In fact, there are many very good people who are not married and infertile all their lives.

For example, Nobel, he left all his property to found the Nobel Prize, which represents the highest honor in many fields.

There is also a part of the reason, that is, because he is not married and has no descendants, so a lot of inheritance is not inherited.

Cat detectives can't do that!

Aunt Wang was worried and went back to her room to sleep.

The cat detective finished eating the beef noodles and lay down to sleep.

On the other side, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi ate a whole roasted chicken for dinner.

There's nothing to say about this stuff. The chicken that was just killed was very fresh, and after Su Xiaoqi's cooking, Ye Han almost chewed all the bones.


Ye Han hiccupped, satisfied.

"Chicken is a good friend of human beings. There is nothing wrong with this statement."

"Chicken meat can be eaten, eggs can be eaten, chicken feathers can also be made into shuttlecocks, chicken feather dusters..."

Ye Han held his fingers and praised the creature like chicken.

And when it comes to shuttlecock, he comes to inspiration.

"Yes, chicken feathers can be made into shuttlecocks."

"Go back and make a shuttlecock, let's play with it."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Most people have kicked the shuttlecock when they were young, some people are very powerful, and some people can only kick one, that is, the first kick, and there are people who can't even hit the first kick.

Su Xiaoqi also liked to play shuttlecock when she was a child, but she never played much.

As soon as she heard the shuttlecock, Su Xiaoqi also became interested.

"Okay, I'm pretty good at kicking the shuttlecock."

"When the time comes, let's compare, and whoever loses will have a day's worth of pots and pans."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Unexpectedly, Ye Han refused directly.

Ye Han's most hated job is washing dishes, no one.

Although he rarely washes the dishes himself, he does.

The most important thing is that now he still doesn't know Su Xiaoqi's shuttlecock kicking level, he needs to have knowledge and knowledge.

Ye Han would not fight a battle that he was not sure about.

Next, the two cleaned up, washed and went to bed.

The fifty-ninth day ends.

When Ye Han opened his eyes again, it was the sixtieth day.

Early in the morning, the audience was very excited.

The reason is simple because today is the last day of the second month!

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed since this game, which is one sixth of the schedule!

Many viewers began to look back on some of the previous events, and a large number of video bloggers also rushed out.

Two months, in fact, can be regarded as a milestone, and a lot of things happened during this period.

For example, some players left the field sadly, and some players died unexpectedly.

There are also many high-burning scenes, such as the big scene of the cold wind killing Thomas.

For many viewers who love to watch clipped videos, when they woke up this morning, it was like a Chinese New Year.


"Cool, so many wonderful video clips!"

"It's been two months. Before I know it, I've been watching Ye Han and Xiaoqi live for two months!"

"I have to drink something today, and celebrate, if my wife doesn't let me drink, I'll kick her out!"

"Brother Niu, I lied to my wife that the company worked overtime, but I actually went out to drink with my colleagues, hehe!"

"No, you just want to drink some wine, won't your wife let you? You are so miserable!"

"Uuuuu, I don't have a wife, and I want my wife to take care of me. Can you assign a wife to me in the live broadcast room?"

"No, hurry up and ask to kill you again!"


The live broadcast room was very lively, and there were many big players giving out rewards.

Among them is another account of the cat detective, who loves to drink jasmine tea.

In addition, there are many viewers who often tip, and most of them are familiar with them.

For example, half asleep and half awake is the most rewarded in Ye Han's live broadcast room. It is said that he is the young master of a real estate company and owns a private jet!

There is also a boring life, Yuheng, Fndre, etc., these IDs are familiar to everyone.

The cat detective woke up in the morning and noticed that today was the sixtieth day.

He simply gave Ye Han 60,000 yuan as a reward, and then started editing an article on the computer.

After his thinking yesterday, he has determined a conclusion, and all he has to do now is to write it out, explain it, and add to it.

Once this article is published, it will surely cause another uproar.

On Ye Han's side, he also noticed that today is the 60th day.

"It's the sixtieth day."

Ye Han looked at the time on the live broadcast bracelet.

