such a thing.

Even the heat in Ye Han's live broadcast room became much smaller, as did the cold wind.

Leng Feng walked with Li Guang for most of the day, and yesterday afternoon, he once again arrived near the river range.

There are a lot of beasts around here, and for safety's sake, they kept a distance.

Then another bonfire was lit.

The easiest way to start a fire is the cold air group, because they have a lighter.

But now, the gasoline in the lighter is only half left.

This is still the case when paying attention to saving.

It is impossible to use one year to end.

In the future, they will have to drill wood to make fire, or can keep the flame unextinguished all the time, of course, that is also very difficult.

That night, the two of them had something to eat, and they took turns to start vigil, while the other one rested and slept.

Nothing happened all night, but from time to time I could hear some beasts screaming, which was creepy.

There are indeed many beasts in this area!

Even Leng Feng noticed that there were wild beasts probing nearby at night, but they never got close to the fire.

Not only the fire can make the beast feel scared, but the aura of Leng Feng is also terrifying, no weaker than the ferocious beast.

Leng Feng has killed people before, so the momentum is naturally different.

Early in the morning, Leng Feng and Li Guang began to eat breakfast.

At this time, Leng Feng noticed that there was a new situation on the other side of the river.

A bison went to the river to drink water, but was attacked by a crocodile lying in ambush in the water!

The two sides fight fiercely!

Leng Feng stopped eating for a while, picked up the engineer shovel and began to approach slowly.

A large number of spectators also poured into the live broadcast room, all of them watching this scene.

"Damn it, the fight started early in the morning?"

"The bison is so powerful. It just stepped on the head of the crocodile. Is the crocodile going to die?"

"The bison was also bitten by the crocodile, and it hurts when I look at it!"

"The crocodile is too bad, come on the bison, trample the crocodile to death!"

"The best outcome is that both of them are dead, then it's cheap cold wind!"

"I knew Lengfeng would definitely have a big harvest today. This is what Cat Detective Tomeng told me!"

"Good guy, if you don't know, you think the cat detective is dead, you have to dream!"


Viewers all over the world are looking forward to this scene.

On the side of Shenzhou Kingdom, everyone hopes to see the scene where the snipe and mussel compete and the fisherman wins.

And like the people in the beautiful country, they are all looking forward to the cold wind to die quickly.

Especially Thomas's family.

The poor little train's bones are not yet cold, but now the cold wind is alive and kicking, how can they swallow this breath?

Many people on the SEAL side are also very angry.

They also already know the result of the last negotiation. There will be nothing in the cold wind. They can't be angry!

Although it was Thomas who started the battle first and killed Lengfeng, Lengfeng was just defensive and self-defense, but how could they care about this?

"Brother Feng, be careful."

At this time, Li Guang followed Leng Feng and reminded in a low voice.

Leng Feng nodded, and then made a gesture for Li Guang to step back first.

It's not that he looks down on Li Guang, but if Li Guang follows, if there is any danger, he may not be able to help.

Li Guang also knew that his combat power was not enough, and going up would also add to the chaos.

So he backed away obediently, watching the cold wind nervously.

Gradually, the cold wind has approached the battle site ahead.

The battle at this time has entered a fever pitch!

There were a lot of wounds on the bison, the crocodile was also miserable, the ground was covered in blood, and even the river was stained red.


The bison kicked again, stepping on the top of the crocodile.

This time, the crocodile was completely cool and died under the iron hooves of the bison!

Here's your chance!

Leng Feng's eyes lit up, his whole body was tense, and he had already rushed up.

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