Also wait for the hen to lay eggs, incubate the eggs, hatch the chicks, and raise the chicks.

Chickens grow faster than rabbits!

It takes nearly a month for a chick to hatch, and then it takes about ten months to grow into an adult chicken!

When the chickens are grown, Ye Han's competition should be over.

"Ye Han got a lot of food today!"

"Bamboo rat, bamboo shoot, bamboo fungus, pheasant!"

"It's all delicious wild game, I'm so greedy, I quickly placed an order and ordered a fried chicken!"

"Brother, do you dare to eat fried chicken from takeout?"

"I'm a takeaway, and I saw the boss smash frozen chicken nuggets on the ground with my own eyes!"

"You can buy chicken and cook it yourself. I used to order takeout, but now I love cooking."


The audience continued to discuss, it is certain that takeout is unhealthy, and there are many doorways inside!

And there are audience predictions that if Ye Han has other discoveries next, it is estimated that it will also be related to what he eats.

Sure enough, Ye Han continued to explore with Su Xiaoqi and made new discoveries.

This time, what Ye Han found was a banana tree!

Finally found this plant!

In the past, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi could often find some fruit-like things, but they had never encountered a banana tree.

Even the audience was in a hurry.

You must know that the Devil's team at that time often ate plantains. Many players on the island discovered plantains.

But Ye Han has never found this plant.

Well now, finally found it.

Ye Han has already broken one off and tasted it.

"good to eat!"

Ye Han nodded, very satisfied.

Also hummed a song.

"The plantains outside the curtain cause the showers, and the door knockers cause the patina."

"And I was passing by, that Jiangnan, the town provoked you..."

Ye Han's singing is also very good, and it immediately aroused the resonance of a large number of audiences, as well as rewards.

This is a classic among the classics, blue and white porcelain. Even in the past ten years, there are still a lot of people who can't get tired of listening to it.

Su Xiaoqi also hummed, both of them had smiles on their faces.

Got a lot of goodies today!

[The author has something to say]

First more. It's a bit late today. It's the old rule. Everyone rests early, and it's the same when you watch it tomorrow morning.

Chapter 408 Zhu Chuan's Illusion

There are a lot of plantains growing on this banana tree, and most of them are already ripe.

Eat it as soon as possible, or it will start to rot.

It's easy to say if it's not cooked, you can put it aside and wait until it matures on its own.

In fact, the bananas and plantains that everyone usually eats are basically raw when they are picked.

Then it is transported all the way to all parts of the country and placed in supermarkets, fruit stands and other places, and gradually matures in the process.

If they are picked ripe, they will rot before they are transported.

In fact, to be honest, there are two kinds of flavors that mature on the tree and those that mature on the road.

But if you want to eat the best taste, you have to go to the place of origin.

Eat the freshly picked ones.

"Boss, the taste of this plantain is different from the ones sold in the supermarket. It's more delicious and sweeter!"

Su Xiaoqi ate two in a row.

Plantains are different from bananas. Bananas are longer, while plantains are shorter, and one is not big.

"Of course, the environment here is very suitable for the growth of plantains."

"It's the best thing to eat when it's ripe on the tree."

"It's just that I want to take all these away, and some trouble."

Ye Han shook his head.

It would be a hassle to take all these plantains away.

Before I came, I didn't know there would be such a big harvest, otherwise Ye Han would definitely bring the big girl with him.

"Yeah, these plantains are heavy, so it shouldn't be easy to take them away."

Su Xiaoqi also nodded.

There was a lot of stuff in their backpacks.

There is a pot, as well as bamboo rat and chicken.

And a lot of soap fruit!

There are so many things that a backpack can't hold it, and the remaining space can't hold many plantains at all.

"Forget it, there is still time, look at other places, and then explore."

"I'll collect some plantains to take away when I leave."

Ye Han said.

It's really not good, you can come again tomorrow!

When the time comes, bring the big girl over, and you can take it all away directly.

So, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi continued to walk around this area and explore.

"I've already bought a plane ticket, so I'm going to the place of origin to eat bananas!"

"Envy, it's nice to have money!"

"He was obviously joking. I saw in his profile that he was a whoring party. He didn't give a penny as a reward, and he even bought a plane ticket?"

"I know a friend who was suddenly craving hot pot in Sichuan Province in the middle of the night. He went straight out and flew across the province to eat hot pot. The next day he flew to Jinling again, saying that he was suddenly craving duck blood vermicelli soup... ."

"Your friend is not you, is it?"

"This kind of good thing doesn't need to make up a friend. He should really want to be this friend."


The audience chatted.

In fact, the life of the rich is unimaginable for ordinary people.

In a sentence on the Internet, that is, poverty limits my imagination.

The live broadcast room was very lively, because Ye Han explored the new area, attracting a large number of viewers and constantly discussing.

Every time Ye Han explores a new area, he will get a pretty good harvest, which is unimaginable for many other players.

Shouldn't it be normal to return empty-handed?

Going out to explore this kind of thing is like playing games and digging for treasure. The probability of getting good things is not high, or even very low.

But in Ye Han's place, everything went so smoothly.

And now, in the house of the cat detective.

He was looking at the five screens in front of him, focusing on five things.

Zeus, a beautiful country, is still practicing, trying to defeat the cat detective with all his strength.

He didn't expect that the cat detective was actually watching the live broadcast.

But in fact, for cat detectives, watching the live broadcast is also exercising their brain power.

Because he is comparing the pictures of the two sets of live broadcast rooms.

A large number of pictures flashed in his mind for comparison!

This level of analysis, even if it is handed over to a computer, will take a while to do.

But the cat detective is completely relying on his own brainpower to analyze and judge!

Modern society is so dependent on technology that some people have to subconsciously turn on the calculator in their mobile phone even to calculate some simple numbers.

Over time, the brain power is not as strong as before.

The cat detective trusts his own brain more. He believes that there must be some omissions in the judgment of the machine, because no matter how strict the procedure is, there are also shortcomings!

But his brain won't!

"Where Ye Han is..."

Detective Cat frowned.

He felt as if he had made a major new discovery.

However, he wasn't quite sure yet.

So he continues to analyze.

At the same time, at Zou Ming's house.

The whole family gathered together to watch the live broadcast. Zou Ming and Zhu Chuan had a lot of silver needles inserted into their faces, like two hedgehogs.

Chinese medicine therapy is indeed magical, and it is a treasure handed down from our ancestors.

With Zhang Yun's treatment, their condition has been improving, but it will take enough time to recover.

"Why does the place Ye Han came to look familiar to me?"

"Like I've been there before."

Zhu Chuan looked at the screen and said in confusion.

Hearing this, Zou Ming smiled.

"Legend, every place on this island looks the same, are you delusional?"

"You're not confident in what you say."

Zou Ming didn't take it seriously, he just thought it was Zhu Chuan's mistake.

But Zhu Chuan's brows furrowed even tighter. He tried to recall, but he had no memory.

Very blurry!

Because before he retired from the competition, he had already caused some mental problems because of his life, and he almost became mentally ill.

Later, although he recovered, he was attacked by anger again, and he was directly paralyzed, and fell into a coma and was rescued.

After experiencing these things, Zhu Chuan's memory also regressed a lot.

He couldn't remember a lot of things.

In the end, Zhu Chuan still shook his head.

"It should be my illusion."

he opened his mouth to speak.

At this moment, Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi around for another walk, but nothing was gained.

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