"Three hundred and sixty-five days, the fraction will be over soon."

Ye Han grinned, got up and walked out of the bamboo building.

One day's plan is in the morning, Ye Han exercised his muscles and bones, breathing the fresh air, refreshed and full of energy.

Su Xiaoqi also followed him a few times.

Since going to the island, Su Xiaoqi feels that her body has improved a lot, not as delicate as before.

To be honest, the previous Su Xiaoqi was not too delicate.

It can be regarded as a normal person's physical strength, and even a little better, because he often cooks and serves Ye Han, can his health be poor?

"Boss, will you go out after breakfast?"

Su Xiaoqi is looking forward to it very much, today is another day to go out.

However, Ye Han shook his head.

"Don't worry!"

"I'm going to start burning bricks and tiles tonight, so before we set off, let's collect a wave of firewood, so we need enough firewood."

Ye Han said.

Using five earthen kilns at a time to start burning bricks and tiles requires absolutely a lot of firewood.

However, when she thought that she could go out after collecting enough firewood, Su Xiaoqi immediately regained her motivation.

Next, Ye Han started to patrol around and take care of the various animals that were farmed.

Shovel away the feces and add something to eat and drink.

Su Xiaoqi also started busy making breakfast, just in time for the hen to lay an egg.

It is estimated that the scene of killing a chicken last night scared this guy, so he quickly laid an egg today.

As for the duck, it has not laid eggs for several days.

Ye Han's attitude towards it is just letting things go.

One day, maybe Ye Han will be happy and want to eat roast duck, and that will be the time of the duck's death.

For breakfast in the morning, Su Xiaoqi spent a lot of thought.

Needless to say, two glasses of milk have become a must-have breakfast item every day.

Then Su Xiaoqi fried two slices of steak and came out with potatoes.

The most important thing is that she broke the eggs into egg liquid, then took out a few plantains and cut them into pieces.

Heat oil in a pan, dip the plantain in egg liquid, coat with a layer of tapioca starch, and fry in the pan!

Fried bananas are a kind of snack that many people have eaten. They often get tired of eating them. After all, they are fried foods, but it feels very good to eat them occasionally.

A scent has drifted away, and many viewers in the live broadcast room are about to cry.

Many people think of fried bananas as a snack, and are going to buy one today.

"Yo, is there a new dish today?"

After Ye Han came back, his eyes lit up when he saw the fried bananas.

He quickly tasted one, with a crispy crust on the outside, soft plantains on the inside, and a sweet taste, it was amazing!

"Yes, fried plantains!"

Ye Han gave a thumbs up, his appetite was immediately opened, he sat down and started to eat breakfast.

At the same time, the cat detective clicked the mouse and published an article.

Chapter 411 Amazing news

The article published by Detective Cat immediately caused an uproar.

At first, some viewers noticed that Detective Cat's blog post was updated, so they quickly took a look.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's startling!

Then quickly spread the news and said it in the live broadcast room.

More and more people came to see this blog post.

There are also people who are fans of Detective Cats themselves. This number is actually quite large, and it overlaps with the fans in Ye Han's live broadcast.

The news spread rapidly, and the number of likes for Detective Cat's article exceeded 5 million in a short period of time, and it continues to rise!

Terrible heat!

And there are still many people who have paid for this article, ranging from a small piece to hundreds of thousands more.

Just one article, the cat detective can make more than one million yuan!

The key is that he is not short of money, are you angry?

"So much reward money?"

"Go back and give Ye Han all the rewards."

Detective Cat thought to himself when he saw these rewards.

Among Ye Han's live broadcast fan rankings, the cat detective is not the most rewarded.

He also wanted to be a play on the list.

And the audience has seen this article, let alone the show crew.

Whether it is the official program group, the program group branch in China, or the program group branch in other countries around the world, in fact, special staff have been arranged to keep an eye on Detective Cat's movements.

After all, this person is very evil and can always predict some things. It can be called a weather vane of hot events, a bug-like existence.

Many things can only be investigated by the program team using satellite permissions, but Detective Cat can analyze it only with his brain!

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